Exciting girls

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 20 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
Exciting traditional female and male Swazi Dancing
Video: Exciting traditional female and male Swazi Dancing


Arousing women is an art form. To do it right you need to find the perfect balance between aggressiveness and restraint. You have to know how to touch the woman's body and understand what she wants and when she wants it. If you want to know how to turn up the temperature and hit on a woman, follow these steps.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Create the mood

  1. Create a sexy atmosphere. If you create a sexy atmosphere, your girl will be turned on before your first kiss. Make sure the lighting, scent, and sounds in your home are romantic-ready. That's how you do that:
    • Provide soft, sexy lighting. When you walk into your apartment, the lights should be dim enough — just enough for her to see you, but not so bright as to make her feel self-aware. Light some candles.
    • Make your apartment smell sexy. If you know you're going to have a lady on the floor on a particular night, open the windows during the day to let in some fresh air. Some masculine potpourri can also keep your apartment looking fresh. When your lady arrives, casually light some incense, or make sure your candles are scented.
    • Put on some sexy music. Your lady will be more excited if you put on the right music. Jazz makes her feel sophisticated, and R&B can get her in the sexy mood. Whatever you choose, make sure you can turn it on easily, and don't turn the music too loud.
  2. Get sexy reinforcements. Your house should be prepared for sexiness in advance so that the mood can stay hot and you don't have to interrupt things. Here are some important items you should always have in stock:
    • Something to drink. Make sure you always have red and white wine, and any other drinks your lady likes. Chances are you drank on your sexy date. So always make sure you have something extra to sip when you go to your house.
    • Something to eat. If you need more time to warm up before heading to the bedroom, sharing sexy snacks can help get you in the mood. Be prepared with sexy foods like grapes, strawberries, cheese and crackers, or chocolate. Avoid greasy and fried foods that can make you windy - that's not exciting at all.
    • Something to clean up with. If you plan to do the deed, make sure you have a clean towel and clean soap for your girl. You don't want to turn her off on a damp, musty towel.
  3. Provide a sexy home. Do your best to create a home that will immediately turn the ladies on. Your house must be presentable so that your girl will want to find the way to your bedroom. That's how you do that:
    • Make sure it is clean. This is the most important part. Put away your dirty laundry, clean all surfaces in your house, and make absolutely sure that your bathroom is not dirty. Your girl needs to be as comfortable as possible before she can start the act.
    • Be fashionable. Your house doesn't have to be out of a magazine to turn it on. Provide stylish wood or leather furniture, some nice paintings, and a good stereo system to show your girl that you care about your surroundings. Avoid having a lot of pictures of you and your exes in your house.
    • Have a sexy bed. Wash your sheets and covers, make sure your pillows are nice and fluffy, and tidy up your bedside table. Now you need to keep your and your mom's pictures as far away as possible. Your girl should feel as comfortable as possible and want to get right under the covers.

Method 2 of 3: Have great foreplay

  1. Make sure she is comfortable. When you have created the right atmosphere, it is time to turn your girl on. You do this by making her feel at home. If she's relaxed, you're more likely to mess around. That's how you do that:
    • Hang up her coat and let her take off her shoes. She'll feel a lot more comfortable once she's done that.
    • Offer her a drink. Don't force her to drink, but pour her a glass of wine if she feels like it. If she drinks, you should drink too - make sure she doesn't feel self-conscious.
    • Compliment her. Make her feel good by telling her how much you like her. Tell her how good she looks, how much fun you have with her, or if you like the way she smiles.
  2. Touch her sexy. If your lady is relaxed, she will want you to get closer to her. Don't be shy - sit next to her, and start touching her subtly to initiate foreplay. That's how you do that:
    • Sit next to her, making sure your legs are touching. Put your arm around her. If she really likes it, play with her hair.
    • If she's wearing dangling earrings, hold one in your hand and say how much you like them. Do this while running your fingers along her earlobe.
    • Rub your hand against hers for a moment. Hold her hand for a moment and stroke her fingers if she wants to.
    • Give her a sexy massage. Massage her shoulders, her lower back, or even her biceps. This is guaranteed to relax her and make her feel nice and relaxed.
  3. Kiss with passion. Kissing is the first big step you will take. And that first step must be good if you want to take it one step further. To be the perfect kisser, you have to have an irresistible kiss style. You do that like this:
    • Be tender. First, kiss her gently, and don't use your tongue too much. Gently run your lips along hers, gently touching hers with the tip of your tongue. If she's receptive, move your tongue deeper into her mouth. But take it slow.
    • Make her want more. In between kisses, take a break to make eye contact, brush her hair back a little, and start kissing her on the neck or shoulders. Don't keep kissing for hours on end without taking a break. That will either bore her or exhaust her.
    • Be more aggressive with your touch. When you kiss her, move your hands down her sides. Touch her waist, breasts, or the inner thighs. Make sure your new moves can get her approval.
  4. Start undressing. Once the kiss has gotten nice and steamy, it's time to get rid of your clothes so you can move on. To set the tone for hot sex, you need to undress properly. That's how you do that:
    • Take off the top of the girl first. Gently put your hands under her top and slip it over her head. If it has knots, take it easy and throw it aside.
    • Then take off your own shirt. Do not immediately take off all your clothes. This will put girls off, they will think you are acting too aggressive. Take your time.
    • Once your tops are off you can continue kissing. Get rid of her bra after a while. Check if the clasp is on the front or back, and try to loosen it smoothly. Don't be uncomfortable about it, or joke about how long it has been since you did it, or how impossible it is to take off a bra. This will turn her off and give the impression that you are inexperienced.
    • Caress her gently over her panties. This will make her want you to take off her skirt or pants. If she's wearing pants, slowly pull them down. If it's a skirt, slide it down her legs.
    • Take your pants off, or wait for her to take them off if she's comfortable doing that. Now that you're both in your underwear and both of you are willing, it's time to get ready for sex.

Method 3 of 3: Have the right moves in the bedroom

  1. Be clear about the sex. While you may conclude because you're both in your underwear, it's important to make it clear that you're going to have sex. This way you avoid misunderstandings and uncomfortable situations. Here's how to overcome that hurdle:
    • Say something like "Are you ready?" or "Do you want it?" Make it clear that you would like to take the next step.
    • If she agrees, make sure you have a condom ready. Put these on smoothly, and try to do it efficiently so as not to ruin the atmosphere.
  2. Turn the girl on for sex as much as possible. Men are often ready to have sex earlier than women. Even if you have had great foreplay, you need to spend some extra time on your girl's body before you can get started. This is what you should do:
    • Caress and kiss her body all the way. Kiss her neck, shoulders, breasts, stomach, and the insides of her thighs.
    • Tell her how much you like her. Whisper some phrases about how sexy her body is, or how beautiful you think a certain body part is.
    • Touch her genitals gently. You can tease her a bit by touching her, then move your hand somewhere else. This will make her long for more. Once she's ready for intercourse you should go for it.
  3. Find your sexual style. There are tons of ways to have great sex. When you start you need to feel your girl to see what makes her feel comfortable and what she likes. Here's how to find out your sexual style with your new partner:
    • Try different positions. Start on top, and see if we like to sit on top, or even want to have sex in a slightly more adventurous way. Don't get too furious the first time - try to get into a good rhythm before you get creative.
    • See if she likes it tender or rough. Try some light bites or some intense touches to see if it returns. Some women like to be a bit more aggressive, but wait for you to take the first step. If she prefers to do it a little more tenderly, take her time and touch her lightly.
    • Try some dirty talk. Not everyone likes dirty talk, but if your lady does, it can turn her on enormously. Tell her what you are doing, what you would like to do with her, and compliment her body. If she doesn't repeat your talk, cut it back a bit.
  4. Finish strong. Both partners should feel satisfied after sex. So before you cum, make sure your lady is having a good time. Here are some ways to end up strong in the bedroom:
    • Keep in mind that many women don't cum from sex. So if not, keep touching her until she does.
    • When you cum, don't get out of the room or into the shower right away. Take the time to stay in bed and caress your girl. Tell her how great it was.
    • Don't be disappointed. Don't get discouraged if your lady doesn't or you cum too quickly. This happens more often than you think. Taking it calmly shows her how confident you are.
  5. Make her long for more. Once you've got things done, there are a number of things you can do that will make her want to go to bed with you again - whether it's later that night or later in the week. This is how you can end on a positive note:
    • Offer to shower together. If she's up for it, kiss her tenderly while showering.
    • Don't be so restrained after sex. You have to give your lady some space, but at the same time show that you are that nice, wonderful boy she was messing with hours ago.
    • Tell her that you had a great time and that you would like to repeat it again soon. When she leaves, let her out like a real gentleman would. Put your coat on her, give her a ride home or call a taxi, and give her a kiss when she goes out.
    • Stay cool. Don't say something like "When will we do this again?" Rather say you had a great time and that you'll be calling her soon.
    • Make sure she thinks about it next time. When she's gone, a sexy message can remind her of the exciting times in your bedroom. If you deal smoothly with these subtle memories, she will crave you again sooner than you could replenish the supply of candles and incense.


  • Give your lady as much love as she gives you. Focus on making her feel comfortable.
  • If you come prematurely, don't be an embarrassed jerk about it. Apologize, but don't make a mouse an elephant.


  • Never pressure a woman to have sex with you. Let her make the decision. She should never regret having sex with you.
  • Use condoms to prevent STDs. When you go to bed with someone for the first time, you should always use a condom. Don't try to convince women that sex is better without a condom - this is downright dangerous, and you can catch a nasty illness.