Stop taking venlafaxine

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 20 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
I’m completely off antidepressants!! my Effexor Venlafaxine withdrawal experience
Video: I’m completely off antidepressants!! my Effexor Venlafaxine withdrawal experience


Venlafaxine is an antidepressant drug used by millions of people worldwide. It is prescribed by doctors to treat depression, anxiety and panic disorders.When prescribed venlafaxine, it is important to follow your doctor's instructions carefully. This means that you should not stop taking the drug until your doctor tells you to. By gradually decreasing the dose and relieving withdrawal symptoms you are experiencing, you can safely stop taking venlafaxine.

To step

Part 1 of 2: Tapering off the dose

  1. See your doctor. Whatever you do, always consult your doctor first if you feel you need to stop taking venlafaxine. You may feel better or have to stop because you are pregnant or have some other condition, but stopping the drug all at once can cause serious side effects. Consultation with your doctor will help you make an informed decision about alternative treatments or about stopping venlafaxine altogether.
    • Do not stop or taper off venlafaxine without talking to your doctor. Continue to follow the directions your doctor gave you when he / she prescribed it.
    • Tell your doctor why you want to stop taking venlafaxine. Be completely honest about the reasons so that your doctor can consider the best treatment options. There are many reasons for wanting to stop taking the drug, from pregnancy or breastfeeding to interactions with other medications.
    • Listen carefully to your doctor's suggestions. Ask questions if you have any, such as the benefits and risks of stopping the drug, and whether alternatives may be available. You can always get a second opinion if you have to.
  2. Take your time. Regardless of how long you have been using it, take the time to stop using it. While it may be tempting to just quit suddenly, it can cause difficult and unpleasant withdrawal symptoms that can make you feel really bad. Depending on your dose, you should take anywhere from a week to several months to stop taking venlafaxine. Based on your condition and dosage, your doctor will be able to give you a rough estimate of how long it will take to stop taking the drug.
  3. Plan the breakdown. You must gradually reduce the dose of venlafaxine. There are no fixed rules about the best plan, so discuss with your doctor what is best for you and your body. This means that how quickly you taper off the dose is highly dependent on factors such as how you are going to feel and how much withdrawal symptoms you experience. Consult your doctor about the plan to see if it is feasible for you.
    • If you have been on the medication for less than eight weeks, take one or two weeks to taper off the amount of venlafaxine. If you've been taking it for six to eight months, wait a week at a time before lowering the dose again. People who have taken venlafaxine as a maintenance dose for longer should taper off even more gradually. For example, reduce the dose by up to 1/4 every four to six weeks.
    • Write your plan on a piece of paper or in a booklet, in which you can also write down other things, such as your mood or problems you are experiencing. For example, you can put in your plan: "Starting dose: 300mg; 1st reduction: 225mg; 2nd reduction: 150mg; 3rd reduction: 75mg; 4th reduction: 37.5mg"
  4. Break your pills in half. Once you've talked to your doctor and made a plan, make sure your dosage is right with your plan. You can have the doctor prescribe a lighter pill, you can have the pharmacist break the pills in half, or you can do this yourself with a special pill cutter.
    • If you are taking venlafaxine XR you will need to switch to regular venlafaxine. The XR is an extended-release pill, and breaking it in half affects the mechanism by which it is released. This means that an overdose is possible, because too much of the substance is released at the same time.
    • Buy a pill cutter from the drugstore or pharmacy. These devices can also be purchased via the internet.
  5. Keep a close eye on yourself. It is important to keep a close eye on how you feel while you taper off your dose of venlafaxine. It can be good to assess how you feel on a weekly basis. Then you can quickly spot potential problems and know whether you are teasing the drug too quickly.
    • Keep a daily diary. Write down the dose and how it makes you feel. If you are feeling well and have few withdrawal symptoms, you can continue to taper off on your schedule. Do not speed up your schedule, as you may experience withdrawal symptoms.
    • Consider running a "mood calendar" every day of the week. You can rate your mood from 1 to 10 every day to quickly identify problems or patterns at a lower dose.
  6. Stop tapering if necessary. If symptoms get worse, or if you develop severe withdrawal symptoms, consider discontinuing tapering. You can always increase your dose until you feel better. After that, you can start to taper off a bit more slowly.
  7. Stay in touch with your doctor. It is important to keep your doctor informed of your progress while you are tapering off. Let him / her know if you experience relapse or withdrawal symptoms. Your doctor can then propose a new plan or an alternative treatment.
    • If you find it difficult to stop venlafaxine, your doctor may suggest a switch to fluoxetine (Prozac). Then you can taper off the fluoxetine without experiencing withdrawal symptoms.

Part 2 of 2: Relieving withdrawal symptoms

  1. Recognize withdrawal symptoms. Many people experience withdrawal symptoms when they have to stop taking venlafaxine. You may not be bothered by reducing the dose, but it is good to know which symptoms are typical of venlafaxine withdrawal. Ask your doctor about different ways to relieve the following symptoms:
    • Fear
    • Dizziness
    • Fatigue
    • Headache
    • Vivid dreams
    • Insomnia
    • Nausea
    • Irritability
    • Anxiety
    • Chills
    • To sweat
    • Running nose
    • Trembling
    • Feelings of unease or doom
    • muscle strain
    • Stomach ache
    • Flu-like symptoms
    • Depression
    • Suicidal tendencies
  2. Seek help immediately. If you become depressed again or think of suicide when you stop taking venlafaxine, call your doctor or go to the hospital right away. A doctor can relieve these symptoms and prevent you from harming yourself.
  3. Seek support. When you're on venlafaxine, you need all the support you can get. Then you can handle withdrawal symptoms and other side effects better.
    • Keep your doctor updated on your progress. You can even see a psychiatrist or psychologist as an alternative form of therapy to help you while you are stopping the drug. This can limit symptoms and provide you with new coping strategies.
    • Let your family and friends know that you are stopping venlafaxine and that you may experience withdrawal symptoms. Let them know how they can help you.
    • Take time off from work if you need to. Be honest with your boss about your condition. If you can't get time off, ask your boss if you can get another job if you start having drug withdrawal symptoms or if your depression returns.
  4. Stay busy. Exercise helps produce serotonin, which can have a powerful effect on depression. If you stop taking venlafaxine, you can compensate for the drug by exercising regularly. This can also help with withdrawal symptoms that make you feel better.
    • Try to exercise moderately for a total of 150 minutes a week, or five days a week, 30 minutes a day. Exercise forms such as walking, jogging, swimming or cycling will improve your mood. Consider trying yoga or pilates as it will lift your mood and relax you.
  5. Eat healthy foods. You can enhance the effects of exercise by eating a healthy diet. Eating meals from the five-slice spread throughout the day will keep your blood sugar level stable, so that you are less likely to feel nauseous or upset about your stomach.
    • Eat foods from all five food groups. Choose different fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins, and dairy. Make sure that at least half of your meal consists of vegetables.
    • Try to eat more foods with magnesium, as this can help control fears. Examples include almonds, avocados, spinach, soybeans, salmon, halibut, oysters, peanuts, quinoa and brown rice.
  6. Limit stress. If you are under a lot of stress, it is important to keep this within limits. Stress can make withdrawal symptoms worse and even cause anxiety.
    • Avoid stressful situations as much as possible. If you can't, get through stressful situations by taking a deep breath, and going to the bathroom or outside every now and then so you can retreat. A short break can also reduce stress.
    • Get an occasional massage to unwind.
  7. Rest as much as possible. You can get all kinds of withdrawal symptoms when you stop taking venlafaxine. You can reduce stress and keep feeling better if you get enough rest. That means you have a regular sleep schedule and allow yourself to take naps.
    • Get in and out of bed at the same time every day. Sleep at least seven hours a night. Keep your schedule the same over the weekend to limit symptoms.
    • Take a nap for 20-30 minutes if necessary. Then you will be rested again and you will have less problems with withdrawal symptoms.


  • Do not stop taking venlafaxine on your own. Consult your doctor before changing your dosage. Also, do not take any other medications if you are taking venlafaxine without talking to your doctor.
  • Continue to take venlafaxine even if you feel better. If you stop taking the drug, you may feel worse again.