Forget your worries

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 18 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
You will forget your worries and start living your life after watching this Sadhguru- Best talk
Video: You will forget your worries and start living your life after watching this Sadhguru- Best talk


We would all like to be a little more carefree, living joyful lives full of glee. The tricky part is that we all deal with problems. These nagging thoughts and worries can really make you feel down. Fortunately, there are several ways to forget your worries and take charge of your own happiness. As Judy Garland's famous song indicates: “Forget your troubles, come on, get happy! You better chase all your cares away. ”

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Method 1 of 3: Changing your perspective

  1. Get out of town. Have a change of scenery for a few days. There is no need to spend money or go to an exotic location. Sometimes a small change of location is all it takes to stop worrying and forget about your troubles.
    • Visit a friend in another place, not too far away.
    • Reserve a bed and breakfast somewhere in the countryside just for you.
    • Search for a host through a couch-sharing website and discover a new city through the eyes of someone who lives there.
  2. Go to another room. We've all had this experience: You remember calling the bank, so you go into the kitchen to get your phone. Once you are in the kitchen, you suddenly don't remember why you went there. A study has shown that simply by moving to another room, we tend to become forgetful. Interestingly, you can also use this trait to temporarily forget about your worries.
    • If you are worried about something, get up and walk to another room.
    • Repeat this whenever a concern arises.
  3. Push the thought away. If there is a specific concern that you would like to forget, you can do it by forcing yourself, by "actively forgetting." In the same way that you can train yourself to remember, research has shown that you can train yourself to forget.
    • Whenever an unwanted thought comes to mind, push it away.
    • It can help to say, “No. I'm not going to think about that. ”
    • Repeat this tactic several times. As with memorization, forgetting takes practice and time.
    • You will begin to forget details of this memory. Eventually the memory will become very vague.
  4. Get bored. Repeat a thought about worry so often that you get bored. Take the power out of worries by making them boring. Isolate a thought or idea about worry and repeat it out loud, over and over.
    • For example, if you are concerned about your performance at work, you can say, “I'm going to lose my job. I'm going to lose my job. I'm going to lose my job. ”
    • Repeating it enough times will make the concerned thought strange, boring, or even comical.
    • With a little practice, this thought will no longer bother you.
  5. Count your blessings. By focusing your attention on what you are grateful for, you are much more able to forget about your worries. Working on being grateful shifts your perspective from worrying to interacting more positively with the world around you.
    • Whenever you find yourself worrying, stop and list five things you are grateful for.
    • Maybe you are grateful for your family, health, a roof over your head, beautiful memories, or an excellent opportunity.

Method 2 of 3: Take a mental vacation

  1. Immerse yourself in an imaginary world. Reading a book or watching a movie can be a great way to forget about your worries. Pick a compelling story in a genre you love.
    • Choose a book (or a movie) that is not too difficult. That way it is much easier to get absorbed in the story.
    • Young adult books are a good option for a number of reasons: (1) they are easy to read, (2) many of them are serialized, and (3) many of these books have also been released on film.
    • Try Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, or Twilight.
  2. Go to your happy place.“You can easily forget about your worries for a moment by mentally traveling to your“ happy place ”. This could be a place you have already been, or where you would like to go. Spending a few minutes in your happy place is a great way to lift your mood and forget about what you're worried about.
    • Close your eyes.
    • Relax your muscles.
    • Think about your happy place.
    • Imagine as much detail as possible: What sounds do you hear? What do you see? How does it smell? How does the wind feel on your skin?
    • Spend a few minutes in that place.
    • Repeat this every time you need a reset.
  3. Listen to music. Music has an important link to human emotion. Just as sad numbers can make you sad, happy numbers can help ward off negative emotions. Forget your worries by playing some cheerful music. If you put it hard enough and sing along, you will effectively drown the worries you have.
    • You can double the stress-busting powers of music by getting up and dancing!
  4. Call a friend. If you'd like to change your mind for a moment, pick up the phone and call someone. Focus your conversation on your friend. Ask questions and pay attention to the answers. Talking to a friend can lift your mood while distracting you from all your worries.
    • Ask the other person about his or her job.
    • Ask questions about recent changes in the other's life.
    • Ask the other person to describe a nice experience.
  5. Think happy thoughts. Overwhelm any negative thoughts you may have with positive ones. Think about so many happy things that all your worries just wash away. Start praising things you like about yourself (including the little things). Then move on to praise things you like about your life.
    • For example, you can think, "I have beautiful hair" "I am hardly ever sick" or "I am very good at basketball."
    • For example, you might think, "I live in a beautiful city" "My mom and dad are still alive" or "I never have to go hungry."
  6. Practice mindfulness. Worries often arise when we are too preoccupied with the past or the future. Bring yourself back into the present by engaging in mindfulness. Choose a household task, such as folding laundry or making tea, and take five minutes to focus solely on that task and nothing else. Try to include as much detail as possible. At the end of the five minutes, the problems you have with the past or the future will have less of an effect on you.

Method 3 of 3: Distract your body

  1. Work up a sweat. Few things work as well and consistently for forgetting about your problems and improving your mood as exercise. Exercise can also help you stay focused and self-directing, and release endorphins to keep you feeling happier.
    • Go dance. Go to a dance club or just go crazy at home.
    • Go cycling. In many places you can rent a bicycle.
    • Play tennis with someone, or tennis against a wall.
    • Do Hot Yoga.
  2. Go for a walk. Regardless of the type, cardio has been shown to reduce anxiety and bring about a good mood. Walking can be a great way to forget about your worries. One study estimates that a brisk 30-minute walk has the same effect as taking a mild sedative.
  3. Laugh. Hearty laughter is widely known as a method of promoting beta-endorphins (happiness hormones) in the brain. Put your worries aside by laughing a few times!
    • Go to a comedy show.
    • Watch a comedy series.
    • Bring up funny memories with your friends.
  4. Sleep. An effective method for forgetting your worries is a trip to dreamland. You can't think about what's bothering you when you sleep! In addition, studies have shown that people who go to bed earlier are less bothered by negative thoughts. .
    • Try to get 8 hours of sleep every night.
    • If you normally sleep a lot less, start with 6 hours and expand this gradually.
  5. Hug. Physical touch has a demonstrably positive effect on your mental health. Hugging floods the body with oxytocin (the binding hormone). This makes us feel more secure, while at the same time lowering your cortisol levels (the stress hormone).


  • Remember that life has beautiful things to offer, despite what you have lost. And always look on the bright side. Whatever happens, it makes you stronger.
  • If you have money problems, don't go on a long vacation, but find something fun to do in the area, or go to a cheap holiday resort for a week. Don't spend too much.
  • Drugs and alcohol don't help. They only offer a temporary effect, and you feel even worse afterwards.
  • Seek expert help if you feel like you can't take it anymore.
  • If you have problems with your friend, just talk to him or her or forget about that person.


  • Do not use drugs as a way to deal with your stress, as this can have a detrimental effect on your health in the long run.