Exercise with dumbbells

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 14 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Full UPPER BODY Workout (Tone & Sculpt) - 15 min At Home
Video: Full UPPER BODY Workout (Tone & Sculpt) - 15 min At Home


Dumbbells can be used for weight training and full-body fitness. Working with dumbbells can be a great way to exercise at home or in the gym. There are many different exercises you can do, and the weight can easily be adjusted to your needs. Dumbbells are especially effective, because you not only train the most important muscles, but also put stabilizing muscles to work.

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Method 1 of 4: Learn the correct dumbbell technique

  1. Choose dumbbells of an appropriate weight. If you have never done strength training before, select a set of dumbbells that suit what you need as a beginner. You can buy a set of dumbbells with an increasing weight, so you can start light and train harder and harder. Alternatively, you can also buy dumbbells with interchangeable weights, so you can use increasingly heavier weights while exercising.
    • If you want more muscle definition and endurance, instead of making your muscles bigger, select weights that will allow you to do 12 to 20 reps of a given exercise before you get too tired.
    • If your goal is to work on your strength and build more muscle mass, choose a weight that you cannot do more than 8 reps before you are too tired to continue.
    • Continue with heavier weights when reps are no longer challenging at the end of a set.
  2. When you're just starting out, focus on the form, not the number of reps. Instead of rushing through the reps, focus on doing the movements and your technique the best you can to keep your workout safe and focus on your muscles. Since weights strain and stabilize your muscles, as well as require resistance from your muscles, slow and conscious movements can help control and focus on the muscle you are trying to work.
    • Slow movements also help build muscle and give your body a better workout, as it forces your muscles to keep the weight stable and lifted for extended periods of time during each phase of the movement.
    • Be especially careful not to overcompensate with other parts of your body. For example, if you are doing bicep curls, make sure you are standing upright and in good posture. Don't let your back do the job.
  3. Keep an eye on your shape. While working with dumbbells, it is important to pay attention to your shape and posture so that you get the most benefit from each repetition, but also to reduce the risk of injury. Keep your wrists, elbows, arms and legs in the correct position to prevent injuries and improve the workout you get from all your efforts.
    • Exercising in front of the mirror can help you make sure you are using the correct technique for exercising with dumbbells.
    • Watch online videos, magazine articles and talk to the gym team for guidelines on how to use proper form. A trainer can teach you proper posture and body mechanics for your dumbbell workout.

Method 2 of 4: Training your upper body with dumbbells

  1. Do bicep curls. By your upper body we mean your arms, shoulders, upper back and chest. There are dozens of variations of dumbbell exercises you can try to train these muscles. For the biceps, the classic dumbbell move is the bicep curl. Start with your arms relaxed at your sides and pull the dumbbells up to shoulder height, sideways or at the same time, in 2-3 sets of 8-20 reps.
    • While lifting the dumbbell, keep a close eye on your posture and try not to make any pulling movements with your body. Keep the movement fluid and in control.
    • Variations are the sitting bicep curl, and the hammer curl, where your palms are facing your body.
  2. Train your triceps. Triceps extensions are a great dumbbell exercise for triceps training. With the triceps extension, hold the dumbbells above your head, one in each hand. Bend through your elbow, lower one hand to the back of your shoulder. Lift your arm back up so that the dumbbell is above your head. Repeat for the other side. Keep your arm as still as possible and your posture upright.
    • You can make a variation by doing this exercise with two hands. Hold a dumbbell in both hands and make the same movement as above.
    • An alternative triceps exercise is the kickback. You do this by placing your knee and your hand on a training bench and holding a dumbbell in the other hand while leaning forward.
    • Push the dumbbell back so that your hand goes up to your hip while extending the elbow.
    • For each of these exercises, do between 2 and 3 sets of 8 to 20 reps.
  3. Strengthen your shoulders. There are many exercises for training your shoulders that you can do with a dumbbell. Many of these exercises are variations of the shoulder press. Begin the shoulder press by holding the dumbbells at shoulder height, then push your arms up, lifting the weights directly overhead. Hold them there for a moment before slowly lowering them back to your shoulders. This is one repetition.
    • Do not lock your elbows when you have lifted the weights to their highest point, or pull your back while trying to lift the weights.
    • Keep your back straight and engage your core for support.
    • You can do presses while standing or sitting.
  4. Use dumbbells to strengthen your chest muscles. You can use dumbbells for bench presses, the most common exercise for strengthening your chest. Bench presses with dumbbells, like those with barbells, are useful for training your chest muscles and require the help of stabilizing muscles for lifting. You can alternate this movement by doing the bench press on a forward or backward tilted bench, or with a neutral grip.
    • Lie on your back on an exercise bench with your hands in front of your shoulders and push both dumbbells towards the ceiling. Hold them there for a moment and then slowly lower them again.
    • To add variation, you can do fly's on your chest. Sit on an incline or regular exercise bench, or on a chair, holding the dumbbells at the sides of your shoulders, with your arms slightly bent.
    • Make an embrace motion to bring the weights together in front of your body, then slowly lower them back to the sides.
  5. Do exercises that train your back. You can use dumbbells to train your back in different ways. Rowing, bending over and the dead lift are useful and simple dumbbell exercises for strengthening the back, but they do require extra attention to your safety. If you suffer from back pain or an injury, do not perform these exercises except under the guidance of a qualified fitness professional. Because of the risk of back injury, it is important to always choose a weight that is not too heavy for you.
    • To row, stand with your knees bent and lean forward with a dumbbell in each hand. Make sure your back stays straight.
    • Lift your hands up towards your core at the same time or in turn.
    • Exhale while lifting. Inhale again as you lower the weights.
    • You can also do this exercise from a squat position, or with your arm and leg on one side of your body resting on a training bench. Do 2-3 sets of 20 reps each.
  6. Work on your trapezius muscles. To target your trapezius (the group of muscles between your neck and your shoulders) there is a very simple dumbbell exercise. You start raising the shoulders by letting your arms hang at your sides with a dumbbell in each hand. Then shrug your shoulders in an exaggerated way, and then lower them back to the starting position. You will soon notice that your trapezius muscles are starting to tire.
    • Do 2-3 sets of 8-20 reps.

Method 3 of 4: Using dumbbells to train your core

  1. Use dumbbells for extra resistance while doing crunches. You can perform multiple movements with dumbbells to train your full core. An example of adding extra weight to regular core exercises is the weighted crunch. You do this by holding a dumbbell in front of your chest while doing the crunches. The extra weight will make each rep heavier and increase the workout your abs get.
    • Holding the dumbbell above your head will make the exercise a lot harder.
    • The more weight you add, the more your abs will have to work to complete each set.
    • Do 2 sets of 20 crunches.
  2. Do side bends with extra weight. These are good exercises for working your oblique muscles that run along both sides of your abs. Hold a dumbbell in one hand and lean your upper body to the other. Make sure you lift the dumbbell slightly so that you don't rest it completely on your hip. Switch arms and sides after 2-3 sets of 8-20 reps.
  3. Try some woodchops. Woodchops are a great exercise to train your core with a dumbbell. Start by holding the dumbbell above your left shoulder, with your arms extended. Then, with a chopping motion, pull the dumbbell down as you rotate your core and bend your knees. Lower the dumbbell so that it is on the outside of your shin, near the right leg. Keep your core contracted as you lift the dumbbell back to the starting position above your left shoulder.
    • Complete all reps for that side, switch to the other side and do the rest of the reps.
    • Make sure your back doesn't buckle and focus on your core.
    • Do 2-3 sets of 8-20 reps.

Method 4 of 4: Strengthen your legs with dumbbells

  1. Stand on your toes with dumbbells. Dumbbells can also be used to train the leg muscles. This adds weight to resistance movements, forcing your muscles to work harder. To do these weight-bearing exercises, hold a dumbbell in each hand and slowly rise up until you are on your toes, then lower yourself back to the normal standing position. This workout focuses on your calf muscles.
    • To add some variation, you can do this per leg, or with two legs.
    • You can also do this exercise while standing on a step. This adjustment increases the range of motion, as your heel can drop further than the rest of your foot.
    • Do 2-3 sets of 8-20 reps.
  2. Practice lunge variations with dumbbells. Lunges are done by putting one foot forward or backward, keeping the body weight evenly distributed between each foot. Grab a dumbbell in each hand for more resistance. While bending your knees and kneeling, you can feel the burning in your thighs.
    • You can do a side lunge by stepping out with one leg to the side, lowering your butt to the floor.
    • Keep your back straight and straight while doing lunges. Engage your core and focus on training your legs.
    • Do front, back, and side lunges about 2-3 times on each leg.
  3. Use dumbbells for squats. By using dumbbells for your regular squats, you make the exercise a lot heavier and your legs have to work much harder. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and gently lower your body until your knees are at a 90 degree angle and you have come to a sitting position. Hold this position for a moment before coming back up. Keep your upper body as straight as possible while moving down and up.
    • Squats on one leg make them a lot heavier.


  • Consider using light dumbbells during your cardio workouts for an added challenge.


  • Consult your doctor before embarking on a strenuous dumbbell training regimen.