Planting roses

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 6 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Planting Potted Roses – Family Plot
Video: Planting Potted Roses – Family Plot


Roses are one of the most beautiful, traditional, and fragrant flowers you can plant in your garden. Of course, "every rose has its thorn", but these beautiful flowers don't actually require much care. All they really need is a little attention and a sunny spot with good drainage. If you want to know how to plant roses and let them bloom to their full potential, adding color and happiness to your home, follow these steps.

To step

Part 1 of 4: Preparing to plant

  1. Choose your variant of the rose. Any variety of the rose will make a nice addition to your garden, but it's important to check which roses grow best in your area by checking out a regional guide to roses. You can also consider the appearance of the roses and their size. Here are some of the most popular and beautiful varieties of roses:
    • Floribunda. These are the most colorful rose varieties. They are rugged shrubs that bloom profusely, creating clusters of three to fifteen flowers, rather than just one flower per stem. These shrubs can be planted alone, but are most impressive when you plant a few rows of them next to each other.
    • Hybrid Tea. One of the most popular rose varieties, they grow as upward-facing shrubs, with one flower per stem. These could be the roses you see most at the florist.
    • Grandiflora. This beautiful variant of the rose is a cross between a floribunda and a hybrid tea. It grows to a height of 180 cm and produces clusters of classic hybrid tea flowers.
    • Shrub and landscape roses. These roses come in a multitude of shapes and sizes and they can fit any landscape. They grow close to the ground, are disease resistant by nature and require less attention than other roses, bearing roses for long seasons.
    • Climbing roses. These roses add flavor to any garden and mainly grow against a fence or trellis. They have long, arched trunks with lots of flowers that can cover pillars, walls or any other structure that supports them.
    • Mini roses. These are the smallest rose plants and they can grow anywhere from 15 to 60 cm high. Blooming continuously, these roses are fantastic for gardening in pots, in borders and for growing in a small space.
    • Rose trees. These roses have a strong rhizome that is grafted onto a long trunk, which is then grafted to a rose bush in the top. The rose tree is beautiful in appearance, but it takes more care to survive in winter.
  2. Decide whether to plant bare root roses or pot roses. This is an important distinction to make because depending on whether they have bare roots or come in a pot, you will have to plant the plant differently. Both will need to be planted in the ground for the roots to grow in the soil, but you will have to choose what to do to plant your preferred rose. Here's what you need to know about the two types of roses:
    • Roses on bare root. If you buy these roses, there will be no flowers on them, but that is not wrong. It means that the shrub can spend its energy developing its roots, rather than maintaining the flowers. You can plant them earlier in the season, up to six weeks before the last average frost date in spring, and no later than two weeks after that date. If you plant them at the right time and use the right method, these roses will grow faster than potted roses.
    • Pot roses. These roses have the advantage that they already have flowers and therefore look more beautiful when you plant them in your garden. They are usually sold in sizes 3.8 liter or larger and you will need to be more careful with planting in full spring as they are more likely to be damaged by frost.
  3. Choose the place where you will plant. The place you plant will determine the fate of your roses, no matter how beautiful and strong the original roses will be. You should find a place that gets at least 5-6 hours of direct sunlight a day, especially in the morning. You should also plant your roses near a shelter, such as a wall or fence, if they are in a particularly windy area. Here are some other things to keep in mind when looking for the perfect place for your roses:
    • In warm parts of the Netherlands you need some shade to protect the roses from the hottest sun. In cold seasons, a warm wall or fence is needed to protect the roses from the too much cold.
    • Your soil needs good drainage. Before planting your roses, dig a hole and pour water in it to make sure it drains in a few hours. If your soil is too moist, the roots of your roses can rot. If so, then you should consider planting your roses in raised beds.
    • Make sure your soil is not too thick or sandy. Adding organic materials such as dried cow dung, shredded bark or compost can help give the soil the right amount of firmness.
    • Avoid planting your roses near trees or shrubs. They will compete for nutrients, water and light, and they will not win.
    • Not only should the soil retain moisture easily, but it also needs a pH value between 6.5 and 7.
  4. Gather the materials for planting roses. Having your roses and the spot is a great start, but if you want to plant your roses then you need to have all your materials in order. Here's what you need:
    • Fertilizers
    • Mulch
    • Pruning shears
    • Garden gloves
    • Compost or rose plant mix
    • A spade
    • A shovel
    • A jar filled with water

Part 2 of 4: Planting bare-rooted roses

  1. Plant the roses between six weeks before the last expected frost day and two weeks afterwards. Now is the best time to plant bare root roses. While you can buy potted roses and water and care for them while they are still in their pots, bare root roses should be planted right after purchase, so make sure you have everything you need.
  2. Dig a hole slightly larger than the plant. The hole should be larger than the roots of the rose and the soil attached to it so that the roots have something to grab onto as the plant grows. This is what you need to do to plant a bare-rooted rose. However, most plants are sold in groups of three and growing them that way can be a good plan. However, if you are planting more than one rose, make sure they are planted at least 0.6 to 0.9 meters apart so that their roots have room to grow.
  3. Mix some compost with the soil. Mix well until you have formed a mountain of the total mixture at the bottom of the hole you dug.
  4. Place the bare-root rose on the soil pile. If it is a warmer environment, you should place the rose so that the place of the rose's grafting is just above ground level. If it is a bit colder, it should be about an inch to 2 inches below the ground. The roots must be covered, but the trunk must not be in the ground.
  5. Spoon the soil mix around the bare roots. This will keep away possible air chambers that could harm your roses. Then press the soil around the roots a bit more firmly. Keep filling the hole with the mixture until it is about ¾ full. When scooping with your hands, watch out for the thorns.
  6. Fill the hole with water. Allow the water to sink completely into the soil, then fill the hole again. Shorten the stems of the roses so that they are about 20 cm. Do this by cutting at an angle about 0.5 cm above the outward-facing buds.
  7. Make a ground mound about 6 inches high over the plant. This will protect the stems of the rose from drying out. After about two weeks, the buds will sprout and then you can remove the soil.
  8. Stamp a little on the mountain. This is an old gardening trick that will help the plant retain water a little better and will also keep the plant from falling with the first breath of wind.

Part 3 of 4: Planting potted roses

  1. Plant the rose in late spring or early summer. This is usually the time when you find the roses for sale and when the frost is guaranteed to pass. These roses are more susceptible to frost so you will need to plant them in the right season so you don't risk this.
  2. Lower the moisture content of the roses. If you have kept the roses in the pot for a while, or they are just very moist, wait until the moisture has subsided so that you can plant them more easily. If the roses are too moist, the roots will not grow as much and you may lose some of the roses when you take them out of their pots.
  3. Dig a hole that is slightly larger than the size of the root ball. This is the same as what to do when planting a bare-rooted rose. Use a spade or shovel to dig this hole.
  4. Remove the jar. Remove the bottom of the pot first, then remove the sides when you put the pot in the hole. Trim the sides of the root ball as if you were peeling an orange. It may also be that the jar is in one piece, then it must be removed in one go.
  5. Loosen the soil around the root ball. This will help expose the roots a bit and will make it easier for them to grow in the soil in the soil bed. This will also help straighten out roots that have become tangled up from growing in the small rose pot. To loosen the roots you can score the root ball by making vertical grooves with a sharp knife. The grooves need to be open about an inch for the roots to form.
  6. Place the rose bush in the center of the hole. Fill the hole with simple potting soil when you are done.
  7. Work the soil mix around the roots. This will clear any possible air pockets and help your potted rose to grow strongly.
  8. Water the plant. Water the plant, wait for the water to subside, then water it again to get it off to a good start. If you have organic mulch such as bark, pine needles, or wood chips, you can add this to the top layer to help keep the soil moist.

Part 4 of 4: Taking care of your roses

  1. Water your plants regularly for the first 3 to 4 weeks after you plant your roses. Usually this is when the top 5 cm of the soil is dry. To stay healthy, your roses need a lot of moisture and nutrition.
  2. Continue to soak the bed. Four weeks after planting, you should start soaking the bed about every two weeks. Do this in the morning for best results.
  3. Start fertilizing about 3 months after planting. Use three to six inches of mulch to control humidity and temperature and to keep weeds from growing. Mulch also helps retain the important nutrients your roses need to stay healthy. Read here for more information on how to care for your roses after they are planted.
  4. Prune your roses. Pruning your roses can keep them from getting too crowded and will keep them growing healthy and strong. All you need is a pair of pruning shears and a good eye for what to cut. You can cut rhizomes (offshoots), which are new plants that grow from the roots of the old plant, as well as leftover stems that are thinner than a pencil, that rub or cross each other, or that just don't fit the shape you want that you want for your roses.
  5. Protect your roses from the cold. In the winter months, or when it gets unusually cold, you may need to do something to keep your beautiful roses alive. You should cut your rose plants back to about two feet so that they are not damaged by ice and wind. Then you need to tie the stems together with twine to further protect the roses from the wind.
    • Each rose plant should have a good mound of fresh, loose compost or soil around its base.
    • You can add another layer of hay or straw over the mound for further protection.
    • When spring comes, you can remove the added protection.


  • Do not water the roses late in the day to avoid fungal diseases.
  • It is best to plant roses in the spring. Choose a place to plant that is well ventilated. Your roses will not grow in an enclosed or tight space.
  • Some growers recommend spraying the rose petals with water to prevent aphids.
  • Roses love water, but they can develop many fungal and bacterial diseases if they don't get enough sunlight to dry their leaves and buds. Plant your roses in the morning light and remember they need at least six hours of sunlight.
  • Some rose growers also use a mixture of soap and water to help prevent aphids. Ask local gardeners for advice.
  • Ask your local garden centers to find a gardener for support.
  • You will find that packaged and boxed roses are more readily available early in the season. Potted roses are available when the weather gets a little warmer and are better planted later.
  • Roses do well in the desert, but they need deep watering.
  • Landscaping courses are usually available at MBOs and HBOs across the country.


  • Always check your roses for disease.