Stop playing with your hair

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 9 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
3 ways to STOP touching your  Hair - (hand in hair syndrome)
Video: 3 ways to STOP touching your Hair - (hand in hair syndrome)


You've been playing with your hair since kindergarten, but now you've decided you want to quit. Curling, pulling and tucking your hair behind your ears is common in children and adults. Changing this behavior can be challenging, especially if it has become a habit, or addictive or compulsive behavior. By admitting it has become a problem, distracting yourself and using different accessories and hairstyles, you can change this. With this you can free yourself from this habit.

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Method 1 of 4: Dealing with this tendency

  1. Stay alert and aware of your behavior. You can play with your hair without realizing it. If you are trying to change behavior you have to be aware of it already your behavior. You agreed with yourself to make a change, and now you have the opportunity to persevere and gain confidence.
    • Lowering and limiting the number of tasks you are trying to do at the same time will help you be more aware of what you are doing.
    • Tell yourself things like, "Okay, I'm wide awake, alert and not going to play with my hair."
  2. Create a plan for change. Set a start date and identify all the action steps you will take to quit your habit. A well-founded plan will increase the chance of success. You then have goals to pursue and ways to achieve them.
    • Leave nothing to guess. You know what you want and if you don't know how to get it done, you can and will figure it out.
  3. Determine the level of your habit and the need for help. Realize that playing with your hair is a common condition, but it can develop into a tap. Most behaviors are measured relative to a standard, which ranges from mild to moderate and severe OCD. If playing with your hair has become an uncontrollable habit causing problems in your personal life, then it may be time to do something about it.
    • Although you must rely on a professional to make an official diagnosis, you can evaluate your behavior and decide the level of care and action you want to take. There may be instances when others disagree with you and want you to take more vigorous action.
    • On one end of the scale, you'll find mild cases that resolve on their own or require simple strategies to stop the habit.
    • At the other end of the scale are conditions such as trichotillomania, a condition where you repeatedly have to "pull" your hair from your head, eyebrows, or eyelashes. This extreme condition can leave a person bald patches and skin irritations that interfere with his or her daily life. This would confirm that you have OCD and definitely need help to limit or get rid of the behavior.
    • Playing with your hair excessively is often associated with other conditions such as obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), depression, and anxiety. You may need to seek treatment for these other conditions, which can eventually lead to the disappearance of your hair obsession.
  4. Seek professional help if you find it difficult to change this. There are several online resources available for you online, such as: "The Fear, Compulsion and Phobia Foundation", and the "Dutch Knowledge Center Anxiety and Depression (NedKAD)", or go to your doctor. Help is available and could be the best thing you've ever done for yourself.
    • Introspection is the process of direct access to your own internal processes. If you find out how and why you respond to people and things around you, you will be able to solve many personal problems. Only you can do whatever it takes to find the answers to these questions. Analysis can be difficult, but it can put you on a clear path to change.
    • Getting the help you need is a brave and brave thing to do. It will contribute to your desire to live a full and happy life. With the right tools, you can make that happen.
  5. Reward yourself when your plan works. Every small success and big success is an achievement and stands for that change. Identify those things that you find rewarding so that you are ready to celebrate. When you enjoy the intrinsic and extrinsic rewards of your hard work, it will motivate you to keep going.
    • If you can successfully get through a particular event that normally causes you to play with your hair, congratulate yourself. Even the smallest change is important to acknowledge.

Method 2 of 4: Distract yourself

  1. Look for healthy distractions. If you feel the urge to play with your hair, focus on yourself. Select activities that require you to concentrate, but not so much that you stop paying attention to playing with your hair. Things like reading, playing a video game, watching a movie, and writing can be activities that increase the chances of playing your hair. Playing a game in the open air or walking your dog can be a better distraction.
    • Some activities, thoughts, and feelings can increase your urge to play with your hair. If you immediately find yourself having to say "Stop," find a replacement activity. For example, if you're talking to someone and you start to play with your hair, grab a pen or possibly even sit on your hands.
    • Observe the number of times you have to distract yourself from playing with your hair. This will help you understand the seriousness of your habit. You will probably notice a high frequency in the initial phase; but that leaves a lot of room for celebrating your improvements.
  2. Keep both hands busy to avoid playing with your hair. There are many options such as baking a cake, playing sports, making something out of metal or wood, icing some cookies, shopping for clothes, building a rock garden, painting with both hands (give it a try), doing the handstand , taking care of your pet, playing a musical instrument, etc.
    • Not only will you stop playing with your hair, but you could have a lot of fun.
    • Find new and exciting things to do that you've never done before. Be adventurous. You may discover a new and rewarding interest.
    • Cuddle stones can help you dissipate the nervous energy that you let play with your hair. These are smooth stones made for playing and rubbing. They have also been used successfully to help smokers deal with nervous fidgeting when they quit smoking. You can find them online or in some health or new age stores.
  3. Assess your degree of anxiety or boredom. Playing with your hair can be a sign that you are feeling restless or bored, which means it is important to address the cause rather than take it out on your hair. If you are feeling restless, there are many calming techniques you can try. Talking to someone who will sincerely listen can help you process your feelings. If you are bored, find a way to enjoy yourself.
    • Try meditation or yoga, which can help you focus on your breath and teach you to be calm.
    • Find other calming behaviors that can help you manage your anxiety. Just talking to yourself in a positive way (out loud or in silence) will help. Tell yourself, "I'm safe and I'll take care of myself and everything will be fine, and I don't have to play with my hair".
    • A sure cure for boredom is to be busy with the things you need to do. Make a list and tick off each task when you have completed it.

Method 3 of 4: Using hair accessories

  1. Wear fun and stylish hats. Making such changes, even if it is temporary, can immediately help break the habit of playing with your hair and can also help in the long run. Essentially, this will block your hands from reaching the area on your head where you play with your hair repeatedly. There are many alternatives when it comes to hats. Some styles may suit you better than others. A knit hat might suit you better than a cowboy hat or baseball cap. Choose the ones you feel comfortable with.
  2. Use hair bows and hair clips to get and keep your hair in shape. If you pin your hair, then you can't play with it. Place these accessories strategically around your hair, pulling or pushing it away from the focus area. Get creative and you might just start the next new fashion trend in hair accessories.
  3. Cover your hair with a scarf or bandanna. Covering your head completely eliminates the chance of playing with your hair. Every time you touch the scarf or bandanna you will be reminded that you are trying to make a positive change. If you can resist the urge to take off the scarf or bandana, you will find yourself touching your hair much less often.

Method 4 of 4: Change your hairstyle

  1. Braid your hair to pull it away from your face. Simple changes, while temporary, help break habits and help make long-term changes in your behavior. If you can move strands of hair that your other will soon fiddle with, then your hands won't find anything to do. This can evoke a mental reminder to stop playing with your hair. When you make braids in your hair, you cannot play with it because it will loosen and mess up the braid.
    • A ponytail or bun will work well. Taking your hair off your shoulders and keeping it from smudging your face removes the temptation to touch it.
    • Hair stylists can help you find a style that keeps temptation to a minimum. Especially when you keep your hair out of your face, out of reach or in style with the help of many hair products, you will be able to avoid playing with your hair. The desire to keep your hairstyle in shape can be enough to stop you.
  2. Get a shorter haircut. If you want a shorter or more layered look, do that. Shaving your hair can be extreme, but if you like the model that way, you might love it.
    • There are charities that use donated hair to make wigs for cancer patients who have lost hair due to chemotherapy. You can donate your hair to such programs to help others and yourself.
  3. Paint your hair. A simple change of color can be exciting.It can make you feel better about yourself or make you think of yourself in a more positive way. A change of color can be just what you need to get motivated.
    • If you want to stop "new self" playing with his or her locks, choose a new hair color and create a new image for the world to see. It could be a very enlightening experience.


  • Be nice to yourself. Change can be difficult.
  • Tell yourself your hair looks great.
  • Stay in the here and now to avoid straying into behaviors that you find undesirable.


  • Tendencies and obsessions of any kind should be monitored and taken seriously.
  • Playing with your hair excessively can lead to permanent hair loss and other skin-related conditions.