Getting over falling in love with your best friend

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 18 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
7 Stages of Falling In Love With Your Best Friend
Video: 7 Stages of Falling In Love With Your Best Friend


While your best friend will undoubtedly think you're a really nice person, you may not be the one for him or her. If you see the person often, it may seem impossible to get over the crush. This article will help you overcome the love you feel for your best friend.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Get on with your life

  1. Do not dwell too long on the feelings of love. Don't spend too much time thinking about yourself or the situation. You probably think about him or her and then feel depressed. Make sure that you are not too busy in your head with the person in question. Do fun things with other friends, try new recipes or experiment with art. Develop your talents and set goals for yourself.
  2. Exercise. Go to the gym and work out. Provide a distraction and feel better about yourself. When you exercise, your body produces endorphins and this substance makes you happier.
  3. Spend time with other friends. You know that you will meet the person in question again. After all, he or she is your best friend and you don't want to lose him or her. Try to spend less time with this person and spend more time with other people (especially friends you don't have feelings for). Start dating others and don't feel guilty towards your best friend since he or she doesn't date you.
  4. Have fun in your life. Try to see the funny side of things. Read humorous books, watch a funny movie or search for hilarious videos on YouTube.
  5. Make yourself more attractive. Go for a new haircut or buy a new outfit. Increase your confidence. Use this confidence boost as you search for other potential relationships instead of hoping your best friend will suddenly like you.
  6. Convince yourself that at some point you will actually meet someone else. Do not forget that a lid fits on every jar.
  7. Don't give up. There are plenty of other people on this globe who find you attractive and would love to have a relationship with you! If it has to go the way it has to go, this is how it will go.

Method 2 of 3: Assess the relationship

  1. Accept that you will just be friends. Not everything can be completely restored. Your best friend will behave normally in your presence even though you have feelings for him or her. You will struggle with this at first, but accepting this situation is critical if you want to keep the friendship.
  2. Be aware that the transition from friendship to relationship is not a natural next step. While your best friend values ​​and trusts your friendship, they may not be physically attracted to you or in love with you.
  3. Try no longer to be in love. List any traits of the person that you find less attractive and would be troublesome in a relationship. Is the other person talking all the time while you are a quiet person? Does the other want to be freer than you? Love is blind, so try to open your eyes to reality.
  4. Put friendship first. Try to imagine what it would be like if you started dating or dating and then ended in a broken relationship. The bond you had with each other will be damaged and chances are you will lose your best friend. Remember how important your friendship is to both of you.
  5. Try to learn from the experience. Do you feel like you've done everything you can to turn the crush into a courtship? Would you have done it differently? Learn from your successes and mistakes regarding the feelings you have or had for your best friend and use this knowledge in future situations.

Method 3 of 3: Maintain friendship with your best friend

  1. Don't get angry with the person. He or she probably won't understand how deep your feelings are for him or her. Your best friend has not done anything wrong and getting angry will only push him or her further away, causing irreparable damage to the friendship.
  2. Don't avoid the person. This will cause unnecessary damage to existing friendships.
  3. In the first instance, keep your distance. You should not avoid the person, but try to spend less time with them so that you can accommodate your feelings. If you don't, the time you spend with him or her will be tense and bittersweet.
  4. Ask for time for yourself. Tell the other person that you don't want to be called, texted or emailed for the time being. Also indicate that you would rather not have him or her visit your home until you indicate that it is okay again. Your best friend needs to understand that you need to put your feelings into place before you can be friends again. If you also had a strong bond before, you will no doubt be able to restore it.
  5. For now, avoid the usual places where you met. Find another workplace, take a route on the way to a classroom, or avoid the café where you often meet. This way, you are likely to meet the person less often, making it easier for you to accommodate your feelings.


  • Don't assume or automatically assume that he or she has feelings for you, you'll only hurt yourself.
  • Friends come and go, but true friends endure. When dating a good boyfriend / girlfriend, there is always the chance that the relationship will end (studies have shown that relationships are more likely to end, and even higher in young people). This could ruin a good friendship forever. If the person in question is a good friend (and you stay friends), this could be a friendship for life. Start from your own feelings and try to see how any steps you take could affect your own well-being.
  • It's not the end of the world. You may think there is no one else as nice as him or her, but you will really run into someone else at some point. Don't think you can't be friends anymore, you can make arrangements together to continue your friendship.
  • In some cases, it may be better not to tell the other person. After the moment when you tell the other, it is clear that you are in love with him or her, this may make it a lot more difficult to let go of the feelings.
  • Only tell the people you really trust if it is really necessary. If you tell someone who likes to gossip, the person you are in love with will hear it and this may make him or her uncomfortable.
  • If you don't have anyone to discuss the situation with, try writing it down in a journal. A journal can act as a good source of distraction, and it may help you to put the situation in a new perspective. During this process, things may come to light about him or her that you previously missed, and these things can help you let go of the feelings.
  • People deal with such situations in different ways. Some will feel the need to talk about it, others prefer not to say anything. As a person gets older and more mature, he or she may see that sometimes it is better not to say no to keep a friendship from taking a dent. Sometimes it is just better to be grateful for what you have rather than reveal your feelings to others to avoid losing a good friend. Friendships change over time, and if you are patient, you may eventually get what you hoped for.
  • If you feel very sad after learning that the feelings are not mutual, talk to someone you trust, such as a friend, or counselor. Tell him or her how much grief you are and ask for advice. Bottling up such feelings can make you feel depressed and this will only make the situation worse.
  • Remember, if the person initially liked you, but changed their mind at the last minute, don't get mad at them or blame them. Your friendship must be strong enough to handle such a situation.
  • Wait for the right time when you can tell him or her that you are in love. However, if you don't want him or her to find out, don't tell anyone or act in a way that might indicate that you have feelings for him or her.


  • Make sure you have let go of the feelings for the other person when you are together and not with the person in question. Sometimes you will find that you have let go of the feelings when you are not together, but immediately get feelings again when you spend time together again.
  • Don't change yourself in an attempt to be found more attractive by the other person. He or she will see you as fake and insecure and a person you can't have a good time with, even if you are friends.
  • Don't try to make the other person jealous. If he or she sees you as just a boyfriend / girlfriend, kissing another boy / girl will do him or her little, and you will be left with guilt and regret afterwards.
  • If you decide to tell the other person, don't assume you know how the other person is going to react. This will make you look pretty stupid to the other. If your friendship is strong enough, this may affect your friendship less than you think.
  • If you run too fast or show a lot of emotions, you are likely to argue over the smallest things. Give the other person space if you have not yet been able to accommodate your feelings for him or her.
  • Do not tell the person that you have a crush on them if you are sure they only want to be friends. This could damage your friendship.
  • Do not indulge in eating sweets or other treats because of the grief. You will only feel more miserable the next day if you do.