Watching porn together at home

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 25 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Uni Students Watch Porn Together (SFW)
Video: Uni Students Watch Porn Together (SFW)


Watching pornography can be a safe, fun way to explore your sexuality, and if you can do it at home where you have privacy and the right vibe, you can enjoy more of the pornography you watch together. While it is up to the reader's imagination what he or she does after watching the pornography, this article will certainly help you enjoy the pornography even more.

To step

Part 1 of 2: Creating the right atmosphere

  1. Discuss with your partner what kind of pornography you will be viewing. If you are going to watch pornography on your own, you don't need to discuss your preferences with anyone else, but if you are going to watch pornography with your partner, it is important that you discuss your preferences in advance.
    • Watching pornography together can be an exciting and fun experience, and in some cases, it brings people in a relationship even closer together.
    • Decide together which genre or fantasy you would like to watch. By determining together in advance what you are and are not interested in, you create a pleasant atmosphere that you both feel comfortable with.
    • Ask, "What kind of pornography would you like to watch?" Also ask, "What kind of pornography would you rather not watch?"
    • Never force your partner to see something he or she doesn't want.
    • Don't pressure your partner or be upset if he or she doesn't want to watch pornography.
  2. Choose a suitable time for yourself or with your partner. In the evening or night is usually suitable, because the chance that friends will come over or that someone will call is then smaller. If you share a room, only watch pornography when you know your roommate is gone. Also, make sure to pick a time when your partner isn't tired or stressed, and always ask him / her if he / she wants to watch pornography before turning on a video or opening a magazine.
    • Ask your partner, "Is this a good time to watch pornography together?"
    • Make sure there are no family members coming home at that time.
    • Watch pornography in your own room if you live with others; do not watch pornography in a shared living room of a commune or with your parents.
  3. Have privacy. To ensure your privacy, you lock the door, close the curtains, and double check if there are others at home. Also check your phone to see if there are any messages or calls that you need to answer right away before watching the pornography.
    • If you have a roommate, say you need some alone time in your room.
    • If your room doesn't have a lock, close the door and put a chair or a large object in front of the door. That will start to move and you will notice in time that someone wants to open the door.
    • It can be quite embarrassing to get caught watching pornography so make sure you are alone before you start.
  4. Create a romantic atmosphere. This doesn't just apply to couples - even if you want to enjoy pornography on your own, make sure to dim the lights, light some candles, and tidy up items that get in the way. Some people even like to put on some romantic music while enjoying pornography.

Part 2 of 2: Looking for pornography

  1. Decide what kind of provider you want for this type of adult entertainment. There is a lot available for free on the internet, and there are also certain "adult entertainment" sites that you can purchase a paid subscription to. But you may prefer a magazine or DVD.
  2. Buy the DVDs or magazines online, or at a newsstand or sex shop. You can easily find pornographic DVDs and magazines at a sex shop, newsstand or gas station. If you are not sure if there is one near you, you can use a search engine to look online for one near you. But going to a store is not necessary, as there is a lot of pornography available for free on the internet.
  3. Look for pornographic videos on your computer or smartphone. There are many popular pornographic free websites, such as Pornhub, xVideos, YouPorn, etc. You can choose one of these sites. You can also type the word "porn" into a search engine, or type in a genre within pornography that you would like to watch, such as "lesbian porn". Every website has a versatile choice of pornography for you.
    • Whether you want to watch straight, gay, or group sex, it's all available online.
    • Disable Safesearch from the search engine you are using; because otherwise the porn websites probably won't show up.
  4. See what you like. You don't have to watch videos that make you feel uncomfortable. If you are with your partner, you can say to him or her, "I don't like this video. Let's watch another one. "If you are alone, you can simply watch another DVD or visit another website. Viewing pornography is intended to be a pleasant experience.
  5. Communicate with your partner. It is not that there should be no more communication between your partner and you simply because you are watching pornography. Keep in touch with your partner during the experience. Make sure you know he or she is having a good time, and if he or she seems uncomfortable, ask if there is anything.
    • It's okay to laugh and act silly while watching pornography.
    • Ask your partner if he or she enjoys the pornography.
    • Ask your partner what he or she wants to do while watching the video online, DVD, or viewing the magazine.
  6. Look up the pieces you like to watch in pornography. Some pornographic videos last longer than an hour. You may want to fast-forward the DVD or video online so that you find a section you want to watch, rather than watching the entire video. If you are going to watch pornography online, you can also watch a few different videos until you find one that you enjoy watching.
  7. Relax and enjoy. If you are new to this experiment, see what feels right to you. Remember it's not about reaching orgasm, feel free to explore.


  • Talk to your partner early on in your relationship to find out how he or she feels about viewing pornography and whether you are willing to change your behavior if your partner disapproves of viewing pornography.
  • In order not to be too distracted, you can dim the lights, or stimulate your senses by lighting candles or by playing some music.


  • If you suspect you may have pornography addiction, seek help from your doctor or a psychologist.
  • Be careful if you try to imitate sexual acts that you have seen. Listen to your body, and stop if something starts to hurt.
  • Pornography is illegal in some countries, check that before you start.
  • Pornography should be viewed only by adults, in a place with privacy that children cannot access.
  • Never watch pornographic videos showing people who may be underage. Videos like that are illegal.