Change your profile picture on Facebook

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 6 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How to Change Facebook Profile Picture {2 Methods}
Video: How to Change Facebook Profile Picture {2 Methods}


You have had the same profile picture on Facebook for a long time and it is high time for an update. First you will have to choose the perfect photo that shows exactly who you are. Next, you will have to figure out how to post the photo to Facebook. Follow this easy step-by-step plan to learn how to select and upload the perfect photo.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Upload a profile picture to the Facebook website

  1. Go to Facebook. You can visit this website with any browser.
  2. Log in. Use your Facebook account and password to log in. You can do this at the top right of the page. Click on “Login” to continue.
  3. Go to your timeline. Click on your name in the header to access your timeline. Your current profile picture is now displayed at the top left of the page.
  4. Open the Update Profile Picture screen. Move your mouse over your current profile picture and click on “Update profile picture”. A screen will now appear where you can adjust your profile picture.
  5. Decide whether you want to set one of your current photos as a profile photo, take a photo or upload a photo.
    • If you want to choose from your current Facebook photos, you can click this option and scroll through your photos to pick the best one.
    • If you want to take a photo, you can click on the camera icon, then click on "take photo" and "set it as profile photo".
    • If you want to upload a photo, you can click on “Upload photo” at the top of the screen. You can then select a new photo on your computer. Click on the photo you want to use. The selected photo will then be uploaded to Facebook.
  6. Crop, resize and modify. Once the photo has been uploaded, a screen will appear where you can edit the photo. Here you can select a part of the photo and adjust the thumbnail image that appears on your profile page. Click on “Save” to place your new profile picture.
    • Update size - Use the slider under the photo to zoom in or out. This allows you to adjust the portion of the photo that appears on your profile page.
    • Reposition - Lines appear on the photo that let you control which part of the photo appears on your profile page. Click and drag these lines to select a part of the photo.
    • Skip editing - If you like your profile picture as it is, you can click “Skip editing” at the bottom left of the screen.
  7. View your new profile picture. Go back to your timeline or another Facebook page to see what your new profile picture looks like. The photo is also automatically added to the “Profile Pictures” folder.

Part 2 of 3: Upload a profile picture via the Facebook app

  1. Open Facebook. Find the Facebook app on your phone and press the icon.
  2. Go to your timeline. Press your name in the header to go to your timeline. Your current profile picture is at the top of the screen.
  3. Upload a new photo. Tap your current profile picture. A small menu will now appear. Click on “Upload photo”. Now the photo album of your phone will appear.
    • Tap on the folder in which the photo you want to use is stored. Scroll through your photos and press the one you want to use.
  4. Update the size and thumbnail image. Once the photo has been uploaded, a screen will appear where you can update the photo. Here you can adjust the size of the photo and select the part of the photo that appears on your profile photo. Use your fingers to adjust the photo.
    • Press “Done” to save your new profile picture.
  5. View the new profile picture. Go back to your timeline or another page on Facebook. You will now see that your profile picture has been updated. The photo will also be added to the “Profile Pictures” album on Facebook.

Part 3 of 3: Choosing the perfect photo

  1. Decide how you want to appear on Facebook. Before you start scrolling through your photos, you better decide how you want to appear on Facebook. Do you want to come across as sexy, mature, professional, fun, sporty or crazy?
    • Sexy and provocative are two completely different things. Make sure your photo isn't too explicit to prevent people from getting the wrong impression of you.
    • You can look professional and at the same time smile and show that you are nice.
    • Sports photos can be a great way to show what you can do. Make sure that you do not choose an overly sweaty or tired photo, unless you are very proud of a certain sports achievement.
    • You can choose a photo that shows you with a close friend or family member. However, make sure it is clear which person in the photo you are.
    • If you want to tell the world how much you love your boyfriend or girlfriend, you can choose a photo together. Be careful with sticky photos so as not to annoy people.
  2. Search your photos. Scroll through your photos to see which photo is most suitable as a profile photo. You can search in the following places:
    • Your photos on Facebook. Maybe one of your older photos is suitable as a profile picture or it is suitable for nostalgic reasons.
      • For example, in December you can use an old photo of yourself in a Christmas sweater.
    • Check out old photo albums to give your profile picture a nostalgic twist. You will hardly believe it, but once people pasted their photos into albums instead of immediately posting them to Facebook!
      • On Mother's or Father's Day you can post a profile picture with one of your parents. These kinds of photos are often very popular on Facebook and get a lot of "likes".
    • View photos of your friends. Good friends may have taken nice pictures of you that you can use as a profile picture.
  3. Choose the best photo. Once you've found a photo that fits the way you want to appear on Facebook, you're almost ready to upload the image.
    • Sometimes you can deviate from your original plan and still choose a different kind of photo than you originally intended. There is no reason not to do this. Just pick out the photo you like the most.
    • Don't overthink it. Keep in mind that you can easily adjust your photo anytime you want.
  4. If you cannot find suitable pictures, take a new photo. If you don't like the existing photos of yourself enough, you can always take a new photo of yourself.
    • Ask a friend or roommate to take a picture of you.
    • You can try to take a selfie, but make sure you get a good picture of it.
    • You can also take a photo with a webcam or phone, but if you use a camera, your photos will be of better quality.
  5. Ask someone for help. Once you find or take the perfect photo, ask a friend what he thinks about the photo. Don't be afraid of the truth.
    • Ask your friend how you come across in the photo and check if it fits what you have in mind. If you think the photo is mature, but your friends think it is childish, you may have to choose another photo.
    • Not everyone has to like the photo. Your mom may feel that you need to present yourself online in a different way. Don't let the photo be so extreme or provocative that your parents are ashamed of you.


  • If you want your Facebook friends to see the photo right away, it's best not to post it too early or late in the day. Choose a time when a lot of people are on Facebook.
  • If you've just gotten into a new relationship, you shouldn't post a photo of the two of you right away. That can cause embarrassing situations if the relationship soon breaks down again. Posting photos of your new love can also be hurtful to any exes.


  • Keep in mind that potential employers can look up your Facebook profile. If you are looking for work, it is therefore better not to post too extreme photos. Party photos or sexual images can give your future boss the wrong idea.