Dealing with guys

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 19 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
When you’re dealing with THAT guy
Video: When you’re dealing with THAT guy


Knowing how to behave around guys isn't always easy. While it is important to always be yourself, you may be too nervous to speak up or not know how to interact with guys you are not romantically interested in. All you really need to do around guys is have confidence in yourself, be a good conversation partner, and have a sense of humor.

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Part 1 of 3: Knowing what to do

  1. Finding common things. One thing you can do around guys is to look for things you have in common so you can start an interesting conversation. It doesn't have to be super in-depth and can be as simple as a mutual love for the Friends series, or having been a fan of a particular sports club all your life. Look at the boy's clothes, folders, or notebooks for clues as to what you might have in common, and start a casual conversation on a related topic.
    • You don't have to find it immediately. If you let a boy speak for a few minutes, you can quickly hook up. This is better than asking him what all his favorite bands, hobbies, or movies are, although you can get around to that eventually.
    • You can also check a boy's Facebook profile for hints about the things he likes if you're too nervous to start a conversation.
  2. Be yourself instead of someone else. While "being yourself" may sound like super corny advice, it may be the best advice you get. If you really want men to like you and get to know you better, all you have to do is be the person you are supposed to be. Sure, if you want to wait for them to really get to know you or avoid topics that might be more appropriate for your girlfriends, that's fine, but you shouldn't change who you are to get a sense of what the guys expect you to do or says.
    • When talking to a guy, don't act like some version of a girl you think likes more, or try to impersonate one of the hottest girls in your high school. This won't get you nearly as far as sharing your true self with others.
    • If you're shy, you don't have to do it all at once. Just open up to guys little by little as you befriend them.
  3. Dress in a way that is comfortable for you. You can wear anything that makes you feel good. If you like babydoll dresses, wear them as much as you want. If you like leggings and long shirts, skirts and tank tops, or jeans and T-shirts, that's fine too. You shouldn't wear clothes that are tighter or flatter than what you're comfortable with, just to fit a boy's ideal image you presume. You look best when you are clearly comfortable with what you are wearing.
    • Don't feel limited to one style or image, whether you're more grungy or super girly. One week you can put on leather jeans and the next week a pink baby doll. The point is that you feel yourself in whatever you wear.
  4. Be kind - to everyone. You may think guys will find you cool if you're mean to people you think unworthy or inferior in some way, but in fact it's better to be kind to everyone around you unless they give you a reason not to be. Whether you're talking to that quiet boy for the first time or starting a conversation with the new kid at school, do your best to put a smile on your face, ask questions, and be friendly. Guys will see that you are a person they want to be around.
    • If you're a bit shy, then you don't have to suddenly get super outgoing. Do your best to at least smile and wave to people and introduce yourself to new people when you can.
  5. Show real interest in others. If you want to have a good time with guys, see that you really care about them, whether you're romantically interested or not. Show your interest by asking questions about their lives, complimenting them, appearing as if you care about how they feel, and making eye contact when you talk to them.Don't keep talking about yourself every time you get the chance, or bother with your phone when they try to talk to you. Instead, take the time to let them know they matter.
    • Of course, letting a guy know you care if you don't have romantic feelings for him can be tricky. Just be fun and friendly and make it clear that you are only looking for friendship.
  6. Impress with your confidence. You may think that every girl but you feels confident about who she is, what she does, and what she looks like. However, you'll be surprised how many girls are plagued with insecurity and try to mask it with a big smile or mean demeanor. You can be better than that. Work on loving the person you are, being kind to those around you, and feeling able to do anything. If you have a positive attitude and a lot of energy then guys will enjoy being around you.
    • Don't talk about how much weight you need to lose or how much you hate being tall. Rather focus on the things you like about yourself.
    • Of course, it can take years to really love yourself. However, you can take steps in the right direction by accepting what you cannot change and working to change what you can.

Part 2 of 3: Knowing what to say

  1. Talk about the things that really interest you. You don't want to change who you are to get a guy's attention, especially if it means pretending to love Star Wars or talking for hours about a band you can't stand. Talk about your favorite TV shows, a great movie you just watched, the hobby you care about most, or basically all the things you care about, and guys will be drawn to your passion. Think it's no different than talking to your girlfriends about everyday things - except you don't have to talk about the guys you like!
    • The topic of your conversation is less important than making sure that you and the guys you talk to find a good balance between talking and listening. Try not to dominate conversations and leave room for other people to talk.
    • If you're talking to a guy, try to do no more than about half of the talking.
  2. Know when to change the subject. While it's important to feel comfortable talking about the things that matter to you, you should also be able to get a feel for when a guy starts to lose interest. If you've been talking about your horse for 20 minutes and you see him shuffling his feet, checking his phone, or looking for a friend who can save him, you can change the subject by asking him a question instead.
    • Learn to read body language and facial expressions to see if someone is listening to you or not. When he's listening, he'll make eye contact (unless he's super shy or has a crush on you!), And turn his body towards you instead of leaving.
  3. Compliment them. One thing you can do is give a subtle compliment every now and then. You don't have to tell him he has the most beautiful eyes in the world or that he's a piece, but you can compliment him on a new shirt he's wearing, tell him he played great in yesterday's basketball game, or just make a friendly, light-hearted comment that lets him know you're interested in him. You don't really have to be in love with the guy to compliment him.
    • You can say something like, "You are so good at chemistry. How do you do that? "Or" You have such a unique smile. I could see it was you on the other side of the room. "
  4. Ask them questions. If you want to have a good time with guys on a date, you should ask them about themselves every now and then without questioning them. You can get to know them little by little and show that you are interested in the things that matter to them. You don't have to interview them, but do ask a few questions during a conversation. Here are some things you can ask them to show your interest:
    • Their favorite bands
    • Their hobbies
    • Their favorite TV shows, movies or actors
    • Their plans for the weekend
    • Their pets
  5. Dare to laugh at yourself. Guys like when girls don't take themselves too seriously. While it's not appealing to put yourself down or to make fun of yourself, such as saying that you are fat, that you are stupid, or that you hate something about yourself, a little light humor can show that you are a nice, calm person. This is different from talking negatively about yourself in the hope that someone will give you some attention; just learn to laugh at yourself and the rest of your life will be much easier.
    • For example, you could make a comment like, `` Big surprise, I tripped again '' or `` Wonder how many more pink sweaters I can wear, '' to show guys that you're aware of your crazy or endearing traits while you don't want everything perfect.

Part 3 of 3: Avoid common mistakes

  1. Don't act girly if you aren't. If you would describe yourself as a girl who likes to wear dresses and likes to emphasize your feminine features, then you should keep doing that. But if you're more of a tomboy then you should be proud to be who you are and try not to giggle more than usual, play with your hair more than usual, or just change who you are to be more girlish because you thinks that's what guys want. Most importantly, act like yourself, and the guys will be impressed.
    • You can also alternate it. If you're more of a tomboy but want to put on a dress or skirt every now and then, no one will stop you.
  2. Don't let your girlfriends talk to guys for you. If you are in love with a guy and you want to say something about it to him, make sure you do it yourself. Sure, it's easier and less stressful to have one of your friends talk to him to tell him what you think, but doing it yourself will start an easier flow of communication and the guy will be impressed with your confidence. The worst that could happen is for him to reciprocate your feelings, but at least you'll have the pleasure of knowing that you had the courage to talk to him.
    • If you're really shy to tell a guy you like him in person, you can drop him a note or talk to him online. Most importantly, it comes directly from you.
  3. Don't laugh at everything. Again, another misconception girls have about how to behave around guys is that they want you to smile all the time. Sure, if the guy you're around is really funny, you can laugh whatever you want, but you shouldn't laugh if you're just doing it because you think it's going to make them like you more. You can laugh, but you also have to joke yourself. You don't want people to think you're just a giggle.
    • If a guy is really funny, you can crack up about anything. However, don't do this just because you think you look cute that way.
  4. Don't try to show off. You may also think that guys like girls who talk about how much money their wallets cost, what celebrities are following them on Twitter, or other things that are superficially interesting to you. Instead, talk about things that really matter to you, and guys will be impressed. If you do something worth bragging about, the guys will find out in a different way because other people will praise you.
    • Work on becoming the best person you can be and guys will be impressed with what you do, whether you are amazingly good at learning foreign languages ​​or have an unsustainable service at tennis.
  5. Don't make fun of other girls. You may think that guys find it funny when you put other girls down or talk about random dramas you experience. However, most guys prefer girls who take it easy and don't complain about their friends, and don't feel the need to put other people down to feel better about themselves. If you say nice things about girls who are not around and avoid gossip, guys will like you better because they will see that you are calm and not into drama, and they will draw to you.
    • If you put other girls down, it is a sign of your insecurity, and guys will see that you are only doing it to be better yourself. Instead, you better praise other girls for showing how comfortable you are with what you have to offer.


  • Respect his privacy and keep everything he tells you to yourself.
  • Be calm and mature.
  • If he's with a group of guys, stick with them, but don't bore them.
  • Make a joke or go crazy. Smile at him when he responds.
  • If you're too shy, ask a friend to join you, but don't let her do all the talking.
  • Never interrupt him if he does something you don't like.
  • Watch if he's a jerk.
  • Don't be someone you are not.
  • Don't be clingy. Boys find that unattractive or immature.
  • Do not advertise your knowledge if it is not necessary.


  • Don't choke him. Give him some space.
  • Stay away from men who lie, cheat, or make you do something you don't want to do.
  • Don't try to stare at him 24/7. It will make him feel a little irritated and uncomfortable.
  • Don't act like a drama queen around him. Most guys don't like that kind of behavior.
  • Don't let your friends down. Guys like girls who are loyal and he'll be glad you don't hurt him.
  • Don't let your friends do all the talking.
  • Don't talk about other guys you like in front of him.
  • Don't overdo it with jokes, because it will seem like you're trying too hard.
  • Don't be mean or say anything mean, even if you mean it as a joke.
  • Don't be such a nasty flirt.