Making yourself happy

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 24 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
How to Be Happy Every Day: It Will Change the World | Jacqueline Way | TEDxStanleyPark
Video: How to Be Happy Every Day: It Will Change the World | Jacqueline Way | TEDxStanleyPark


If you want to make yourself happy, then you need to know what you want and don't hesitate to express your wishes and needs. You also need to make sure that you have a positive mindset, take action to live a happier life, and take care of yourself even when you have a rough week. Most importantly, you know that happiness is within your reach if you are willing to work for it.

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Part 1 of 3: Changing your perspective

  1. Be who you want to be. If you really want to make yourself happy, the best thing you can do is be the way you were meant to be. This means that you are not the person you think your boyfriend, parents, co-workers, or friends want you to be, but the person that makes you feel like yourself the most. If you feel like you are always pretending or wearing a mask, you will never be able to enjoy your life or be truly happy.
    • You may not even realize that you are not true to the person you are until you pause and come to yourself. The next time you step into the world, you wonder if you really are the person you want to be.
    • Obviously, there are times when you have to act in a certain way to conform to socially acceptable behavior - for example, you probably shouldn't be jumping up and down on your desk at school or at work to be true to who you are. In general, however, you should take as many opportunities as possible to be yourself.
  2. Think positive. While you sometimes think it's impossible to think positively, being positive is something you can actively pursue regardless of your circumstances. If you want to be able to think positively, all you have to do is focus on the things you are grateful for and excited about and learn not to dwell on the negative things. If you focus on talking and thinking about the good things in your life, you will be more likely to be optimistic.
    • If you catch yourself commenting negatively, try to counter it with two or three positives.
    • Even making the effort to smile will not only make those around you happier, but also make you happier.
    • While complaining can help you feel better from time to time, making it a habit makes you feel pessimistic much more often.
  3. Live in the present. One way to make yourself happy is to focus on the world as it is now, instead of worrying about the past or the future. While it's not always easy to forget past mistakes or stop worrying about the future, the more you make it a habit to focus on the present moment. You can set a set time each day for your fears and worries about the future or bad thoughts about the past, but you have to push those thoughts aside if you want to enjoy your daily experiences.
    • If you are struggling to live in the present, try yoga or meditation. These daily activities can help you feel centered.
    • Think about this: something frustrating happened at work, and now you can't enjoy the time you spend at home with your family. Then you better leave it where it belongs at work, instead of letting one event ruin all the events that follow.
    • Plus, if you focus more on the present, you will be more in tune with the work you do and will be able to listen better to the people in your life.
  4. Be grateful for what you have. Another way to make yourself happy is to make gratitude a priority. Sit down with pen and paper and write down all the things you are grateful for - tell yourself not to stop writing until you have filled a page. Take the time to read these items out loud and to be truly grateful for all the joy and happiness in your life. You can be grateful for something important like your health, but also something simpler, like the delicious coffee in your favorite grand café.
    • Get in the habit of feeling gratitude. When something good happens to you, write down how grateful you are for it. If you are looking for things you could be grateful for, you will find that you have a lot more to be happy about than you thought.
    • Take the time to thank people for what they have done for you, whether they have done something big or small. This shows that you are paying attention to your surroundings.
  5. Distance yourself from your situation. Another way to make yourself happier is to get a little more perspective. Take a step back and look at your situation from the outside - sure, you may have some bumps in your relationship or have been working too much overtime lately, but at the same time you also have a roof over your head, some love and joy in you life and many more things to be thankful for. It's easy to feel miserable when only one or two things in your life go wrong, but if you want to make a habit of happiness, then you need to practice looking at the bigger picture.
    • This may be the last thing you want to hear when you're really feeling miserable, but it's important to think about how your life can look pretty bright from the outside, even if you don't feel that way.
    • Even the fact that you can access the Internet and find help here is a sign that your situation is not as bad as you might think.
  6. Dare to be selfish now and then. One of the reasons you feel like you can't make yourself happy is because you always put other people first. Well, this doesn't mean you should just put everyone aside and focus on yourself, but it does mean that you should spend more time thinking about your own goals, desires, and needs. If you routinely put your friends, partner, and family members above yourself, then you need to find a way to compromise and make yourself happier.
    • If you feel like you're in a relationship where you're sacrificing everything for the other person, start talking about it. You can't keep this up forever if you want to be happy.
    • Learn to stand up for yourself. If your friend has picked the movie in the last five times, it's your turn now. If you start small by making it clear what you want, you can quickly make bigger decisions.
  7. Surround yourself with people who make you feel good about yourself. One way to change your perspective for the better is to spend more time with people who make you feel like a great person capable of doing great things. If you spend all your time with people who put you down or make you feel insecure, like you can't do anything on your own, then you're unlikely to make yourself happy anytime soon.
    • Take stock. Look around and see which people really make you feel good and which ones make you feel terrible about yourself. If you find yourself spending most of your time with people who make you feel like you're not good enough, now is the time to cut those ties.
    • It's nearly impossible to be happy when everyone around you makes you feel worthless. While it can hurt to cut ties with people who have been in your life for a while, you need to stand up for yourself.

Part 2 of 3: Taking action

  1. Deal with your problems. One way to make yourself happy is to stop brushing all the things that are bothering you under the rug. While it is important to feel that you can be happy through willpower alone, sometimes you won't be able to get there until you address the factors in your life that make you less happy. Taking action to make your life better is admirable and takes hard work.
    • If you know you're in a relationship that just isn't working, end it ASAP instead of waiting for things to resolve on their own.
    • If you are deeply unhappy because you hate your job, find the inner motivation to find a better one.
    • If you are unsure or lack confidence in some aspect of yourself, take steps to love the person you are by seeking therapy, making small improvements, or making a strategic plan for finding your luck.
  2. Limit your stress. To make yourself happy, you must be able to deal with the stressful situations that life throws at you. While there are a number of steps you can take to reduce the stressful situations in your life, it is ultimately important to be able to cope with stress if you want to be happy. Make an effort to address stressful situations in your life directly instead of sweeping them under the rug and waiting for you to stumble over them. Here are some ways to manage your stress:
    • Have someone to talk to about it. Whether it's your friend, family member, or a therapist, you shouldn't have to deal with all that stress on your own.
    • Find ways to make your life easier. If you are constantly stressed because you get stuck in traffic every morning and you have to rush to work, leave home 15 minutes earlier every day.
    • Check if you have too much on your plate. If you feel like you're taking on five responsibilities too much, see what you can leave out of your life to make it more manageable.
    • Find a regular relaxation for yourself. This could mean reading an engaging novel, taking a long walk, or drinking chamomile tea. Find your routine and stick to it.
  3. Make time to do what you love. One of the best ways to make yourself happy is to make sure you take some time out to do what you love, be it cooking, writing a novel, or spending time in nature. Even spending just 30 minutes a day doing your favorite thing in the world can have a huge impact on your happiness for the rest of the day; look at your schedule and see what you can do to make room for the things you love.
    • If you find that the only way you can do what you love to do is to wake up half an hour earlier, then so be it. As long as you are still feeling well rested, this will be a great way to start your day.
    • Make time for what you love, even when you are very busy. If you feel absolutely miserable because you hate your job and feel like every spare second without work you are looking for a different job, ask yourself if writing the poetry you love to write so much will really have a big impact on your job search. The amount of pleasure generated by doing what you love to do will make the rest of your day more manageable.
  4. Set goals and strive for them. If you want to take action to make yourself happier, one thing you can do is set tangible goals for yourself and work to achieve them. This will give you a sense of purpose and will increase your drive - and make it easier for you to achieve happiness. Setting small goals to reach the bigger goals will help you feel happier on the road to your ultimate destination - if you feel that you will only be happy when you reach the ultimate goal, then you will you feel miserable all the way there.
    • List your goals and cross them off when you achieve them. This will make you happy and more fulfilling.
    • There is nothing wrong with setting easier goals for yourself in the beginning. This can help you feel motivated to move on.
  5. Write in your diary. One way to make yourself happy is to take the time to write in your journal at least a few times a week. This can help you think, take stock of your emotions, spend some time with yourself, and feel like you can get some perspective on your life. If you never stop to write down your thoughts or slow down long enough to think, you will never be able to gain any perspective.
    • Make an appointment with yourself to write in your journal at least once a week. Remind yourself that this is important to your happiness.
    • Review your journal every few weeks to see if you can get a better idea of ​​what makes you happy and unhappy.
  6. Get out of the house. Another simple but important thing you need to do to make yourself happier is to get out of the house more often. Just sitting in the sun, going for a walk in your neighborhood, and breathing in some fresh air can make you much happier than being locked in your dark house typing on your computer until your fingers hurt. If you work from home or just spend a lot of time there, make sure to get outside at least 2-3 times a day so that you feel happier.
    • If you go out, even if it is to do something you were going to do at home, you will feel happier, if only because you are surrounded by other people.
    • Make an effort to make plans with your friends just to get out of there - don't hang around your house or lie in your bed for too long.
  7. Make other people happy. It has been proven that making other people happy can also make you happy. Whether you're doing small favors for a friend in need, helping your neighbor take care of his dog, or volunteering - just taking the time to help other people will make you happier because you feel like you're in are able to make a difference in the lives of others. If you are only focused on yourself, you will be much more likely to be disappointed or unable to see the forest for the trees.
    • Get in the habit of doing something fun for someone you know just like that.You don't have to give someone a gift or do something nice for a person just because it's their birthday - sometimes the most appreciated gestures are made spontaneously.
    • You may think you don't have free time, but making time to volunteer only 1-2 times a month can really cheer you up and give you a sense of purpose.
  8. Clean and tidy your living space. While it may sound silly, taking the time to make your living space as clean and orderly as possible can have a huge impact on your happiness. If you take the time to get the junk out of your space, to take out the trash or to throw out worthless items, and to donate items that are in good condition but never used, you will feel happier in the end. because you are more able to breathe in your own space.
    • Even if you only take 10 minutes a day to slowly wade through your junk, you will be able to feel a big difference.
    • If you live in a messy, disorganized and even dirty space, you are much more likely to feel suffocated, lost and unhappy. When you restore a sense of order in your living space, you will feel that there is more order in your life.

Part 3 of 3: Taking care of yourself

  1. Get enough sleep. If you want to make yourself happy, then you have to make sure your basic needs are met. One of these needs is to be well rested - if you want to be happy, you need to get 7-9 hours of sleep, or how much sleep your body really needs. You should also go to bed and get up around the same time every day so that it is easier for you to fall asleep every night and get up every morning.
    • Create a relaxing bedtime routine that makes falling asleep easier. Turn off all electronics at least an hour before bed.
    • Don't sacrifice your sleep for fun. It will be difficult for you to be happy if you feel exhausted or even just need to go to sleep for an hour or two.
  2. Find at least 30 minutes to relax every day. You should make an effort to relax for at least thirty minutes a day, no matter how busy you are. You can't do something productive every second of your day or your head will feel like it's about to explode. You have to be generous to yourself and give yourself at least 30 minutes to unwind and do something completely frivolous, relaxing and enjoyable. This could mean reading gossip magazines, watching your favorite TV show, or calling your best friend.
    • Whatever you do, make sure it is purposeful and that you know you are setting aside time for relaxation. This can help your mind and body relax while doing something for yourself.
    • Everyone has a different way of relaxing. If you relax by taking a walk or writing some poetry, go for it.
  3. Eat healthy meals. Another thing you can do to take care of yourself and make yourself happier is to make sure you eat three healthy and balanced meals a day. This will help your mind sharpen, energize you, and keep you from feeling sluggish and sluggish. No matter how busy you are, you need to be aware of what you are eating, knowing that it will really have a positive effect on your happiness.
    • No matter how busy you are, don't skip breakfast. You have to start your day the right way and get the energy you need to feel good about your day.
    • Eat a healthy mix of fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and healthy carbohydrates with every meal. This can help you gain a sense of balance.
    • You can eat healthy snacks throughout the day, such as almonds, yogurt, carrot sticks or peanut butter and celery. This gives you a burst of energy without collapsing.
    • Of course, everyone should get in some sugar or fat every now and then - it's okay to let yourself go every once in a while. If you never allow yourself to eat what you want, it won't make you any happier.
  4. Get plenty of exercise. Set aside time for at least 30 minutes of exercise a day to pump endorphins and feel happier and healthier. Whether you're hiking or biking, it's important to make time for exercise so that your mind and body feel healthier and yourself happier as a result.
    • Consider joining a football or basketball team, or a hiking club - a social element of exercise can make you happier.
    • Do your best to always exercise more. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Walk instead of drive. These small actions can make a big difference.
  5. Find pleasure in life through your relationships with friends and family. Making time to be social can help you feel happier about yourself and your life. It doesn't matter how busy you are - take the time to reach out to a close friend or family member to feel happier and less alone. Make sure you really listen to the person, share your own feelings, and relax a bit at the same time.
    • If you need a shoulder to cry on, a friend or family member can be a great asset. However, friends can make you happier, even when you're already in a good mood, by reflecting your own positive feelings.
    • Unless you have a very busy week, have at least 1-2 social events on your calendar. You may be surprised at how much other people's energy can lift your mind.
  6. Maintain good hygiene. You may not think that hygiene has much to do with happiness, but it's amazing how much taking care of yourself can make a difference in your daily life. Simply showering or bathing daily, washing your hair, brushing your teeth and taking care of yourself can already make you feel much more positive about yourself and happier overall - it's much harder to be happy if you don't for a few days. showered.
    • You don't have to be the best dressed person in the world to feel happy. However, making an effort for your appearance can dramatically improve your mood.
    • If you look and feel sloppy, you are more likely to be sloppy in what you do.
  7. Have a pampering day at home. If you want to make yourself happy, you can also spend some time pampering yourself at home. Take a day off from work or school and take some time to relax, take a warm bath, put on a hair or face mask, or simply lie down by the soft candlelight and listen to music. Make yourself comfortable and know when it is time to lay back and give yourself a moment of rest.
    • You may also consider getting a massage or massaging yourself. This can help your mind and body relax and help you feel happier.
    • Remember that you deserve to be looked after, no matter how busy you are. Taking the time to give your body the attention it needs will make you happier faster than you think.