Survive school

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 18 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How not to survive School
Video: How not to survive School


How do you survive school? That's a frequently asked question, usually meant for fun. But how do you really survive?

To step

Method 1 of 2: Setup

  1. Image titled Enjoy School Step 14’ src=View school positively. This is just about the most important. Ok, classes are (mostly) boring, we all know that. But classes aren't everything in school. Friends, for example, can make it all a lot more interesting!
  2. Image titled Know if You're in Love as a Teenager Step 1’ src=Look for a hottie. School is big, there are a lot of people walking around ... that's for a reason! Suddenly you see a super nice thing walking, and your day / week / month is immediately good! Being in love works wonders, even at school.
  3. Put your mobile in your case. This way you can secretly send text messages to classmates, and maybe do something funny with them! Don't you have such a great relationship with them? No problemo, you can of course just text other friends. Or to your mother.
  4. Image titled Ignore Jealous Classmates Step 7’ src=Try to develop a good relationship with your classmates. That is quite important if you want to have a good time at school. It is also possible without it, but that is quite difficult. Of course, your classmates don't have to be your best friends, but it's also no fun when you're bullied ... show who you are (even though that's difficult at times), and they'll accept you!
  5. Start meeting with a few friends to go into the school together. That way you never enter the school alone.

Method 2 of 2: Stay fresh

  1. Image titled Make Healthy Breakfasts the Night Before Step 12’ src=Spread your bread in the evening. It will then go a bit faster the next morning.
  2. Image titled Take a Shower Step 5’ src=Shower in the evening. That way you also feel fresh in the morning.
  3. Image titled Wake Up On Time Step 6’ src=Place your alarm clock (from your mobile) near your light switch on the other side of the room. Then you have to get up to take it off.
  4. Image titled Pack a Backpack for Your First Day of School Step 11’ src=Pack all your bags in the evening. Then you don't have to do that with your sleepy head in the morning.
  5. Pick out your clothes for the next morning the night before.


  • Are you unable to view school positively? Then ask for help. You can go to your mentor or someone else you trust. It may sound silly, but they can really help you!
  • If you are really at your wits end and you become seriously depressed by your school, you can of course always go to another school.
  • You make friends by being yourself, not by copying someone else.
  • Always consider what you are doing it for; do you know what kind of profession you want to do later?


  • Watch out with cell phones in class. It is no fun when you get caught, some schools are very strict about this.
  • Bullying your teacher is fun, but don't do it too often!