Make fashion drawings

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 13 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
How To Draw Fashion Sketches and Figures!
Video: How To Draw Fashion Sketches and Figures!


In the fashion world, new designs are presented in the form of hand-drawn sketches before they are actually cut and sewn. First you draw a croquis, the figure drawn as a model that serves as the basis of a sketch. This is not about drawing a realistic looking figure, but as a blank canvas where you can display illustrations of dresses, skirts, blouses, accessories and the rest of your creations. Adding color and details such as ruffles, seams and buttons will help bring your ideas to life.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Start with your sketch

  1. Gather your materials. Choose a hard pencil (H pencils are best) that will allow you to draw light, outlined lines that are easy to erase. Lines with these pencils also don't print into the paper, which helps when you want to add color to your image. A good quality piece of eraser and thick paper are also important materials to have if you want to create a professional looking sketch.
    • If you do not have the right pencils, you can also start sketching with an HB pencil. Just remember to draw very light lines and not press into the paper.
    • Drawing with a pen is not recommended because you will not be able to erase the lines you draw.
    • You also need colored markers, ink or paint for coloring your clothing designs.
  2. Choose an attitude for your croquis. The model for your design, a croquis, should be drawn in a position that makes the items stand out best. You can show the model walking, sitting, bending or in another position. As a beginner, you should start with the most commonly used pose, a runway sketch, showing the model standing or walking on a runway. This is the easiest to draw and allows you to show off all your designs in all its glory.
    • Since you want to illustrate designs in a way that makes them look professional and attractive, it's important to model them on a croquis that looks well-proportioned and well-drawn.
    • Many illustrators practice drawing hundreds of croquis to perfect their skill in drawing various poses.
  3. Consider alternative croquis-making methods. It is nice to be able to draw a croquis yourself, because you can create a model with it, exactly in the proportions you want. However, if you want to jump straight to drawing your clothing designs, there are a few short cuts to take:
    • Download one online, choosing from a range of sizes and shapes. For example, you can download a croquis in the shape of a child, man, little woman, and so on.
    • Make a croquis by tracing the outline of a model from a sheet or another image. Just put a piece of tracing paper over the model you like and lightly draw an outline.

Part 2 of 3: Drawing a croquis

  1. Illustrate the original design. Think about what look you want to create, and show it down to the last detail. For example, if you want to design a dress, add the patterns, ruffles, text, bows, etc. to create a beautiful piece of art. Focus on the individual elements of your design that are unique, and add appropriate accessories to make it clear which style you want to add to. If you need new ideas or you don't know where to start, look for fashion trends on the internet or in fashion magazines for inspiration.
  2. Consider making flats. In addition to making a fashion drawing, you can also make a flat scheme. This is a drawing of your fashion design that shows the flat outline of the garment as if it were spread out on a flat surface. This is useful for those looking at the design to see the flat version as well, in addition to the way it would look if someone is wearing it.
    • Flats are drawn to scale. Do your best to create illustrations that look as accurate as possible.
    • Also include a drawing of the flats at the back, especially the back of designs where there are unique details.


  • Don't worry too much about the details of the face unless you have specific make-up in mind that goes with the outfit.
  • Some people like to draw the models extremely thin. Draw your model realistically. This will help if you are going to select garments and sew the outfit together.
  • It is often easier not to apply any facial features at all and just draw some lines of the hair. You want the focus to be on the outfit.
  • Stick the material you want to use next to the design so you know what you will be using.
  • Adding structure to the clothing is tricky and can take some practice.