Alkalize your body

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 18 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Alkalize Your Body Naturally | The importance of pH
Video: How to Alkalize Your Body Naturally | The importance of pH


According to a large number of celebrities, TV doctors and self-proclaimed health experts, you need your body to live a healthy life. alkaline make - the opposite of acid. However, according to science, the truth is a bit more complex.While improving your body's alkalinity may actually be beneficial for other reasons, it is not likely to work the way it does on TV. At the same time, it's hard to go wrong with these diet and lifestyle choices, so don't be afraid to try them!

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Method 1 of 3: Try an alkalizing diet

  1. Eat plenty of fruit, vegetables and vegetable products. At the heart of any alkaline diet is a strong emphasis on fruits and vegetables, rather than meat, dairy, eggs, and carbohydrates. As a general rule, vegetable products such as fruits and vegetables usually break down to alkalines, while the other foods listed usually break down to acids. Therefore, an emphasis on vegetables in your diet is a guaranteed way to increase your intake of alkalines.
    • Alkaline fruits and vegetables are: Apples, broccoli, asparagus, bananas, artichokes, beets, cabbage, grapes, spinach, cantaloupe, cauliflower and much more. For a complete list, look for a source of information about alkaline diets (such as
  2. Eat vegetables and beans for protein. As noted above, the alkaline diet prohibits many traditional sources of protein, such as meat, eggs and dairy products. Protein is an essential nutrient that is important for a variety of body processes, which means it is extra important to get a good amount of vegetable protein with an alkaline diet. Fortunately, beans and vegetables provide plenty of protein (and, as a bonus, are less acidic than meat, eggs, etc.).
    • Don't be tempted to skimp on protein in general - protein is an essential nutrient used in a broad spectrum of important processes, such as building healthy bones, promoting growth, enabling muscle function and maintaining a healthy weight.
  3. Drink soy or almond milk instead of dairy. Since normal dairy products are banned for its acid-producing properties, it should be replaced with plant-based alternatives. In addition to lacking the acid-forming properties of traditional dairy products, soy milk and almond milk can be quite nutritious in their own way, as they both lack the cholesterol and calories found in cow's milk.
  4. Consider drinking alkaline water. While drinking plenty of plain, unsweetened, plain water is often recommended by health experts, practitioners of alkaline diets often go so far as to recommend drinking water that has been treated to give them alkaline properties. While there is limited evidence that alkaline water can potentially help limit bone loss, this property is not certain and is not even well understood.
    • But alkaline water won't hurt you, so if you want to take that extra step it can be a worthwhile investment.
  5. Enjoy a wide spectrum of other alkaline-forming foods. The recommendations above represent just a few of the choices someone on an alkaline diet has. In addition to the foods recommended above, other foods often included in alkaline diets are:
    • Nuts and seeds: Almonds, chestnuts, pine cones, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds.
    • Certain Vegetarian Sources of Protein: Tofu, soy, millet, tempeh, whey protein.
    • Certain spices and herb blends: Sea salt, chili pepper, curry, mustard, ginger, cinnamon, stevia.
    • Certain unsweetened dried fruits: Dates, raisins, figs.
  6. Avoid acid-forming foods as much as possible. While meat, dairy, and eggs are the most missed by many people when starting an alkaline diet, they aren't the only things to avoid. In addition to meat, dairy and eggs, other foods that are often recommended in alkaline diets are:
    • Cereals and grain products: Pasta, rice, bread, muesli, crackers, spelled, etc.
    • Processed food: Sugary / fatty snacks, soft drinks, prepackaged meals, most desserts, jams and jellies, etc.
    • A number of fruits and vegetables: Artificially sweetened juices, blueberries, dry coconut, pickled olives, plums and prunes.
  7. Consider following the balanced 80/20 rule. An alkaline diet doesn't have to be an all-or-nothing show. Little amounts of acid-producing foods are allowed - even encouraged, if they make it easier to stick to your diet. A moderate method is by the 80/20 to keep to the rule; try to make 80% of your food fit into an alkaline diet, but leave the remaining 20% ​​"forbidden" foods.
    • There is no "right" way to do this, so feel free to create a way that is convenient for you. For example, you can try to plan your meals so that about 20% of your calories come from the meal from non-alkaline foods. Alternatively, you can try to stick to the diet as much as possible and give yourself a break every 5th dish.
  8. Don't fall into the trap of scam diets. Be wary of sources on alkaline diets that state that the only way to follow the diet properly is to buy specially formulated (usually expensive) foods. These are almost without exception scams. A quick look at the ingredient list above should be enough to reveal that it is possible to buy all the nutrition you need for an alkaline diet from your supermarket, so don't waste your money on questionable alternatives.

Method 2 of 3: Live an alkaline-rich life

  1. Try to minimize your stress. Sources on alkaline diets regularly claim that stress is either a cause or a consequence of acid levels in your body that are too high. The exact link between stress and acidity has not yet been confirmed by science. But what is definitely known is that a low-stress lifestyle is a healthy one. Reducing stress is associated with lower rates of major health conditions, such as heart disease, so it is wise no matter what diet you are on.
    • Keeping stress levels down can be a lifelong challenge. While every person's needs are different, here are a few solutions doctors often prescribe for stress:
    • Get plenty of exercise
    • Slow down and take a deep breath
    • Talking to friends and family when you are stressed
    • Spending time outdoors
    • Laugh
    • Meditation
  2. Get plenty of rest after exercise. Getting enough exercise is an important part of staying healthy for almost everyone. But if you've ever had sore muscles after a few hours in the gym, you'll know that vigorous exercise can lead to a painful build-up of lactic acid in the muscles. To reduce this build-up of acids, you can do your best to give yourself time to recover after you have your body working hard. Your body needs time to break down this acid and repair damaged tissue; if not given time, you may be left with painful cramps.
    • If you have an intense fitness routine, try working with different muscle groups every other day so you know that each group has a chance to rest. For example, if you work on your upper body on Monday, spend Tuesday on your lower body.
  3. Limit alcohol, tobacco, caffeine and drug use. Alkaline diets often recommend that you avoid using body or mind-altering agents, by indicating that they are acidifying. In fact, at least for caffeine, this claim is questionable. But it is still wise advice; these types of substances have a number of negative health effects that have been extensively written about.
    • Even caffeine, by far the least harmful of these substances, can on occasion cause long-term health problems, especially if you are already prone to certain health conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure, anxiety and more.

Method 3 of 3: Correcting known misconceptions

  1. Understand that the human body's pH level cannot be adjusted. Claims that an alkaline diet and lifestyle will make your body more alkaline false. In fact, the body has several complex mechanisms for keeping the blood pH within a relatively narrow range between 7.35 and 7.45. While other liquids (such as urine and stomach contents) may have different pH levels, these in and of themselves are not a sign of your overall health.
    • Be aware that a pH level of your blood outside this narrow range can cause dangerous conditions called acidosis (when the pH is too low) and alkalosis (when the pH is too high). It is usually impossible for healthy people to get any of these conditions just by changing their diet or lifestyle.
  2. Never believe claims that alkalines cure disease. Unfortunately, some sources claim that an alkaline diet can protect against serious health problems such as cancer. There is no scientific basis for these claims. If you have a serious health problem, don't prioritize an alkaline diet over proper medical care.
    • The basis for claims that alkaline diets help cure cancer are some studies showing that certain cancer cells grow faster in acidic solutions. However, these studies were conducted in test tubes - not human bodies. In fact, the differences between the conditions in a test tube and those in the human body are so great that it cannot be said with certainty that an alkaline diet would not be harmful in a real-life situation.
  3. Understand the danger of alkalosis. As noted above, a harmful condition called alkalosis occurs when the blood pH is too high. This is almost always a cause for illness, organ damage, altitude sickness or poisoning. Because alkalosis is so dangerous, it is important to never Trying to artificially raise the pH of your blood directly (with an injection, by drinking a strong alkaline solution, etc.) This mistake can be fatal.
    • Symptoms of alkalosis include nausea, confusion, headache, muscle cramps, light-headedness, and numbness of the face or limbs.


  • Print a list of foods that are acidic or alkaline to hang on your refrigerator. Having an easy reminder of what's right and what's not to eat will make it easier to stick to your diet.
  • Don't bother testing your urine or saliva - these fluids may have pH levels unrelated to your overall health. The only way to determine your body's pH is with a blood test, and since your blood will be around 7.4 unless you are seriously ill, it's not worth the effort.