Insert symbols in a Word document

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Insert a Symbol or Special Character in Word
Video: Insert a Symbol or Special Character in Word


Sometimes the standard letters, numbers and punctuation marks just aren't enough. If you're working on a Word document and want to insert a special symbol such as copyright, trademark, and the ever-popular Euro, just to name a few, here are a few ways to do that.

To step

Method 1 of 5: Using auto-correct for known symbols

  1. Open an MS Word document.
  2. Make sure auto-correct is turned on.
    • click on FileOptionsCheckAutoCorrect options, then under the tab AutoCorrect, tick Replace text while typing On.
    • Note that you have additional options for AutoCorrect can indicate for symbols you use often, such as df for ° F.
  3. Type (r) or (R) to create the registered symbol, ®.
  4. Type (c) or (C) to create the copyright symbol, ©.
  5. Type (tm) or (TM) to create the trademark symbol, ™.
  6. Type (e) or (E) to create the euro symbol, €.

Method 2 of 5: Using the Symbol menu

  1. Place your cursor. Make sure the insert cursor blinks at the location where you want to place the symbol. Click on the tab Insert on the taskbar.
  2. Find the group Symbols. Press the button Symbol and a list of recently used symbols will appear. Select a symbol from that menu and it will be inserted at the cursor location.

Method 3 of 5: Using the Symbols window

  1. If you are using an older version of Word, or if you do not see the symbol you are looking for, click on More symbols around the window Symbols to open.
  2. The window Symbols will open in the first of the two tabs. The second tab is the tab Special characters.
  3. Select the desired symbol from the table with Special characters.
  4. Press the button Insert. This can be found in the lower part of the window Symbols, and the copyright symbol will be inserted at the cursor location.

Method 4 of 5: Using special codes

  1. Insert the symbols manually. You can also insert symbols manually using a symbol code and then press Alt + X.
    • To copyright To insert the symbol, first type in the code for it copyright symbol, 00A9.
    • Press the key combination Alt + X.
    • The code is replaced by the symbol (if this does not work, press Alt + 0169).

Method 5 of 5: Using keyboard shortcuts

  1. Some frequently used symbols have alternate shortcuts. The symbol for copyright for example, you can create with the key combination Alt + Ctrl + C.
    • Use the tab Special characters for finding commonly used symbols, such as copyright, registered, trademark, ellipse, opening parenthesis only, etc., along with the hotkey.


  • After you add a symbol like copyright or trademark inserted, select it and click Start in the ribbon and select Font style. Then go to the tab Font style and switch Superscript in. By selecting Superscript, will it copyrightsymbol should be placed just above the text line. Without Superscript will it copyrightsymbol will appear on the same line as the text, just like any other letter.
  • If you've chosen a symbol and you want it to be just below the text line, select the symbol and click Start in the ribbon and select Font style. Then go to the tab Font style and switch Subscript in. The symbol will be placed just below the text line.
  • If you don't see the symbol you want listed in Windows, try the WingDings font. You will be presented with a series of characters to choose from.