Irritating your parents

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 11 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
When Your Parents are Annoying AF
Video: When Your Parents are Annoying AF


In this article, you can learn how to annoy your parents at home, outside, and in the car. It will drive them crazy.

To step

  1. Do all your chores wrong.
    • Always forget to wash the forks when doing the dishes.
    • Leave your shoes where they don't belong.
    • Forget to do small chores. Do not hang your jacket and backpack.
    • Make a mess of your room. Immediately make a mess of every room your parents just cleaned.
    • "Forget" tasks such as throwing out trash and walking the dog.
    • Complain about all the chores you get.
    • Say you don't know how to do your chores. As soon as you receive an explanation, say that you have already forgotten it.
  2. Irritate your parents with nasty habits.
    • Turn the lights on and off in rooms where your parents are.
    • Always ask nasty questions when your parents are watching a movie.
    • Constantly shout "are we there yet?" When you are in the car.
    • Ask your parents who they love most if you have siblings.
    • Follow your parents at home. Step on the heels of their shoes. Apologize. Repeat.
    • If they ask you to get something, come back without bringing anything. You can also come back with something they didn't ask for. Keep doing this.
  3. Sabotage the place.
    • Set their alarm for 6 a.m. on weekends.
    • Put a little water on their pillow so they think the roof is leaking. They may also think that a pet is wetting their bed.
    • Write your name in the dust on your parent's car as often as possible.
    • Turn off the heating when it is cold. Turn on the heating when it's warm.
    • Let your parents drive you to school. Say you've forgotten something important when you're almost there. When you are almost home "you find" it spontaneously.
    • Ask for help with your homework. Walk away when she sits down to help you.
  4. Hide your parents' belongings.
    • Hide the remote.
    • Hide their cell phone. Hide the landline if you have one.
    • Hide their purses and bags.
    • Hide their keys if they want to leave.
  5. Do embarrassing things when you're together.
    • Constantly ask how expensive things are when you are in a store.
    • Ask out loud why someone close to your parents smells like farts.
    • Beg for candy at the supermarket.
    • Constantly ask to go to the bathroom. Say you don't have to when you get to a toilet.
  6. Sincerely insult your parents.
    • When they come near you, you shout "Have you eaten garlic?" Or "You look old".
    • Shout "what are you wearing ?!" when your parents bought new shoes.
    • Make fun of your parents if they are afraid of spiders, dogs or other things.
  7. Talk in an annoying way.
    • Use bad grammar. Don't stop if your parents correct you.
    • Address your parents by their first name.
    • Pretend you're deaf and shout "what?" Or "talk louder, I can't hear you".
    • Speak with an accent or babble in a language you invented yourself.
  8. Be noisy.
    • Turn your music on. Especially if they don't like your music.
    • Start singing a song spontaneously when your parents say a word from that song.
    • Make as much noise as possible when going down the stairs.
    • Throw with doors.
    • Laugh out loud every time someone makes a joke.
    • Scream loudly and shout that you saw a ghost.
    • Chew with your mouth open and slurp when you drink
  9. Be smart in a dumb way.
    • Constantly incorrectly correct your parents' grammar.
    • Try to talk as decent as possible. For example, say words like "convocation". It doesn't matter if you don't know what the words mean. Use these words constantly.
    • Tell your parents random facts when they want to talk to you. You can also make up facts yourself: "We learned at school that your phone screen is made with stuff from the moon"
    • Tell your parents unclear nonsense. Say "it was totalitarian" when your parents ask you what you did to your friend.
  10. Be weird.
    • Run into the bathroom just before your parents. Lock the door and say you were in a hurry.
    • Talk to 10 imaginary friends at the same time.
    • Spontaneously start reciting the Star Wars plot or tell your parents about your key to the underworld.
    • Move all furniture when you are home alone.
    • Put your clothes on backwards.


  • Be consistent until your parents are crazy about you
  • Take baby steps from slightly annoying to very, very annoying.
  • Don't do this too often. Your parents can get very angry with you.
  • Be consistent until your parents are crazy about you
  • Record your voice saying something random. Then play this as often as possible.
  • Don't do this too often. Your parents can get very angry with you.
  • Turn up your music if your parents tell you to turn it down.
  • Talk constantly in an annoying voice.
  • Ask "why" about everything your parents say.
  • Make animal sounds when they call your name.


  • If you keep doing this, you may have trouble making friends.
  • This can make parents angry. Irritating your parents too often can have unpleasant consequences.