Attract girls

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 26 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Attract Girls Without Saying Anything (6 PROVEN Tricks)
Video: How To Attract Girls Without Saying Anything (6 PROVEN Tricks)


When you go shopping, when you go to school, to a sporting event, to a concert. . . do you see girls you would like to get to know better? Here are some steps that can help you attract girls.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Be great

  1. Work on your confidence and self-esteem. Self-confidence and self-esteem are very attractive qualities. Girls will fall head over heels for a boy who is confident in himself and what he can do. Do things that boost your confidence such as volunteering, learning something new, or traveling.
    • You can build self-confidence by volunteering with an organization like Unicef. This allows you to prove to yourself and to others that you are capable of making a difference and making a difference.
    • You can also boost your confidence by learning something new, such as a second or third language. This can be done easily online through free sites such as Livemocha.
  2. Don't compare yourself to others. It will not make you feel better. The only person you can be is you, and that's great! Show the world how great you can be, and don't try to emulate someone else's kind of greatness.
    • Also, don't try to be anyone other than yourself. Girls will notice if you try too hard and are not sincere, and they won't find it attractive. Acting as a tough gangster while growing up in a rich neighborhood? Sorry, dude. She will notice. Just be yourself and be happy with that. Girls find that very attractive.
  3. Take care of yourself and your appearance. Put some effort into your personal hygiene or your outfit. Why would a girl like you if you don't like yourself enough to take care of your body? Regularly wash your hair and body, use deodorant, wear clothes without holes or stains, and brush your teeth.
  4. Don't worry too much about wearing designer clothes. She will notice first whether your clothes fit well and are in colors that suit you, not which letters are on your chest.
    • Of course, don't overdo it. A little bit of gel in your hair is probably fine, but make sure it doesn't get muddy and harsh.
  5. Be approachable. Don't let yourself appear angry, upset, silly, or in any other way that would make it uncomfortable to talk to you. If every time the two of you have a conversation, it seems like you're upset, why would she want to talk to you, let alone date you? Smile, be nice, and try to be approachable through. . . to talk!
  6. Be a great person. Be someone a girl would want to go out with. You don't have to be smart, but know what you are talking about and be curious. Be a nice person who works hard to improve the lives of those around them. And make something of your life. That's really important. Indulge yourself and work towards a better life for yourself.
    • You can gain more knowledge by reading about things that interest you. Did you know that there are entire books about the development of weapons such as swords?
    • Find out what your dreams are. What do you want with your life? What is your great passion? Girls find it very attractive when you show that passion. They want to believe that you will love them as much as you love ... basketball or something.

Method 2 of 2: Make her happy

  1. Get to know her. Talk to her and listen to her. Ask about her family and where she grew up, her religion and political affiliations, and what she likes to do. Don't be critical or rude about her answers - they are hers, not yours! Respect her ideas, her opinions and what she believes. Girls like to be treated as human beings. If you want girls to find you attractive, respecting them is a good start.
    • For example, ask her about her favorite hobby and how she got started. That way, you work towards talking about where and how she grew up, her family, and so on.
  2. Look for things you have in common. She loves Metallica ... you love Metallica ... bam! Now you have something to talk about! Ask what music she listens to, what movies she likes to watch, and the things she does in her spare time. Finding something you both enjoy is a great way to get to know each other and bond.
  3. Be a good friend. We cannot guarantee without lying that you will not end up in the friend zone. But being friends with a girl and showing what a beautiful person you are is the best way to get her to like you. Show her how happy she would be with you and you will see how much happier you will be with her.
    • Support her when she's having a rough day, help her think about something else, be there when she needs help, and listen when she talks.
  4. Don't be a creep. Don't stare at her first and then avoid eye contact. Don't hang around her without ever saying anything to her. Don't stare at. . . certain parts of her anatomy (however tempting). Don't do weird sexual acts if you don't know her well, and definitely don't use cliché phrases. Things like that will scare her and make her find you a lot less attractive.


  • Don't make your first move too quickly.
  • Respect her during a conversation.
  • For step 8 - joking between the two of you and teasing a little bit is fun when you know what to joke about, so be careful. And don't go too far by saying, for example, that her friend is weird or stupid. If they are good friends, your chances are wasted. . . when you know what to say, girls like to tease!
  • Be aware that "attracting" is only part of a relationship.
  • Compliment her on her appearance and she will feel confident.
  • Understand how she thinks and talks to her.
  • Always be sweet and nice.
  • Don't text or do anything else when talking to a girl, always look at her.
  • Girls like guys who understand them ... listening is VERY important.
  • Look her deep in the eye ...


  • Don't be a bastard.Yes, that will slap you in the face.
  • NEVER ignore a girl when she's talking to you !!!
  • If you think about sex / making love at first sight, don't try to get her as a girlfriend.
  • Don't stare at the floor! Make plenty of eye contact.
  • If you're too flirty, you can expect a slap in the face.