Stop coughing

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Stop Coughing In 3 Minutes-No More Dry Cough
Video: How To Stop Coughing In 3 Minutes-No More Dry Cough


While coughing is a healthy reflex that helps clean the airways, it can be an annoying and even bothersome nuisance. Whether you're at home, at work, or in bed, a cough can be painful and sometimes even embarrassing. Depending on your type of cough, there are a number of steps you can take to relieve the sore throat. You can use home remedies for an acute cough, but if the cough doesn't seem to go away, it's best to see your doctor.

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Method 1 of 4: The annoying, acute cough

  1. Stay hydrated. The postnatal drip, as it is so nicely called, is the stuff that comes out of your nose and slips down your throat (causing it to irritate), this can be remedied by drinking water. This will dilute the mucus, making it more manageable for the throat.
    • Unfortunately, this does not mean that you can start drinking lawyers. Water, as always, is the best. Avoid carbonated drinks and acidic juices - these can irritate the throat even more.
  2. Keep your throat healthy. While throat care isn't necessarily coughing (that's a symptom in itself), it will make you feel better and sleep better.
    • Try pastilles or cough drops. These numb the back of the throat, lowering the cough reflex.
    • Drink tea with honey. This also helps soothe the throat. Just make sure that the tea is not too hot!
    • There is no scientific evidence for this, but half a teaspoon of ginger or apple cider vinegar with half a teaspoon of honey is also often used.
  3. Take advantage of the air. Create an environment that makes it easy for the throat. If you change environments, the symptoms may diminish.
    • Get into a hot shower. This can loosen the nasal discharge, making it easier to breathe.
    • Invest a humidifier. Adding moisture to dry air can relieve pain.
    • Remove irritants. Perfumed sprays may seem harmless, but some people are extremely sensitive to them and can develop cavities irritated by exposure.
    • Smoke is, of course, the biggest culprit. If you're around a smoker, get out of the way. If you smoke yourself, the cough is likely to be chronic, and more than just an annoyance.
  4. Take medicine. If nothing else seems to work, opt for medications. It is best to consult a doctor for this. There are several types of medication that you can choose from.
    • Cough softeners soothe the throat. This makes the coughing less painful. Examples of this are alcoholic syrup and thyme syrup.
    • Cough suppressants increase the cough stimulus threshold and thereby reduce the tendency to cough. Examples of these are noscapine, dextromethorphan, pentoxyverine, and codeine.
    • There are also remedies for mucus cough. Some of these stimulate the production of mucus, which makes it easier to cough up. Others make tough mucus in the airways thinner and less chewy, making it easier to cough up. Examples of these are acetylcysteine, boron hexine, and carbocysteine.
    • Do not give over-the-counter medicines to children under 4. They can cause serious side effects.
  5. Consult the doctor. You probably won't need to call a medical professional for a simple cough, but if it lasts longer or is a symptom of another problem, it is best to visit someone who can make the correct diagnosis.
    • Regardless of the duration of the cough, if you are coughing up blood, chills, or become exhausted you should contact your doctor immediately. He / she will be able to determine the cause of the cough, such as asthma, allergies, the flu, etc.

Method 2 of 4: The severe, chronic cough

  1. Go to the doctor. If the cough lasts longer than a month, your cough may have progressed to a chronic cough.
    • You may have cavity inflammation, asthma, or gastroesophageal reflux (heartburn). Knowing the cause of the cough is the first step in treatment.
    • The doctor can prescribe you a course of antibiotics if you have a cavity infection. He / she may also suggest the use of a nasal spray.
    • If you are allergic to anything, you will of course be told to avoid those allergens as much as possible. If this is the case, the cough can be resolved in this way.
    • If you have asthma, avoid situations that trigger the asthma. Take your medications regularly, and try to avoid all allergens and irritants.
    • When the stomach acid gets into your throat, it is called gastroesophageal reflux. There are medications that can relieve the pain. In addition, it is wise not to eat 3 to 4 hours before going to bed, and to go to sleep with your head slightly raised.
  2. Stop smoking. There are many programs and resources that can help you to get rid of smoking. The doctor can also help you. He / she can refer you to a particular program or discuss new, effective methods with you.
    • If you're a passive smoker, know that this could be the explanation for your cough. Try to avoid smoking as much as possible.
  3. Take medicine. In general, the cough is a symptom. Therefore, you should only take cough medication if the actual cause is unknown. If you have a chronic cough then it's a different story. Only take medicine if your doctor is okay with it. Here are your options:
    • Air removers
    • Expectorants. These thin the mucus, making it easier to cough up.
    • Prescription cough suppressants. These increase the coughing stimulus, so that you have to cough less quickly. By the way, keep in mind that the over-the-counter cough syrups are not based on scientific evidence.
  4. Drink more. Although this will not make the cause of the cough go away, it will make you feel significantly better.
    • Especially drink water. Carbonated and sugary drinks can irritate the throat.
    • Warm soups and broths can also relieve a sore throat.

Method 3 of 4: For kids

  1. Avoid certain medications. Most over-the-counter medications can cause side effects in children under 4. Keep this in mind if you want to treat your little one's cough.
    • Never use cover drops on children under 2. They are dangerous and may present a choking hazard at that age.
  2. Practice healthy throat habits. Making it as easy as possible for the throat will reduce the side effects of your little one's fever or flu. Take steps to minimize these symptoms.
    • Offer plenty of fluids. Water, tea, and juices are all fine (breast milk for babies too). Avoid soft drinks and citrus juices. These can irritate the throat.
    • Sit in a steaming bath for about twenty minutes and put a humidifier in the children's room. These methods can clean the nasal airways, limit coughing, and help the child fall asleep more easily.
  3. Pay a visit to the doctor. If your child has trouble breathing, or if the cough has lasted for more than three weeks, see a doctor immediately.
    • This is especially important if the child is less than three months old, or if the cough is accompanied by a fever or other symptoms.
    • See if the cough recurs annually, or is caused by something specific - in which case there may be allergies.

Method 4 of 4: Alternative method: Honey & Cream

  1. Grab a saucepan. Pour in 200ml of whole milk.
    • Add a tablespoon (15g) of honey and a good teaspoon (5g) of butter or margarine. Give it a stir.
  2. Slowly bring the ingredients to a boil until the butter melts. This will create a yellow layer on top.
    • The yellow layer is fine, you don't have to stir again.
  3. Pour the mixture into a cup. Let it cool down for a while before giving it to your child (ren).
  4. Sip it slowly! Make sure you also drink the yellow layer.
  5. See if the cough goes away. The cough should subside or go away within an hour.
    • This mixture coats the throat, causing it to become numb. Mind you, the cold or flu (the cause of the cough) will not go away.
  6. Keep yourself warm. A cold body is more prone to illness.
    • And if you have a dry cough, drink plenty of water!


  • Before going to sleep, put a cold washcloth on the throat. This way you can fall asleep peacefully.
  • Make a warm mixture of honey, lemon and tea. Sip it slowly.
  • Try to stay calm. Sometimes the cough can be reduced by staying calm and warm. Grab a warm blanket and lie down on a comfortable spot. Read or watch TV. Keep calm and distract yourself.
  • There are dozens of home remedies. From aloe vera to onions, to garlic syrup, etcetera, etcetera. If the cough only tickles you a little, don't hesitate to try some home remedies.
  • Turmeric and milk can help clear the cough.
  • If you are young, stay in bed and don't go to school.


  • Cough can be a symptom of a larger, more dangerous condition. If you experience other life-changing side effects, seek professional care immediately.