Explain to your girlfriend what you like about her

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 28 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How Do You Tell A Girl You Love Her? Sadhguru Answers
Video: How Do You Tell A Girl You Love Her? Sadhguru Answers


It is important to compliment your partner on a regular basis to keep your relationship growing and strong. Mutual attraction is how relationships begin, but it takes work to perpetuate it. If you want to learn how to compliment someone (that's part of the job), you can learn what to say and how.

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Part 1 of 2: Knowing what to say

  1. Compliment someone's appearance, but add to it. Guys have a reputation for being shallow. If you think your loved one has a "beautiful body," that's great, but it doesn't necessarily have to be the first or most important thing you mention when your partner asks about it.
    • Say something you noticed immediately and then move on to the person's personality. "The first thing I noticed about you are your eyes, but what I've come to love is your great sense of humor. I love how you can make me laugh. "
    • When complimenting your partner's appearance, don't include body parts such as the size of their "attributes". Instead, say, "You look beautiful in that dress," or "I like you the way you dance." Compliment the style choices she makes.
    • Avoid using harsh words at all times. Do not use foul language on body parts. It's not funny, and it doesn't add to what you want to say.
  2. Compliment your partner's personality. Your partner wants to know why you like her, not why you are attracted to her. That means that you look beyond the outside and compliment your partner or crush on her inside. Here are some great tips:
    • "I love how you handle difficult situations and stay cool."
    • "I love how you interact with animals and are easy going."
    • "I love how passionate you are about music."
    • "I love that you are a great sister and a great daughter to your family."
    • "I love how you are always there for people who need help."
  3. Compliment your partner's intelligence. If you are attracted to your partner's thinking ability, it is always good to compliment her on that. Compliment your partner on her intelligence and abilities.
    • "I love how you care about the environment and your footprint in the world."
    • "I love that you are a good student and are committed to getting a good education."
    • "I like that you are well-read and knowledgeable about many different things."
    • "I like that you are involved in politics and you want to have an impact."
  4. What do you find attractive about what your partner does? What do you love about your partner's unique characteristics or skills? It's always nice to receive these kinds of specific and unique compliments:
    • "I love how hard you work. I have a lot of respect for that. "
    • "This cake is fantastic. I love your baking skills. "
    • "I like your sense of humor. You're so easy to deal with because you always make me laugh. "
    • "I love all of your hobbies. You are so talented and use your free time very wisely. "
  5. Talk about how your partner makes you feel. Compliments always come across as more genuine and valuable when they are linked to your feelings, your personal reaction and relationship. It is always better than a compliment that can be given to anyone.
    • "I enjoy your presence. I love you.'
    • "You are exciting and I love it."
    • "I love the way you make me laugh."
    • "I love that we can do nothing together, and that it is still exciting."
  6. Be as specific as possible. Compliments shouldn't sound like you picked them up from the internet. If you want your compliments to sound genuine, then you need to make them specific to your partner and use lots of details to make them really mean something. How can you compliment her? Indicate compliments your partner.
    • Instead of saying, "I love your body," you say, "I like the way you walk and move. When we walk through the park and the wind starts blowing you put your hair up while you just keep walking, and I love the way you do that. "
    • Instead of saying, "I love your personality," you say, "I love how you react when someone says something offensive and you get wobbly and give me a meaningful look. I feel like we are very close at that moment. "
    • Instead of saying, "I love your sense of humor," say something funny to her to share your sense of humor together. Say something like, "I love the way you eat peanut butter straight from the jar when you think no one is looking." I find that very exciting, "or something else that makes her laugh.
  7. Just tell the truth. Girls are not looking for anything specific when they ask this question other than the truth. If you like a girl because she makes you laugh, tell her. If you like a girl for her legs, say so. If you like someone, give them the respect they deserve by being honest and specific about what you like about that person. It is not a test that you have to pass. It's a fair question and an opportunity to get closer.

Part 2 of 2: Knowing how to compliment

  1. Give compliments without having to be asked. When someone asks you this question, you may not come up with a compliment often enough, or handle it incorrectly. You shouldn't give compliments because you are in trouble or because you are being asked to. Compliment the other only because you want to.
    • When is the right time for a compliment? Every moment. If the conversation stops and you don't know what to say for a while, a good compliment will always be appreciated.
    • If you're just complimenting people as an apology, then you should try to be more emotionally present in your relationship. Think about your partner's feelings more often.
  2. Compliment often, but not too often. A few compliments a week will be appreciated, but talking about just how much your partner means to you and what you don't love about every little thing will make you look more like an IV than a boyfriend. A few well-timed compliments are better than a steady stream.
    • A good rule of thumb? Wait until it seems like your partner might need it, but then offer something extra just for that.
  3. Compliment your partner at the right time. The best way to give a compliment is to make it seem like you've noticed something and are involuntarily saying something about it before you think about it any further. If your partner does something you love, compliment it right away. If you suddenly think, "Gosh, how amazing her eyes look today," compliment that. The best time is now.
  4. Even give compliments when you are not there. An unexpected compliment can be a great treat during the day. Sure, you can overdo it and get gooey, but a few random compliments can be a great way to show your partner that you care.
    • Text compliments sometime in the day.
    • Leave short notes in your partner's inbox or on the fridge at home.
    • If you have a computer at hand, open a chat window with a random reminder throughout the day. It will mean a lot to her.
  5. Alternate it a bit. If you always tell your partner that her butt looks great in those jeans, it won't mean anything in the end. Just as you don't want to eat the same sandwich every day for a year, no one wants the exact same conversation fifty times a month, especially with your partner. So vary it a bit. Give compliments and appreciation about completely different things each time you are together. It will help strengthen your relationship.


  • Try to exercise when you are alone. This way, when she asks, it doesn't come as a surprise, and you don't have to stutter.
  • Always look her in the eye when answering her question.
  • Be honest. Girls like men with an honest heart.
  • Feel free to ask her this question in turn (after you answer her question, of course). She may even have asked you about it, just so you would ask her!
  • Think about why you are with her in the first place. Is it her sense of humor? Or maybe her ability to gather a lot of friends around her.
  • Be prepared for this. She may ask you this tomorrow without you having an answer ready.


  • She may ask you why you like her eyes or face, etc. (this is why you should be prepared).