Cut the chicken fillet into strips

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 11 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
How To Cut Up a Chicken Breast Into Chicken Strips for Marinating
Video: How To Cut Up a Chicken Breast Into Chicken Strips for Marinating


Chicken fillet is packed with protein and low in fat, making it a favorite of healthy eaters. However, whether you're tired of eating grilled chicken fillet every day or just want to be able to cook the chicken faster, it's nice to add some variety when cooking and cut the chicken fillet into strips. Use the conventional method of cutting the chicken into strips with a knife, or use kitchen scissors if you want a safer method.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Cutting chicken with a knife

  1. Choose a sharp chef's knife that is 20-25 inches long. The sharper the blade, the less likely you are to injure yourself because the blade slips and slips less. With a longer knife you can cut the meat smoothly and neatly instead of having to cut smaller and smaller pieces as you would with a shorter knife. A chef's knife is also sturdy enough to cut through meat with just light pressure.
    • An easy way to sharpen a knife is with a knife sharpener. Push the knife against the rough side of the knife sharpener and pull it towards you several times, applying light pressure. Then treat the knife with the fine side of the knife sharpener.
    • Chef's knives vary widely in price based on the quality and the materials used. Look at a kitchen supply store or online store to find a knife that you like and that is easy to hold.
  2. Place the chicken breast on a plate in the freezer for 15 minutes. Raw chicken is very slippery, so putting the chicken in the freezer for a while before cutting will make it firmer and make it easier to cut. You do not have to cover the chicken fillet and you can leave it in the package or take it out first.
    • If you don't want to wait for the chicken to firm up in the freezer, pat the chicken dry with a paper towel before slicing. This works less well, but ensures that the chicken is a little less slippery.
  3. Place the raw chicken breast in the center of the cutting board. You can also keep the chicken in the air while cutting, but this is not recommended. By placing it on the cutting board you have more control when cutting and you can cut more straight.
    • Another option is to cut the chicken in the pan in which you prepare it. Because you use scissors instead of a knife, you don't have to worry about damaging the pan and you don't have to wash an item less later.
  4. Locate the grain of the chicken breast and hold the scissors perpendicular to the grain. The grain consists of the small white muscle fibers that run through the chicken fillet. You cut right through it instead of cutting parallel to it.
    • Cutting along with the grain makes the chicken tougher.
  5. Using the scissors, cut the chicken into even strips, running the scissors across the cutting board. Hold the chicken on the cutting board with your non-dominant hand and use your other hand to cut the chicken with the scissors. While cutting, lightly run the scissors across the cutting board to guide the scissors straight through the meat.
    • You may have to cut the chicken several times per strip, depending on the size of the chicken fillet. If the chicken breast is very thick, make small snips to get through the chicken instead of trying to cut the meat all at once.


Cutting chicken with a knife

  • Plate
  • Knife
  • Cutting board

Using kitchen scissors

  • Kitchen scissors
  • Cutting board


  • Use boneless chicken breast when cutting the chicken into strips. This way you don't have to remove the bones from the meat and you can cut neat strips.
  • Always wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap before and after handling raw chicken so that you don't spread the salmonella bacteria.