Sleeping naked

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 1 April 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
Why You Should Never Sleep in the Nude!
Video: Why You Should Never Sleep in the Nude!


Sleeping naked has so many benefits that it is a miracle that more people don't try it. It's good for your skin, for your health, and for your sex life. If you are used to sleeping in your pajamas, it may take a few nights before you can really get used to sleeping naked. However, if you've made it a habit to sleep naked, you'll never want anything else.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Making the switch

  1. Start by sleeping in your underwear. Are you used to sleeping in full pajamas? Even if you only wear a T-shirt at night, it can take a night or two before you can really get used to sleeping naked. Switching from fully clothed to naked immediately can seriously disrupt your night's sleep at first. So first choose to only wear underwear (no bra), to see how it feels.
    • Sleeping on underwear alone also offers some benefits that sleeping naked can bring. After all, more of your skin is exposed to the air, and this circulation promotes brighter skin.
    • However, wearing underwear still causes your body to rely on that extra layer to regulate the temperature. The parts of your body that you cover with underwear will not be exposed to the healthy airflow. That's why it's worth trying to sleep naked.
  2. Sleep naked under breathable fabrics. Sleeping naked is healthy because it allows your skin to free itself from tight clothing for a good 7-8 hours. Choose garments made from natural materials, preferably cotton, so that the air in your room can flow past your body.
    • Using polyester and other synthetic materials is not good for the skin. These substances either keep you too warm or they block air. This negates the positive effects of sleeping naked.
    • If you really want to do your best to sleep as healthy as possible, choose sheets and blankets made from organic fibers. That way, your naked skin won't be exposed to chemicals.
  3. Adjust your sheets and blankets for the season. Many people complain that it is too cold at night to sleep naked. This can be easily solved by choosing the right bedding for the season. If you have a good duvet, your body can adapt to the environment - and stay nice and warm without having to wear pajamas. In the summer, you may not even need more than a thin cotton blanket.
    • It can also help to keep a collection of throws and thin blankets in your bedroom. In these ways, you can choose to add or remove layers, depending on your needs.
    • A bedspread can come in handy all year round. You can kick the blanket off if you feel the need, and still have a sheet so you don't feel all set out.
  4. Consider washing before going to bed. You may find it a lot better to sleep naked if you have washed first. Your skin will feel fresh and clean, and your bedding will stay clean longer. Taking a warm bath before going to sleep will also make you a lot more sleepy - so you sleep even better.
  5. Keep a bathrobe / dressing gown next to your bed. In the morning, you won't need anything that you can immediately put on - after all, you don't want to be cold when you walk to the bathroom. In case of an emergency, it is also wise to keep a bathrobe next to your bed. You will relax a lot better knowing your bathrobe is next to you, so you don't have to stress when something happens.

Part 2 of 3: Maximizing the benefits

  1. See if your partner also wants to sleep naked. Skin-to-skin contact at night causes the body to produce oxytocin. This hormone makes you feel good and helps relieve stress and depression. It even lowers blood pressure. Get the maximum benefit from sleeping naked by asking your partner to do it with you.
    • As an added benefit, the increased contact with your partner's skin can make you more likely to have sex. That way, sleeping naked can increase the intimacy between you and your partner and strengthen the relationship.
    • To make sure both of you are comfortable, you can put extra blankets on the sides of the bed. That way you can add or remove layers at will.
  2. Keep the thermostat at 21º Celsius or lower. People sleep better when the temperature is lower. If your body gets too warm - often caused by clothing - you won't be able to get the deep, restorative rest you need to stay healthy. Regardless of what season it is, make sure the temperature in the bedroom is low. Make sure you sleep naked so that your body can regulate its own temperature. If you're chilly at night, grab an extra blanket - that's a lot better than wrapping your body in tight pajamas.
    • Sleeping in cooler temperatures also causes your body to regulate melatonin and growth hormones. If you don't get the deep sleep that cool spaces bring, then your body won't get enough of a chance to make these hormones properly. These hormones are essential for cell repair.
    • Sleeping deeper regulates the production of cortisol in the body. This hormone is produced when the body experiences stress, can cause you to gain weight, and put you at risk for other health problems. Allowing your body to rest completely prevents it from becoming brimful of cortisol.
  3. Make sure the room is completely dark. Since you are already reaping the benefits of sleeping naked in a cool room, you might as well go all out and get the best sleep you can possibly get. Unplug all your night lights and electronic devices and your room will be completely pitch black. Sleeping in absolute darkness allows your brain to completely unwind. It therefore contributes to a great night's sleep.
    • Try to avoid checking your phone or laptop before closing your eyes. The light that these devices emit can prevent you from sleeping well.
    • If the streetlamps keep your room from absolute darkness, invest in blackout curtains.
  4. Let the air flow past your body. Cool, dry air promotes circulation. It also provides the right conditions to improve the health of the genitals of both men and women. For men, cooler temperatures will keep sexual functions and sperm healthy. Women benefit from the cool, dry air as it prevents fungal infections.

Part 3 of 3: Create a comfortable routine

  1. Arrange your affairs before going to sleep. If you live in a house with other people in addition to your partner, you probably want to take precautions to avoid embarrassing situations. Make sure the kids are tucked in and ready to go to sleep. Only then start your own routine and get undressed. This reduces the chance of a sleepy child storming you when you are naked.
    • If you're really worried, don't undress until you get into bed. Brush your teeth and turn off the lights if you are still wearing your clothes.
    • Don't forget to keep a bathrobe next to your bed. You never know.
  2. Lock the door if you think it is safe. Maybe you can lock the door or barricade it a bit so that no one can just enter. If you live in a house with other adults, consider installing a lock so that you feel more comfortable. If you have small children and it is not wise to lock the door, try putting a thick towel under the door. Or put a chair behind the door. That way you will have at least some time to prepare yourself when your child (ren) storm in.
  3. Set your alarm so you can get up early. That way you will be up and dressed before the children knock on the door. If you need more sleep, but other people in the house are waking up soon, put on a nightgown or a shirt and get back to bed. That way you will be dressed in any case during the last moments, and you will not be faced with uncomfortable situations.
  4. Talk to your kids about privacy. You may want to talk to your children to make it clear to them that your bedroom is a place of privacy between certain hours. Make sure they always knock and wait for your answer before coming in. This way you give yourself the time to put on your bathrobe and prevent your children from seeing you naked.
    • There will be times when your kids see your bare shoulders, and that's okay. It's perfectly normal to sleep naked, and you don't have to hide that from your kids.
    • Let them know that you and your partner sleep naked, and that everyone deserves privacy before getting dressed. This is a great way to defuse this situation, and will hopefully keep embarrassing storms out.


  • Take a shower before bed to keep the sheets clean. Wash the sheets regularly to feel fresh.
  • If your living situation is not favorable for sleeping naked, only sleep in your underwear.
  • Hang a sign on the door asking if they would like to knock first.
  • Consider sleeping in a sleeping bag. This will keep you warm and prevent people from seeing you naked.
  • If someone walks in and sees you naked, tell them to go back to bed. Or face the fact, and then pretend nothing ever happened.


  • If you are regularly sleepwalking or taking medications that can induce sleepwalking, you may want to avoid sleeping naked. You don't want to wake up in the middle of the living room and see your whole family yawning at you!
  • It's no problem if family members see each other naked. Everyone should feel free and safe in the house, including free to be naked. Just do what feels right. Stay away from each other's genitals and do not engage in sexual acts.