Letting multiple cats live together

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 3 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Introducing Cats to each other
Video: Introducing Cats to each other


Do you have cats that don't seem to like each other or fight every time they are in the same room together? Cats are by nature territorial and solitary creatures and may not like a new cat entering their habitat. But with a few modifications to your cat's living environment and tips on how to properly deal with conflict or skirmishes, your cats can become friends or at least tolerant of each other over time.

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Part 1 of 3: Properly introducing the cats

  1. Let the cats smell each other before they meet. Keep the new cat in a separate room so the other cats can smell her through the door. You can use your bathroom if you don't have an extra room.
    • Give the cat that already lived there something to sleep on with the scent of the new cat on it. The ideal object is a T-shirt with your scent on it, which the new cat has been sitting on. Your scent will be as intermediate link uses and gives the pre-existing cat a friendly introduction.
    • It may take a few days for your cats to stop freaking out or avoiding kissing your new cat. But over time they will get used to the new fragrance.
    • As a general rule, it is usually best to bring in a new cat while your existing cat is still young. This allows both cats to get to know each other for a longer period of time and hopefully bond as they grow up.
  2. Let the cats observe each other before meeting in person. If you are planning to get a second cat or add a new cat to your household, it is important to make sure you introduce them properly. This means that you let the cat see each other before they can touch or make contact.
    • Consider putting the new cat in a cat basket and placing it on the floor for the existing cat to sniff around and investigate, without the threat of the new cat chasing it.
    • Alternatively, you can use a baby gate that is at least 3 feet high. Put it in the doorway of the new cat's room so that she stays in her room and doesn't make contact with your existing cat (s).
    • Let the cats see each other. And if there are no attacks or signs of aggression, then you can praise and reward them both.
    • Have the cats look at each other five to 10 times in a row, two to three times a day.
  3. Pay attention to the body language of both cats. Before allowing the cats to make physical contact with each other, you will need to make sure that they have become accustomed to each other by the smell and sight. They should appear relaxed and calm when looking at each other and are fine with each other for extended periods of time.
    • If any of the cats start to hiss, growl, or feel uncomfortable, take them out of each other's view. Keep the baby gate closed so that the cats cannot make contact with each other. Always stop while things are going well and don't force the cats to interact. Patience is important because it can take some time for your cats to accept each other.
  4. Play with the cats. Once your cats feel comfortable smelling and seeing each other, you can start encouraging them to connect. Use a fishing rod-like toy to play with the cats at the same time. You should also give each cat her own toy to play with. This allows the cats to associate being around each other with playtime.
    • If one of the cats starts to get aggressive, you can use the fishing rod toy to distract the cat. But if both cats start to show aggression or tension, take them apart and put them back in their separate areas. You should never leave the cats alone to play until they seem comfortable and accept each other.
    • If the cats have fun playing together, reward them both with treats and compliments. It is important that you always reward both cats so that they understand that they are equal and that there is no preferential treatment.

Part 2 of 3: Adapting the living environment

  1. Provide separate litter boxes, food bowls and baskets for each cat. Giving each cat their own litter box, food bowl, and basket can help reduce feelings of competition and stress among your cats.
    • Keep the litter boxes, food bowls, and baskets identical for both cats so it may not appear that one cat is preferred over the other. Place the food bowls at a safe distance from each other so that your cats can eat in the same room, but in different parts of the room.
  2. Make vertical spots for both cats. Cat trees, cat-friendly shelves, and high seating areas on furniture can make your cats feel comfortable roaming the space without having to share a vertical spot. Cats often feel safer when they can observe things from above and when they can sit on their own away from other cats.
    • You can put separate scratching posts in doorways or at the top or bottom of the stairs so your cats can learn to play in the same place, but at their own post.
  3. Make a cardboard play area for the cats. Cats love to run around and explore on high seating areas in a cardboard play area. You can also use paper bags, removing the handles, and cardboard tubes to make a fun play area for any cat. Alternate the objects to keep the play area interesting for both cats.
    • Make sure the play area has multiple exits so your cats don't feel cornered or trapped while playing.
  4. Feed the cats in separate rooms or on opposite sides of the room. Feeding time can be a great source of tension and competition for your cats. Reduce stress and anxiety for your cats by feeding each cat food in their own bowls in different areas of the room.

Part 3 of 3: Dealing with conflict

  1. Stop fighting by clapping your hands or spraying water. Don't just let your cats fight out their problems. Cats can't really solve problems by fighting, and fighting often makes conflict worse. Disrupt or stop fighting by clapping your hands hard or spraying water.
    • Don't yell at them to stop them fighting or throw things at them. This will cause more stress and possibly more fights later on. Instead, calmly interrupt the fight. You can try to distract the cats with toys to prevent the fight from continuing.
    • You should also not calm the cats after they have had a fight. Instead, leave them alone once they are apart and are no longer fighting. Because of their solitary nature, cats are often better left alone to recover from conflict.
  2. Use a soothing pheromone spray. Some cat owners have found that a calming pheromone spray such as Feliway can help reduce stress levels in the living area. You can also buy Feliway as an outlet diffuser that releases the soothing pheromone throughout the home.
    • The spray may not work on all cats to calm them down, and it will not prevent all conflict. But it can help create a calm, stress-free environment for both cats.
  3. Take care of and pay the same amount of attention to both cats separately. Often times, two fighting cats will expect their owner to help them deal with the stress and anxiety of having to live together. Observe their behavior towards you and if you see signs of stress, such as tense body posture, tail slapping, or enlarged pupils, respond by giving the cats some attention. Do this by playing with both cats at the same time, using two sets of toys. You can also take care of your cats by giving them love and attention. Rub their tummies and their heads, but don't pick them up and carry them or hug them. Most cats get stressed when held and prefer to be groomed on the ground.
    • Some cat owners have found that rubbing tuna juice on the cats' bodies and heads can help distract the cats from fighting. Your cats may become so absorbed in grooming and licking the tuna juice that they may not be paying much attention to each other. In fact, they can start grooming each other to get the tuna juice, and they can start to interact more gently.
  4. If your cats keep fighting, talk to your vet. Sometimes cats can fight because of stress or anxiety, because of a medical condition or problem. Take your cats to the vet for checkups to determine if there are other reasons for the fight.
    • You can also contact an animal behaviorist for advice and guidance on encouraging your cats to accept each other at home. You can find a list of cat behavior experts here.
    • Keep in mind that some cats just can't live in peace with each other. Chronic stress and tension in their living space is not healthy for your cats and can lead to very unhappy feline years. If you've exhausted your options, consider taking the cats apart permanently by finding a new home for a cat, or confining a cat to a separate area of ​​the house.