Dealing with girls

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 22 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To MAKE Women Respect You Without Being "NICE" | Supplication Effect
Video: How To MAKE Women Respect You Without Being "NICE" | Supplication Effect


Talking to girls can seem intimidating at times. Maybe you want to approach a girl you don't know very well, or you don't want to show that you are really interested in her. However, these girls are just like anyone else in your life, and if you look at them that way, you will find that talking to them doesn't have to be that scary at all. By gaining confidence in yourself and learning communication skills, you can have fun and be relaxed when you hang out with any girl.

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Method 1 of 3: Become more confident

  1. Be yourself. Changing your personality to suit a girl can work in the short term, but eventually she will find out who you really are. In the meantime, you feel fake and unhappy. Know who you are. Respect your own thoughts and feelings. This ensures that you appear real and feel confident about yourself, which is attractive to girls.
    • Avoid becoming excessively generous or aggressive in an attempt to win her over.
    • Also pay less attention to placating girls. Appreciate your flaws and don't let them distract you.
    • If you love yourself and feel good about yourself, you will also be more comfortable interacting with others. And if things don't go well, it doesn't matter that much. Only you can make yourself happy, and if you love yourself that's the most important thing.
  2. Take care of yourself. Good hygiene makes you look and feel better. Take a shower in the morning. Wash your hair. Use deodorant and change clothes before going out. That's better than worrying about how you smell when talking to a girl.
    • You can choose to put a little perfume or eau te toilette on your neck and shoulders. Use it sparingly.
  3. Dress well. If possible, find clothes that suit you. They don't have to be expensive, but they should fit well and sit comfortably. Clothes that you like to wear will make you feel confident and able to focus on a girl rather than your appearance.
    • Observe those around you for ideas of what's fashionable, but remember that a good outfit is one that's tailored for you.
    • Ask store employees for feedback. They can often help you choose something that suits you.
  4. Do what you enjoy. You can have fun with girls doing what they want to do, but don't forget to take time for yourself. Keep doing what makes you happy. If that is watching SF movies and reading comics, do that and don't be shy. This makes you happier and the way you are, because you don't have to be ashamed of your interests.
    • Maybe your thoughts are completely taken up by a girl you like. Don't forget to take a step back every now and then and give yourself some space.
  5. Relax. When you are tense with girls around, they become tense too. If you look around you during a conversation, trying to think of something to say or escape the situation, you're not paying attention to the girl. Take a deep breath before approaching her and when you don't say anything. Tell yourself repeatedly that nothing bad will happen. Stay in the here and now, focusing on the girl instead of on your nerves.
    • Most people are not out to get you, but are mainly concerned with their own lives, and will forget about your mistakes.
  6. Be honest about your intentions. It's a good idea to befriend a girl you're interested in first, but if you have feelings for her, don't hide them. Work on building a relationship by paying attention to it. If you hide your feelings, she won't know how you feel and may feel betrayed or misled if she finds out. However, you can't keep a girl on a leash if you just want to be friends.
    • Don't forget to respect its limits. Don't force your feelings on her if she doesn't seem interested.

Method 2 of 3: Communicate effectively

  1. Maintain eye contact. When approaching a girl to start a conversation, keep looking her in the eye. This conveys confidence and shows that you are interested in what she is saying. Don't stare, though, especially when you're not talking to her. Look at her enough to show that she has caught your attention, then look away.
    • To practice eye contact, start with a mirror, then practice with friends and strangers.
    • Eye contact is difficult, but it will keep you from getting caught looking at the rest of her body.
  2. Include girls in a conversation. Greet girls by waving and suggesting appropriate topics. Icebreakers include asking for advice on clothing, talking about a shared lesson, complimenting a girl on bringing up a good point, or offering to help her.
    • Do this from time to time to interact with girls more confidently and work towards more in-depth conversations.
  3. Listen actively. Listen to what she says and means; the girl will certainly appreciate that. Put your phone down and try to fully understand what she's saying. Don't interrupt her. Show interest by nodding and respond when she's done.
    • Respond by repeating in your own words what she meant, saying, "So what you mean ..." This shows that you have understood the girl's important point.
    • When you respond, be respectful and unbiased no matter how you feel.
  4. Show genuine interest in people. In order to grow trust between you and a girl, you will need to communicate with her on a deeper level. Ask girls how things are going and what her interests and desires are. Show that you are interested in learning more about her as a person. This gives you a more confident appearance and girls feel more comfortable around you.
    • A good question to ask her, for example, is what kind of music she likes. If she likes the same music you can share that interest.
  5. Pay attention to her feelings. Taking an interest in a girl's life builds confidence so she can open up about something she's upset about. Listen with interest and respond to her with understanding. Never make her feel judged or laughed at.
    • For example, you could say something like, “Don't care, the rehearsal was intense. You did your best."
    • Encourage her to pursue her goals. If she wants to become a photographer, encourage her to do so, whatever you think about it.
  6. Make her laugh. Humor is an effective way to be charming and charismatic. Fooling around with girls reduces clumsiness as you get to know each other better and then continue talking about more serious topics. You don't have to be a born comedian, but posting witty comments or disclosing funny stories you've been through will help you interact with girls a little more loosely.
    • Not all humor is appropriate in every situation. Avoid telling crude or sexist jokes in front of a girl you just met.
    • If you hang out with a girl more often you will learn what she thinks is funny and you can tell jokes that only mean something to her.

Method 3 of 3: Behave correctly

  1. Respect her personal space. When meeting a girl for the first time, a handshake is enough. Do not get too close to her, bring your face close to her, or touch her in inappropriate areas, such as on the face. While putting together your relationship, you rely on her judgment as to how much physical contact is welcome. Start by lightly touching her hand and shoulder during conversations and stand close to her when it is appropriate, such as at parties and concerts.
    • If you are looking for a relationship, gradually make more and more contact. Then you can move on to hugging and flirting if she's okay with that.
    • Never touch a girl when it is undesirable. Respect her personal boundaries and step back when she starts to feel uncomfortable.
  2. Show good manners. Behave stylishly around girls. Inappropriate behavior, such as swearing, flirting, or crude humor, is a guarantee that a girl doesn't want to be seen with you. In addition, keep the door open and say please and thank you to show respect.
  3. Treat everyone the same. Talk to everyone - guys, trans people, and so on - the same way you would talk to a girl. Show respect and kindness to everyone and listen to what they have to say. Avoid arguments. Girls will notice this and think of you as a grown person who is themselves.
    • This is difficult to do when you run into or argue with someone you hate, but try to avoid emotional outbursts. Take a deep breath and be in control of what you say.
  4. Don't talk about people behind their backs. Speaking negatively about someone when they're not around has the same effect as a nasty direct confrontation. Avoid gossip. Sharing negative information can make you appear immature to girls and make them wonder if you're talking about them when they're not around. Try to be as respectful as possible.
    • In addition, it is also important that you do not express yourself negatively about girls or share their secrets with your friends. She could hear about this and get you a bad reputation.


  • Don't worry if you say something embarrassing. Acknowledge your mistake and respond with humor.
  • Be especially careful around shy girls. Slowly break through the call and touch barriers. Give her space.
  • Pay attention to her body language to gauge how she is feeling and how to act.
  • If you are interested in a relationship with her, don't be afraid to flirt.
  • Don't show that you're jealous (unless you're in a relationship) when she's spending time with others.
  • Don't forget to be kind to her friends and family no matter what you think of them.
  • Stand up for a girl whenever you can, but don't get yourself into a fight.


  • Never force a girl into physical contact or a relationship with you if she is not ready for it.
  • It will stand out when you try too hard to hide your feelings or impress a girl, and it makes you unhappy.