Apply The Secret

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 16 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Kubernetes ConfigMap and Secret as Kubernetes Volumes | Demo
Video: Kubernetes ConfigMap and Secret as Kubernetes Volumes | Demo


The incredible popularity of The Secret DVD has prompted millions of people to try to improve their lives by projecting thoughts that reflect life as they wish and by embracing positivity into their lives. But thinking alone will not help you much further in manifesting your desires. However, there are very simple steps you can follow to make the life you dream of becoming a reality.

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Part 1 of 4: Learning The Secret

  1. Watch the DVD. Released in 2006, The Secret DVD is a documentary-style self-help video that claims to reveal the secret to a happy, fulfilling life.
    • Essentially, the great secret is that thinking about something will make it a reality.
    • The film claims that many of the great thinkers in human history have practiced this secret, including Plato, Beethoven, William Shakespeare and Albert Einstein.
    • According to the website associated with the film, “Rhonda Byrne's discovery of The Secret began with a glimpse of the truth about life in a 100-year-old book. lay at the heart of the most powerful philosophies, doctrines and religions in this world. " This theory shrouds the origins of the film in a historical mystery, starting with the Emerald Tablet which is believed to contain the information from The Secret and later within the order of the Rosicrucians who were rumored to be the protectors of The Secret.
  2. Read the book. The Secret book was written by Rhonda Byrne and was intended for the movie.
    • The book explains The Law of Attraction and how to visualize something and pretend it is already present in your life so that the Universe can give it to you.
    • The website accompanying the book states: "Everything is possible, nothing is impossible. There are no limits. Whatever you dream of you can have, if you use The Secret."
  3. Understand the ideas behind The Secret. The Secret claims that all energy is relative and mutual. So, if you radiate positive energy, you will also get positive energy back. With this, there are two keys to creating positive changes in your life:
    • Gratitude. Being grateful reinforces the idea that you believe that you will be provided by the Universe for what you desire. It also creates more positive energy so that you can receive more positive energy.
    • Visualization. Visualizing your desires ensures that the message is conveyed more clearly to the Universe.

Part 2 of 4: Understanding the Law of Attraction

  1. Learn what the Law of Attraction really means. This is the idea that people and their thoughts are made of energy that is received and answered by the universe.
    • So if you radiate positive energy, you will also receive positive energy. When you radiate negative energy, you receive negative energy.
    • For example, if you are waiting for news about a possible promotion and you have a positive outlook on the outcome, you will be notified that you will also receive that promotion. However, if you take a negative view of the matter, you will be told that you will not receive the promotion.
  2. Let the Law of Attraction help you create real change. The idea that "loving attracts loving" does not mean that just thinking about something will cause it to be reflected in that person's life. You will have to become a person who is able to actually manifest this in his / her life.
    • The philosophical writer James Allen has written that a man forms himself as his thoughts are. However, this notion is only valid if that man also acts according to his thoughts.
  3. Remember that thoughts equate to energy. Encouraging yourself to focus on positive thoughts will eventually lead to existing positive energy (thoughts) renewing themselves and converting negative energy / thoughts into more positive energy, which can bring about a very real change in your life.
    • Thoughts are powerful and have an incredible effect on how you respond to everything in your life. But to really understand the Law of Attraction, you will need to know that you only attract what you want into your life after you begin to incorporate these desires into your life. In other words, act like the kind of person who already has what you want.
    • If you want to have more money, don't think about getting more money, just "act like" you are that type of person making that amount of money. This simple mental change is actually going to change something in your life.

Part 3 of 4: Understanding the universe

  1. Live in the now. We spend so much of our time pondering the past or dreaming about the future, but the universe only knows the "now." The universe is always in the present, so you will have to be active and also think in the now in order to manifest the things you desire.
    • Thinking about your wishes as something that you will ever obtain in the future will send the message to yourself and the Universe that you will always be someone that will get this something "in the future." By accepting this receiving in the future, you allow yourself to be viewed as someone who is not receiving in the present. But the future will never happen; the present is happening right now, right now. Only the Now is reality. Think and act as if you are in the "now".
  2. Don't start with time limits. Remember, there is only the "now". So if you indicate that you want to see something materialized in your life at some point in the future (two months from now, two years from now, etc.) then you are telling the Universe that you are not actually longing for that one thing. Since "now" is all that really exists, any delay in fulfilling a wish is actually a rejection of that wish.
    • For example, if you say that you want to manifest a new love in your life within a month, it is the same as telling the Universe that you do not want a new love now.
  3. Surround yourself with like-minded people. Nothing can burn up your energy faster than having to listen to a complainer or a person immersed in their own negativity. Sooner or later, those people's negative outlook will affect you and prompt you to think and act like someone you aren't, or don't want to be. Again, you will need to focus on exchanging positive energy for positive energy. Surrounding yourself with negative people prevents this from happening.

Part 4 of 4: Using The Secret

  1. Radiate positivity. Think about happiness, Talk about being happy. Compliment people. Do others a favor. Be generous and kind. Everything you do for others will receive you again. What you focus on and do to others, you also bring into your own life. Be happy! There are many things you can do to increase your frequency.
    • Spend more time doing things you enjoy.
    • Think about the happy memories you have had with friends and family. Spend time with your loved ones!
    • Experience things you've always wanted to do!
    • Listen to happy and happy music that you really love!
    • Watch funny videos and movies!
  2. Learn to visualize. Your reality is created by the images you have in your mind - the Universe does not understand words. It is often easier to envision images that move. When you want to visualize something, think about your five senses; sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch. Thinking about these things while working on your wishes is very important. The visualization should feel so real that you feel like you are completely surrounded by it.
    • As you visualize, concentrate fully - with your whole being - on the things you want. When you are done with that, you will have to act and think as if you have already received it. It is already yours. All you have to do is wait for it to arrive. However, if you don't engage in too much of it - if you get stuck in it, you may get negative feelings and thoughts about it.
  3. Shift your entire existence to receive what you want. Do you want money? Then feel like you just won 1,000,000 euros! Do you want to meet the love of your life? Then let the love you might feel for that person - the person about to appear in your life - fill you up! Shape your life, do what you would have done if your wish had already been fulfilled! If you do it right, it is already on its way - all you have to do is believe it is already yours.
  4. Faith! The secret to success is to use the Law of Belief. Believing is your job. The Universe will take care of the rest. If you have any doubts about this, start with something small. Create in your mind an image of a certain kind of leaf, rock, feather, etc. - something small. Make this unique, so unique that when you see it for the first time, it is unmistakable. Read the fantastic stories written by people who have used this law. Maybe at some point you will write your own story about your experiences.
  5. Love yourself. The importance of this step cannot be overemphasized. What you feel and think on the inside will soon coincide with reality. Learn how to make yourself happy. Remember that our feelings and our bodies reflect what is going on in our heads. This can be changed at any time, but it has to start on the inside.
  6. Meditate to make yourself feel better. It will make you feel more rested and a sense of calm.
  7. Spend time in the GAP every day. GAP meditation was originally developed by renowned spiritual teacher Wayne Dyer. This form of meditation focuses on spending some of your time in the silence that exists between your thoughts.
    • GAP meditation is grounded in Christianity because you repeat the beginning of the Lord's Prayer to calm the mind and continue in a Hindu form of recitation called Japa, which produces some kind of body vibrations that are linked to the vibrations of the world around you.
    • GAP-style meditation, minutes a day, can often help you gain better control over your thoughts. It's also a great way to re-energize yourself and focus on the inner workings of the soul, without the distractions of the world around you.
    • If you are tense and in a situation where you cannot meditate, just clear your head and take a deep breath for a while.
  8. Let your religion play a part. If you are religious, include a prayer in your meditation. By communicating with your god in silence you can create more positive energy in your life.