Narrowing your pores naturally

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 12 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Minimize Large Pores - 10 Top Tips For Pore Tightening 😊
Video: How To Minimize Large Pores - 10 Top Tips For Pore Tightening 😊


Pores are tiny hair follicles in your skin. If they get clogged with oil or dirt, they can start to look bigger. They can also enlarge due to an increase in dead skin that collects at the bottom of the pores. Pores also enlarge when you squeeze out blackheads or blemishes (which also damages your skin and causes scars). The most effective way to keep your pores small naturally is to keep them clean. You do this by cleaning, scrubbing and caring for them.

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Method 1 of 3: Take a steam bath to open the pores

  1. Consider taking a steam bath. Beauticians recommend a steam bath to open the pores so you can clean them.
    • By cleaning your pores you can shrink them.
    • Steam is a cheap and natural way to shrink your pores.
    • You can add fragrance oils and herbs to make it a wonderfully scented steam bath.
    • Spas often use steam baths as a prep treatment before giving a facial.
  2. Heat some water on the stove in a kettle or pan. The water should be hot enough for steaming.
    • To make sure you have enough steam, you can put on a larger pot of water.
    • Make sure it is hot enough for steaming or this method will not work properly.
    • When the water starts to steam, you can remove the pan from the heat.
  3. You can add dried rose petals, essential oils, or scented herbs to the water. There are many types of herbs you can use, depending on your preference.
    • Beauticians recommend mint, rosemary, lavender and basil for a relaxing scent.
    • If you prefer to use other herbs, that is of course also possible.
    • You can also add orange or lemon zest to the water for a wonderfully sunny scent.
  4. Fill a bowl with water and herbs and cover it with a towel. The towel will trap the steam.
    • Let this steep for five minutes.
    • Brewing time allows the herbs to soak and steam to build up.
    • Don't let the bowl steep too long or the water will cool down too much and you will waste steam.
  5. Remove the towel from the bowl and slowly move your face over the steam.
    • Keep doing this for 10 to 15 minutes while inhaling the aromatic scents.
    • This allows the steam to bring oxygen and moisture to your face.
    • The oxygen and moisture from the steam will open your pores. This makes it easier to clean them.
  6. Rinse your face with lukewarm water. This allows you to wash off any oils or dirt that may have been released during the steam bath.
    • Do not use water that is too cold or too hot.
    • Use a clean, dry towel to pat your face dry.
    • Do not use lotions or oil-containing products on your skin after this steam bath. This can clog your pores again.

Method 2 of 3: Cleanse your pores with a tonic

  1. Use a natural tonic to deep cleanse your pores. Avoid using products that contain alcohol or peroxide. These products can dry out your skin.
    • It is very important to emphasize that once your pores are enlarged, it may not be possible to completely shrink back. Natural products can help shrink pores, but they are not miracle products. Over the counter products and prescription treatments are generally more effective, but they are not completely natural.
    • A tonic penetrates deep into the pores, removing dirt, oil and dead skin cells. When these contaminants build up, your pores can appear larger. If your face is prone to blemishes, tonics may irritate your skin. # * You can buy natural tonics at many organic stores, online stores, drugstores, and pharmacists.
    • You can also make your own natural tonic or astringent.
  2. Make an apple cider vinegar tonic. You can use this cheap, homemade tonic on a daily basis.
    • Mix one part apple cider vinegar with two parts water.
    • Soak a cotton ball in this mixture and sweep it over your face. You can also use a small spray bottle.
    • For best results, use this tonic immediately after cleansing.
    • The vinegar smell will dissipate after a few minutes, so don't worry about that.
    • Top it off with a light moisturizer to prevent dry skin. This method can be a bit too intense for people with sensitive skin.
    • If you find the vinegar too strong, try a different method of making tonic.
  3. As an alternative, try a tonic made from lemon juice. Lemon juice naturally contracts the skin and is very cheap to use.
    • Squeeze a lemon for 125 ml of lemon juice.
    • Grate a lemon for more flavor. You can do this with a zester or with a fine grater.
    • Add 250 ml of distilled water.
    • Add 166 ml of witch hazel. You can find this in organic stores and herbal stores.
    • Mix these ingredients in a spray bottle. You can keep it in the fridge for up to a month.
    • The results will vary from person to person, but you can assume that this tonic will clear your pores, making them smaller and brightening the tone of your skin.

Method 3 of 3: Use baking soda as a scrub to shrink pores

  1. Make a natural scrub from baking soda. This is both inexpensive and very effective for rubbing dead skin cells off your face.
    • Dead skin cells clog your pores and make them look bigger.
    • A natural scrub is a great way to shrink pores.
    • This method is recommended by aestheticians and beauticians.
    • In addition, baking soda also has antibacterial properties, so it can prevent an outbreak.
  2. Make a thin paste from baking soda and water. You can massage that on your face to exfoliate.
    • To do this, take about four teaspoons of baking soda and a tablespoon of water.
    • Mix these two together until they form a thin paste.
    • Let the mixture sit for about two minutes.
  3. Moisten your face. You can do this by splashing water on it or by wiping it with a damp cloth.
    • If you don't wet your face beforehand, the scrub will stick too much to your face.
    • You don't have to make your face dripping wet, just damp it.
    • A thin layer of moisture on your skin will help the scrub to loosen dead skin cells from your face.
  4. Apply this mixture on your face. Then massage in small circles.
    • Watch around your eyes, you don't want this mixture getting into your eyes.
    • Make sure to massage it into your skin under your chin and on your neck as well.
    • Do this for three minutes.
  5. Rinse the scrub off with warm water, followed by a splash of cold water. This will ensure that none of the baking soda is left on your face.
    • It's not okay to leave baking soda on your face. It will dry out and irritate your skin.
    • The cold water will close your pores after a good cleaning with baking soda.
    • Pat your face dry with a clean towel.
  6. Repeat this method every week. This will allow you to keep your face free of dead cells and narrow the pores on your face.
    • You shouldn't do it every week if you have dry skin or acne prone skin.
    • If you have sensitive skin, consider doing it once every two weeks.
    • Finish with a light moisturizer.