Convince your parents to give you a new phone

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 15 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How To Convince Your Parents To Get You A Phone
Video: How To Convince Your Parents To Get You A Phone


Cell phones are getting better and better, and your new phone is probably not as good as it used to be. If you need a new phone, it might be hard to convince your parents it's worth it. But with a few proven techniques, you can convince even the strictest of parents and increase the chances of getting the new phone you deserve.

To step

Part 1 of 2: Talk to your parents

  1. Talk about getting a new phone. Sometimes starting a conversation can lead you to a solution. When you tell your parents you want a new phone, be polite and really listen to what they have to say. If you can respond convincingly to your parents' reasons and excuses for not wanting to give you one, they will be more likely to spend some money on your brand new mobile device. You could ask:
    • "What can I do to earn a new phone?"
    • "Are there any chores I can help prove I'm ready for a new phone?"
  2. Work on finding solutions. Stay calm when talking to your parents on your phone and stay cool if you get a "no" answer. This is an opportunity for you to show your maturity and earn points from your parents. Instead of getting upset or frustrated, ask your parents:
    • "What can I do to make you think differently?"
    • "What can I do to prove I need a new phone?"
  3. Offer to pay for your new phone with your own money. This can be complicated, especially if you are too young to work. If you've saved up birthday money, you can offer to use it for a new phone, or you can offer to do more chores around the house in exchange for pocket money.
    • Offer to base yourself on friends and family who have children younger than you who need supervision.
    • You may be able to make money in the area with seasonal chores, such as mowing the lawn in the summer or clearing snow in the winter.
  4. Hold on without being rude. If you want something, it is sometimes the only thing you can think about. However, asking over and over can irritate your parents, making them less likely to give you a phone. Instead of asking the same question over and over, ask with a detour that highlights your recent efforts. For example, you can say:
    • 'What does the kitchen look like? I helped by doing the dishes. I thought if I do more around the house, we can talk about a new phone for me. "
    • "I know you've been busy at work lately, so I vacuumed the house for you." Can I help with anything else? I was thinking if I help more I might get a new phone. "
  5. Make a convincing point. Your parents will be more likely to buy you a new phone if they agree with your reasoning. Your reasoning is influenced by your personal situation, so you need to determine which arguments work best. Some arguments to consider are:
    • Safety features, such as an improved GPS
    • Bad reception due to an outdated model
    • Earning money to buy your own phone teaches you responsibility
    • Unreliability, such as your phone turning on and off randomly or messages arriving late

Part 2 of 2: Negotiating your new phone

  1. Choose your moment wisely. Moments when your parents are busy, agitated, or angry are likely to lead to a "no" when you ask for a phone. Encourage good humor in your parents before you ask by being extra polite and doing chores before they ask. To improve your chances of a yes before asking for a new phone, you can also:
    • Turn on your parents' favorite music
    • About an experience where you both had fun talking
    • Do an activity that your parents enjoy
  2. Ask in good weather and after dinner. In general, people are in a better mood after they eat, so your parents can be more favorable to you if you ask them for a new phone. The weather can also affect how benevolent your parents are. Sunny days with clear skies improve your chances of getting the phone you want.
    • Don't remember this always will be the case. Your mom or dad can still have a bad day when the sun is out and you just had lunch.
  3. Get your foot in the door with a little request. Your parents will be more likely to agree to your requests for a new phone if you let them agree to a few small, related requests first.
    • For example, if your parents say that a new phone will cost a lot, ask them if you can make that money doing chores and then use it for a new phone.
  4. Make an agreement with your parents. If your parents are open to you doing some extra chores around the house or some other job to earn your phone, keep doing your extra tasks without them having to ask for it. This shows your parents that you take the agreement seriously and therefore your parents will take it seriously.
    • It may take a while to get your phone. Don't expect to get your phone after just a week of chores; it may take longer.
    • Don't worry if you don't make it once or twice. As long as you show your parents that you are doing your best, they may forgive you.
  5. Wait for a holiday or birthday. While your parents may not normally want to pay for a new phone, a special day, such as a holiday that gives you gifts, can be an ideal excuse to spend a little more on a gift. Be clear with your parents during this time. Let them know you'd rather get a phone than toys or gifts you might not use.
    • Don't make up a holiday or use one that you don't celebrate. For example, if your family isn't celebrating Hanukkah, don't ask for a Hanukkah gift.
    • Give your parents time to buy the present. Don't ask until the day before your birthday. Give your parents a month or so.
  6. Summarize what your parents say. Listen carefully to what your parents have to say, and when it's your turn to say something, say what they said in your own words. By showing that you hear and respect what they say, you increase your chances of getting a new phone. For example, you can say:
    • "So if I understand correctly, Mom, you don't think a new phone is worth the cost and you're afraid I'm going to drop it like my previous phone." I understand what you are saying, but I have some ideas ... "


  • Make sure you keep any promises you make to your parents. Your parents may take a broken promise as a sign that you are not ready for a new phone.