Get your vote back

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 9 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
When you get out, get your vote back.
Video: When you get out, get your vote back.


Losing your voice can be very unpleasant, and can be caused by voice overload or a serious medical problem. Many singers or others who have to use their voice often and hard, sometimes lose their voice. If your loss of voice was caused by anything other than strain, see your doctor. If you've lost your voice due to temporary voice overload, you can speed up the recovery by following the steps below.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Healthy habits

  1. Rest your voice as much as possible. Even talking at normal volume can put tension on the vocal cords, slowing recovery. Of course, some situations require you to talk. Limiting the use of your vocal cords will speed recovery, so try to be completely still.
    • You should definitely not whisper. It's unnatural, and it actually puts a strain on your vocal cords more.
    • Have a pen and paper handy and write down what you want to say to others. This can be fun too!
  2. Address the root cause. Often times, losing the voice is a symptom of another problem. If you have a cold, need to cough, or have a sore throat, grab Which then on, and not just your voice. You will notice that your voice will come back if you have been given antibiotics, start taking vitamin C or if you have reduced the fever.


  • If your voice hasn't returned in a few days, see the doctor. Prolonged loss of your voice can be a symptom of a serious medical condition that requires treatment.
  • If you don't feel like you have more mucus than usual, don't drink warm liquids. A sore throat with mucus is often the result of inflamed vocal cords. Your vocal cords respond just like other parts of your body. For example, if your ankle is swollen, you should put ice on it, but if it's just hurting, you should put something warm on it. This is because cold slows blood circulation and helps against swelling, while heat promotes blood flow and helps fight inflammation. So if you don't have mucus but you do have a sore throat, you should drink COLD liquids to reduce the swelling of your vocal cords.