Heal flaky lips

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 15 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Flaking lips can have a variety of causes. There is rarely a serious medical problem, but your lips can hurt and be very irritated. If you have problems with flaking lips, you can soothe the pain and discomfort with a variety of over-the-counter remedies and home remedies.

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Method 1 of 3: Resources that may work well

  1. Spread beeswax on your lips. This single ingredient product is a safe and effective way to moisturize your lips and prevent them from drying out further. Most lip balms with additional ingredients cannot provide the same guarantee.
  2. Choose your lip balm carefully. You may think that all lip balms work as they are designed to solve this exact problem. Unfortunately, products containing menthol, camphor and peppermint are particularly harsh on damaged lips. Do not buy products containing these ingredients.
    • Many dermatologists recommend using petroleum jelly, but other doctors disagree because they believe petroleum jelly is harmful.
  3. Try a moisturizer for the lips. Unlike lip balms that help your lips retain moisture so they don't dry out, lip moisturizers try to replenish the moisture deficit on their own. Some dermatologists recommend moisturizers with Vitamin A, Vitamin B and Vitamin C or dimethicone. It is best to use such a remedy right after a shower, as water, shampoo and shower gel can dry out already damaged lips.
  4. Apply natural remedies to your lips. All-natural lip balms and moisturizers can work well, but their effectiveness is often unproven. In general, different waxes and oils often work well to help your lips retain moisture. These are agents such as beeswax, shea butter, coconut oil, cocoa butter and vegetable oils. Essential oils and fragrances often irritate your lips more than they soften them and can even cause a strong reaction.
  5. Make lip balm yourself. If you're not interested in buying products from a store, you can use remedies from your kitchen to soften your lips. Keep in mind that most of these recipes have not been researched and approved by professionals. It's best to stick to simple ingredients and avoid using essential oils, or dilute the oils to a strength of 2% or less.
    • To make a simple lip balm, collect 230 grams of shaved beeswax, 3 tablespoons of coconut oil and a teaspoon of vitamin E oil and cook everything together on the stove. Remove the pan from the heat and let the mixture dry and harden overnight.
  6. Gently exfoliate your lips. Gently exfoliating your lips can be good for your lips, but rubbing too hard can easily cause damage. Try applying a mixture of olive oil, honey, and sugar to your lips, leaving it on for 10 minutes, then rinsing it off. This should moisturize and soften your lips, but stop if you notice any more damage to your lips.
  7. Consider using flaxseed oil. According to some websites, flaxseed oil helps against chapped lips because it replenishes the shortage of essential fatty acids. It is not certain whether this works, but know that flaxseed oil can have dangerous side effects if you have certain medical conditions or are allergic. If you decide to use it, apply a drop of flaxseed oil to your lips.
    • Flaxseed oil can also be used as an ingredient in dressings, salsa and dipping sauces. You can also add a drop to foods such as cottage cheese, baked potatoes and popcorn.
    • Be careful. Flaxseed oil doesn't last long, so make sure to use it within three months of purchasing it.

Method 2 of 3: Unlearn certain habits

  1. Don't bite your lips. Sometimes you get flaky lips because of things you have done yourself. People often bite their lips partly unconsciously when they are nervous, stressed, or bored. If you notice that your lips are flaking or cracked, try to find out if you bit your lips. If so, take steps to break this habit.
    • Figure out the situations in which you bite your lips. Do you bite your lips when you are nervous or in certain social situations like meeting new people or talking to colleagues? Do you just bite your lips when you're bored, like when you're watching TV or waiting for the bus?
    • After you figure out the situations in which you are biting your lips, try to learn behaviors that reduce your anxiety and boredom and that do not negatively affect your body. For example, you can do deep breathing exercises, relax your muscles or learn a so-called counter-response. This is something you do to make it impossible to bite your lips. For example, you can chew gum to occupy your lips with something else.
  2. Avoid exposure to allergens as much as possible. If you develop flaking lips after exposure to a certain food or cosmetic product, or during a certain season, you may have an allergy.
    • Cosmetic products, lip balms, toothpastes, dyes and fragrances often contain ingredients that irritate the lips, eyes and mouth. If you find that your lips start to flake after using a particular product, it is probably a good idea to stop using the product and opt for something else.
    • Even if you don't believe your flaky lips are caused by cosmetics, it's a good idea to stop using lipstick and lip balm until your lips are healed. These products can harbor bacteria and flaking lips are more likely to become infected.
    • During certain seasons, such as early spring, you may experience allergic reactions due to a higher amount of pollen in the air. If you're sensitive to the changing of the seasons, try spending more time indoors or picking up over-the-counter allergy medications.
    • Exposure to allergens can also cause you to breathe through your mouth, putting stress on your lips as they are exposed to more air and dirt. This can cause your lips to flake and crack.
  3. Don't lick or pick your lips. When your lips are dry and cracked, it is tempting to lick and pick them to soothe the symptoms. However, these habits damage your lips in the long run and can make your lips take longer to heal.
    • Don't pull on your flaky skin. It might be tempting to do this, but it doesn't provide relief. It usually hurts and causes your lips to bleed, increasing the chances of infection and taking longer to heal.
  4. Stay hydrated and have a healthy diet. Dehydration is one of the most common causes of dry, flaky lips. Teaching yourself to drink regularly can prevent flaking lips in the long run.
    • Drink enough fluids during your day. The average person needs about 1.5 liters of water, but the exact amount depends on your lifestyle. For example, if you exercise regularly or have a physically demanding job, you probably need more fluids. In general, it is necessary to drink so much water that you are rarely thirsty. If your urine is colorless or slightly yellow, then you are probably drinking enough water.
    • A balanced and healthy diet can help keep your lips healthy. Food gives you about 20% of the total amount of moisture. Watermelon and spinach are two foods that contain 90% or more water.
    • If the air in your home feels dry or if the weather is dry and the air quality is poor, buy a humidifier. Such a device will keep the air in your home moist and reduce the chances of your lips peeling.

Method 3 of 3: Debunking myths

  1. Avoid citrus fruits. Scrubs and lip balms with lemon juice and other citrus fruit ingredients can irritate your skin and lips. They can also make you sensitive to the sun and cause skin irritation and blisters. They probably do more harm than good when it comes to healing your flaky lips.
  2. Do not use harsh exfoliants. Your lips are more sensitive than your skin. Even products intended for the lips can harm already damaged lips. It's better to use mild exfoliants instead of something like a facial scrub.


  • If you're out in the sun all day, your lips can burn as quickly as your skin. Apply sunscreen to your lips before spending the day at the beach or going for a long walk in the summer.
  • During the fall, it is important to protect your lips when the weather turns colder. Apply wax and lip balm to your lips to protect them from the cold air and prevent flaking. It's also a good idea to cover your lips with a soft scarf when you're out in the cold, especially when it's windy.


  • Contact your doctor if your lips are flaky, cracked, and sore, but not healed by using moisturisers and other home remedies.