Exciting your partner

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 12 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Exciting Couple Games | unique and funny games
Video: 5 Exciting Couple Games | unique and funny games


Do you feel naughty? Do you want? Do you want to turn your partner on and make sure that he / she starts to feel completely good? Do you just want to let off some steam or do you want tender intimacy with your partner? In this article, you'll find some tried and true ways to make your partner feel the love.

To step

Method 1 of 2: For him

  1. Be a romantic. It's okay to take her out to dinner and to the movies, of course, but that's not where the real romance lies. The romance is in knowing how to treat her right. Listen to her. Ask her how her day went and what she thinks about her favorite topic - whatever that may be. (You know what her favorite topic is, right?) Compliment her on her look, her clothes, or the way she smiles - if you're sincere.
    • Don't be too reserved or shy with your compliments. If the dress she's wearing makes her look better than a mojito on a sweltering day, tell her! Don't get it rough, but if she's packed her best features to be admired, let her know that it will be appreciated!
  2. Flirt with her. By adding suggestive or even direct comments to your conversations, you let her know that you find her desirable.
  3. Be self-assured. You will find that women would rather their partner be confident than insecure. This may require a bit of bluff, but remember, the more confident you “bluff”, the more confident you will become. It's kind of a win-win situation!
  4. Kiss her. Kiss her when the right time comes (you'll know when it is). You don't have to take her tonsils out the first kiss - if you do, you'll be the guy she'll laugh about thirty years later - but don't start with little butterfly kisses either. Kiss her like you mean it, and tease her lips with your teeth and tongue.
    • Respond to her comments. If she pulls back when you try to kiss her, she may not be ready yet. Next time, start over from step one and try again. If she does respond to you, you should pay attention to her body language. If she kisses you but does it a little gently, don't move on to the next step just yet. Don't do that until her body language tells you it's okay to move on.
  5. Touch her. Caress her body and pay special attention to her secondary erogenous zones in the beginning. Put your hands in her hair, pull her towards you and start kissing harder. Pinch her hair in your hands and pull it (careful - you're not a Neanderthal!). Concentrate on her neck, shoulders and arms.
  6. Talk to her. Tell her how much you like her, how much you love the way she kisses you, how she looks, how she sounds, etc. Also let her know that she makes you feel good.
  7. Expand the touches. The inside of the arm, just like the inside of the thigh, is quite sensitive. You can turn up the temperature by kissing and caressing her there. Keep exploring her body and gradually increase the temperature as you feel her getting more and more aroused.
  8. Use your own body language to tell her what you want. Pull her on top of you so that what you want to kiss is close to your lips. Roll on top of her and kiss her even harder than you have done so far.
  9. Remove her clothes and repeat all previous steps. In the meantime, the excitement part of the lesson is over. We trust that you can do it yourself from now on. Don't forget to have safe sex!

Method 2 of 2: For her

  1. Receive as generously as you give. Let's face it - it's really easy to turn a guy on, we don't have to tell you that! But if you're in the mood and want him to please you, there are a few things you can do to drive him crazy.
  2. Be romantic. He will give you chocolate and compliments, hold doors open for you, pay for the movie and the food, and that's all part of it. If you want him to keep doing that after you've been dating for a year or two, let him know that you appreciate that sort of thing - or that you don't! Pretending will ruin any romance. If that doesn't happen in the short term, it will at least happen in the long term. But let's just assume that you appreciate what he does for you. If he knows you like it and you reward him with a kiss or a squeeze in the right place every now and then, he'll keep going.
  3. Dress for success. A little cleavage never hurts. A lot of cleavage is even better. By dressing a little defiantly, it becomes quite a challenge for him to keep looking you in the eye. It will keep him in "the zone," and you can tease him a little bit with it too.
  4. Flirt with him. Be a little suggestive. You can do this by sexy licking your spoon, saying you like it, etc. Again, guys are pretty animalistic and it doesn't take much to turn them on. Remember, he wants to be in control, but it's up to you how much control he can have.
  5. Be self-assured. It is not exciting at all to kiss someone insecure, or someone who is not sure if what he / she is doing is “right”.If your goal is to turn him on, show it. Don't hide your desires behind a wall of social or political correctness.
  6. Let him know how to kiss you. When he makes the first move, you can kiss him back the way you want to be kissed. Kiss him longingly if you like firm and passionate kisses. If you want little kisses - at least to start with - kiss him gently. Refuse any attempts at more passionate kisses until you are ready.
  7. Be a little aggressive. He likes to know that he is not the only one on a prize hunt. You don't have to throw him on the ground and take his clothes off (just yet), but take the lead when it comes to kissing. Start exploring his body. When he sports, show your appreciation for his body. He'll love that, because he's doing his best to look his best.
  8. Let him take the lead - under your guidance. If you're ready for more intimate touch on his part, you can use your body language to let him know. Sometimes you actually have to put his hand where you want, but most of the time he will understand.
  9. Make some noise. If you like what he does, then you don't have to say it literally. Just say something like "MMMmmmm". If you love what he's doing, then you can say a whole lot more. If you want him to talk a little dirty, you can start with that - this is how you show him it's okay.
  10. When he starts taking your clothes off and you take him for real want to turn it on, leave it him then don't. Instead, do it yourself. Purposeful and above all seductive. Turn him down if he tries to touch you (and he will!). Touch yourself in the places he wants to touch. Keep this up until neither of you can take it any longer, and then proceed - safely, of course.
  11. Repeat this regularly.


  • Kiss him hard. Boys love that.
  • Make him want you more and more, but don't give in too quickly.
  • Find out what turns your partner on.
  • Use contraception or get tested and declared "clean" before having sex without protection.
  • You have to be prepared for it yourself! Don't do things you don't want to do and don't let your partner force you to do anything. Stay in control of your limits!
  • Run your hands through his hair to break the touch barrier.
  • Girls love it when you look them in the eye while talking and smiling. This can be very exciting for them!


  • Never force someone else to do something they don't want!