Record Skype conversations

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 2 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Record Skype Calls
Video: How To Record Skype Calls


This article will teach you how to record a video or audio call on Skype on both your computer and mobile devices. If you use Skype often, chances are you've already had conversations that you hoped you could listen to again. Both funny and moving moments can be very important. Fortunately, you can capture these moments in the future by recording your video and audio calls.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Mobile

  1. Open Skype. Tap the Skype app icon. It resembles a white "S" on a blue background. This will open the main Skype page if you are logged in.
    • If you are not logged in to Skype, enter your Skype email address or username and then enter your password when prompted.
  2. Start a Skype call. Select a contact from the list and then press either the phone-shaped "Call" button or the camera-shaped "Video call" button.
  3. Press centrally at the bottom of the screen. A pop-up menu will appear.
  4. Press Start recording in the pop-up menu. Skype will start recording your conversation.
  5. Press Stop recording when you are done. You will see this link in the top left corner of the screen.
    • Make sure not to drop the call until the message "Your recording is being completed ..." disappears.
  6. End the conversation. Press the red and white icon on a phone (or the X on iOS) to end the call.
  7. Play the recording. Everyone in the chat will see the recording you made in the chat section of the conversation. By pressing the recording, it will be played.
    • Long press on the video and then press "Save" in the resulting menu will save the video to your smartphone or tablet.

Method 2 of 2: On a desktop

  1. Make sure you are using the latest version of Skype. You will need version 8 of the new Skype interface to be able to record calls.
    • You can download the latest version of Skype by going to, clicking the "Download Skype for" button and selecting your operating system.
    • Once you have downloaded Skype, you can install Skype by double clicking the downloaded file and following the on-screen instructions.
    • If you are using Skype for Windows 10, check the Microsoft store for updates. Click on the three dots, then choose "Downloads and Updates" and then choose "Get Updates".
  2. Open Skype. Click or double-click the Skype app icon. It resembles a white "S" on a blue background. This will open the main Skype page if you are logged in.
    • If you are not logged in, enter your email address and password when prompted before continuing.
  3. Start a conversation. Select a contact from the list of people on the left (or search for a contact), then click either the phone-shaped "Call" button or the camera-shaped "Video Call" button.
  4. click on in the lower right corner of the window. A pop-up menu will appear.
  5. click on Start recording. This option is in the pop-up menu. Skype will start recording your conversation.
  6. click on Stop recording when you are done. You will see this link at the top of the window.
    • Make sure not to drop the call until the message "Your recording is being completed ..." disappears.
  7. End the conversation. Click on the red and white phone icon at the bottom of the window to do this.
  8. Play the recording. Everyone in the chat will see the recording in the chat section of the conversation. By clicking on the recording, you play it.
    • Right click (or Control on the video, then click "Save to Downloads" in the resulting menu to save the video to your computer.


  • Always ask the other party for permission to record before recording the conversation.
  • Skype recordings will be automatically deleted after thirty days.


  • You may need Skype Credits to complete your calls. Before calling and recording your conversation, make sure you have enough Skype Credits, otherwise this could delay or cut off your conversation.
  • Recording someone without their permission is illegal.