Learning to feel beautiful

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 22 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
Why You Think You’re Ugly  | Melissa Butler | TEDxDetroit
Video: Why You Think You’re Ugly | Melissa Butler | TEDxDetroit


The best beauty tip of all is knowing that you are already beautiful just the way you are! Sometimes, however, it is difficult to recognize your own beauty when you are just not beautiful feels. Here are a few things you can do to remind yourself that you are already beautiful and that everyone is beautiful in their own way.

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Part 1 of 3: Taking action to learn to feel beautiful

  1. Write in a journal about your positive qualities. Start a gratitude journal that highlights your appreciation for what you like best about yourself. By staying grounded in your good qualities, both your inner and outer beauty, you will keep these things more conscious in your mind. Anytime you doubt yourself or get an unkind comment from someone else, this way you have the things you value most about yourself at your fingertips. Consider the following tips for a gratitude journal that actually works:
    • Don't automatically start doing the right things. Journaling is more effective when you make a powerful decision to be happier and more grateful for your positive qualities.
    • Choose quality over quantity. Keep your diary in detail about a few things, rather than a superficial laundry list about many things. Make it as personal to yourself as possible.
    • Think about specific situations and relationships that have been positively influenced by these qualities of yours to see how you are taking advantage of these qualities in your daily life.
    • Reflect on what your life would be like if you suddenly didn't have your positive qualities. This ensures that gratitude comes up quite easily.
  2. Take a look at your relationships. If you have stable amounts of love and acceptance, then you will always see yourself in the positive light that your loved ones see you in. Likewise, if you spend a lot of time with harsh or judgmental people, you will also learn to see yourself according to their rigid, critical standards. If you are filled with the assumption that you are unattractive or worthless, ask yourself if anyone in your life is perpetuating this idea.
    • Make sure you have good support from friends and loved ones. There is nothing quite as effective as social support for making you feel strong, capable and beautiful.
  3. Decorate your home with beauty. This can mean decorating your room with beautiful scenes from magazines or posters or fun memories and knick knacks. Having a nice environment will also give you a sense of beauty. Remember to fill your space with some you rather than following the latest trends in design and decoration.
    • Flattering lighting, such as milky white incandescent bulbs will create an atmosphere of soft, elegant lighting that makes you and your surroundings more attractive in general.
    • Also think about the placement of your permanent lamps. Light reaching your face from all sides makes it more difficult to see lines and shadows. So, for example, you could replace the fixed lighting in your bathroom with lighting on both sides of your mirror.
  4. Start each day with one affirmation. Take advantage of all the positive qualities you see in yourself by using them every morning to boost your confidence. Remind yourself, as vividly and in detail as possible, of the things you offer the world. Look in the mirror and tell yourself that these qualities (for example, your bright smile, your compassionate style) can be shared by you. You may feel weird or even self-aggrandizing at first, but you will get used to being kind and motivated with yourself and experiencing the benefits of being your own best friend.
    • Also try writing things on sticky notes or fridge magnets, or even the bathroom mirror with eyeliner, that will boost your confidence.
    • Placing small reminders in places where you are regularly keeps you in touch with the kinds of thoughts that nurture optimism.
  5. Watch your posture. Good posture not only sends messages to others that we are confident and capable, but it also sends positive messages to yourself. This is because your mind is constantly communicating with your body about how you feel. When you stand up straight and look straight ahead instead of at the floor, your brain will get the message that you feel good about yourself and are ready to go out into the world (literally). People who sit up rather than collapsed are often more confident in what they say and do.
    • Also try to keep your shoulders back and your chest open forward. Doing this will make you look confident, taller and even smarter.
  6. Listen to music often. Music is a big part of what helps you appreciate the natural beauty in life, and it is even said to have more of an impact than language on your sense of connection and orientation in the world around you. Hear what gets your blood flowing, be it pop, rock, jazz or country. Constant listening will keep your mood and your thoughts appreciate beauty.
  7. Have a nice pet. Pets serve two purposes when it comes to making you feel beautiful. First, you get the chance to spend a lot of time around a visibly happy, always smiling creature. In a way, they can be the perfect accessory to take on the road. In addition, pets are a trusted companion that makes you feel loved without the conditions of human relationships.
    • Make sure to only get a pet if you have the means to actively care for it. Pets require quite a bit of responsibility and daily attention, but the benefits are enormous.

Part 2 of 3: Using good self-care methods

  1. Get active. In addition to benefits such as weight loss, exercise has also been linked to fewer depressive symptoms and a reduced risk of heart disease. This means that a regular exercise schedule will leave you feeling energized, energized and confident in your good health. If you're having a hard time finding the motivation to start, try starting small by adding short walks to your week. After that, you can increase the amount of cardiovascular or strength training exercises to the level that your lifestyle allows.
    • Try to exercise in ways that improve your flexibility. In this way you will learn to see your body as something that is always evolving and changing.
  2. Laugh. Have you ever had those unbearably happy mornings? The kind where you smile at everyone on an early morning walk to the store, for example? These experiences can actually change how you see yourself and how others see you. Compared to people who don't smile, people who show their pearly whites more often are seen as more honest, more sociable and even more competent. Even if you don't feel like it. It will make you look and feel much happier!
    • Remember that taking good care of your teeth is a great way to build confidence in your smile. Brush and floss regularly and reduce your risk of tooth decay by rinsing your mouth after eating or drinking something sweet.
  3. Do what you do best. Spend as much time as possible doing things that show how talented and capable you are. A sense of accomplishment is part of what creates the kind of beauty that comes within. This may seem obvious, but sometimes the things we are really good at can slip away when the responsibilities of a job or school require us to be distracted from our talents.
    • For example, if writing is your forte, write poems or prose in your spare time. If you're brilliant at sports, join a team that plays on weekends so you always get your healthy dose of competition.
  4. Eat good. Remember that eating healthy is not the same as dieting. Diets are often temporary and not sustainable in the long run. Eating well requires habits such as adding more fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains to your shopping list and cooking with a lot of variety. If you eat a lot of foods with a lot of fat, sugar and salt, consider cutting back considerably.
    • Because balance is important, treating yourself is also part of eating well. If you're tempted by a single ice cream cone or pastry, don't deny it - this is where moderation comes in.
    • Treating yourself will help you remember that how you treat yourself is a big part of the confidence that makes you radiant.
  5. Learn relaxation methods. When you are comfortable, people will respond positively, which makes you feel attractive and present to others. Think about it - when you see someone who is comfortable in their own skin, you would also want to be a part of that relaxed way of being. The following are a few helpful exercises that slowly reduce the amount of tension you normally carry in your body:
    • Progressive muscle relaxation
    • Yoga
    • Conscious breathing
  6. Be comfortable in your clothes. If you feel physically uncomfortable in what you wear, you will develop an opposite relationship with your body; in other words, a negative body image. Forcing yourself into clothes that don't fit properly will make you see your body as too big or too small to carry what you want to wear.
    • For women in particular, wearing well-fitting clothing can change your image of yourself for the better, improving your self-confidence, related to emotional management, social skills and job-related tasks.

Part 3 of 3: Making posture changes to feel beautiful

  1. Base yourself in the truth of beauty. The funny thing about beauty is that we find it so valuable without realizing that, on average, conventionally attractive people are no happier than others. Remember that a sense of optimism, hope, satisfying relationships with others, and a sense of meaning and purpose in life are what most affect happiness. This means that in the big picture there are many more important factors that affect overall well-being and a happy life than just appearance.
  2. Change your negative self-talk. It is very normal to walk around all day with a small voice in your head repeating critical and insecure thoughts, such as how thick your cheeks are or how clumsy you are. But the great thing about that little voice is that you can talk to other thoughts about it. Replace the unkind messages in your head with neutral thoughts about the same things; for example, focus on the rosy skin on your cheeks instead of their size.
    • Continue to challenge that little voice by quietly answering it with the things you like the most about yourself. Tell them why others might find you attractive - maybe your lips are full or you tell the best jokes.
    • Soon you will learn to see that the qualities of your appearance and your character are what makes you attractive.
  3. Accept your appearance. Accepting your appearance may not be a small task, especially if you often fear the judgment of others and worry about how you might look should see. Think about the traits you like and dislike about yourself and try to understand that, whatever your opinion is, all these traits together make you who you are. Be proud of yourself and your appearance, regardless of whether or not it conforms to conventional standards.
    • Stop judging yourself by focusing less on your appearance. Give yourself and the mirror some time without each other! People who judge their appearance negatively tend to zoom in on their characteristics and weaknesses, and self-orientation often involves more self-criticism.
  4. Check the reality. Stop comparing yourself to who and what you think others are. When you see a supermodel or famous person that you compare yourself to, try to see those people more as genetic exceptions than as beauty standards you have to live by. As our culture sets unrealistic standards for beauty, the importance of finding your unique beauty has become even more necessary.
    • Make an effort to focus on your results rather than your shortcomings. This means taking the time to observe all the unique things you bring to the table.
    • When you tend to compare yourself to others, try to appreciate them instead of approaching them with jealousy. Marvel at your differences and think about how boring life would be if everyone had the same gifts.
    • Moreover, when you compare yourself to others, you are really your inwardly comparing with it appearance someone else's. This means that you will definitely be disappointed - you have more knowledge about yourself, especially those nasty little secrets that are usually kept private.
  5. Learn to accept a compliment. Part of feeling beautiful is also allowing the positive opinions of others about you. Sometimes it can be so surprising or even confusing to hear compliments that you end up showing others that compliments make you uncomfortable. In a hurry, we often respond to compliments by saying Oh... or That is not true. At a minimum, try to ensure that you are with a positive acknowledgment such as “thank you respond, remembering that timing is critical.
    • If you wait too long, the acknowledgment can be confusing, and if it's too soon you can interrupt the speaker.
    • Or go beyond just accepting the compliment by continuing on it or using it to start a new conversation. You can also share in the wealth by returning a positive comment.
  6. Appreciate your progress. Sometimes it can be difficult to recognize how far you've come; in recent years it is likely that you have come to yourself as you have grown and matured. Maybe your skin has become more radiant since you were young, or you have gained a lot of confidence through new work or romantic developments. Look at old photos and yearbooks. Take time to laugh at how painful you looked and felt compared to now, and cherish how far you've come.


  • Remember, if people you find attractive don't pay attention to you, it doesn't mean you're not beautiful.
  • Don't be afraid to look in the mirror for as long as you want, and smile at yourself and feel good about who you are.


  • Don't try to lose weight by taking or not eating unhealthy pills. If you want to lose weight, do it in a healthy way by exercising and eating well. Being slimmer doesn't automatically mean looking beautiful - being healthy does.