Lighten your hair without bleaching it

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 1 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Whether it's the time of year or because you want something different for a change, it can be fun trying to get a lighter hair color. There are many products on the market that are specifically designed to lighten your hair, but some of them contain harmful chemicals that could damage your hair. Instead of using these products, you could try to lighten your hair using blends made from natural ingredients that you probably already have at home and can otherwise easily buy at the supermarket. Just keep in mind that these bleach-free blends only lighten your hair just a little bit. The result will be subtle and your hair will have a warm tone. If you want to lighten your hair a lot or have a cool blonde shade, then you will need to go to a hairdresser to have your hair bleached.

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Method 1 of 2: Using supplies from your pantry

  1. Try lightening your hair with lemon juice. This method only works on hair that has not been dyed. Lemon juice is one of the most popular ways to lighten hair without bleaching it. Applying lemon juice to all of your hair will lighten it just a little bit, and applying it only to certain areas will give you subtle lighter streaks. It is best to use pure lemon juice for this method. You can use bottled lemon juice, but freshly squeezed lemon juice is a lot more powerful.
    • Mix equal parts lemon juice and water. Put the mixture in a spray bottle and spray the mixture into your hair. Spray enough juice on your hair to moisturize your hair.
    • You can also apply the mixture to your wet hair after showering and leave it in your hair.
    • Whichever option you choose, it's important to sit in the sun with this method after spraying lemon juice on your hair. The sun's UV rays react with the lemon juice, which is why your hair gets lighter. Know that it is not the sun's heat that reacts with the lemon juice. So it doesn't help to use a hair dryer instead of sitting out in the sun.
    • Only stay in the sun for 30 to 60 minutes. Make sure you put sunscreen on your bare skin.
    • Since lemon juice is very acidic, it is important to use a lot of conditioner after using this mixture to rehydrate your hair.
    • Remember that this method will lighten your hair just a little bit. Try to do this treatment once a week to gradually lighten your hair.
  2. Use chamomile tea to lighten your hair. Chamomile tea, like lemon juice, is a very popular means of lightening hair. This method works best if your hair is already slightly light. Dark hair cannot be lightened with chamomile tea and this method is not recommended if you have dyed hair. After the treatment, your natural blonde hair will have a very subtle golden hue and lightened up a bit. Start by making very strong chamomile tea. To do this, let about 5 tea bags steep in 750 ml of hot water. Do this for half an hour, or until the tea is cold enough to apply to your hair.
    • When you have let the tea steep and cool, pour the liquid (from which you first took 5 tablespoons) into a spray bottle.
    • Put the 5 tablespoons of chamomile tea in a bottle with your regular conditioner.
    • The next time you shower and wash your hair, use the pure chamomile tea as your shampoo.
    • When you have rinsed the "shampoo" out of your hair, spread the conditioner and tea mixture into your hair. Leave the conditioner on for at least a few minutes and then rinse the mixture from your hair.
    • If you have time, let your hair air dry while in the sun. Do this after you have washed your hair with chamomile tea and used the tea as a conditioner.
    • An alternative method is to simply spray chamomile tea on your dry hair and then sit outside in the sun.
  3. Consider using honey to lighten your hair. Honey is an excellent remedy. In addition to using honey to lighten your hair, you can also use it for a number of medicinal purposes. Honey has antibacterial properties. In addition, honey contains very small amounts of hydrogen peroxide, which makes your hair lighter. If you prefer not to use hydrogen peroxide, you may want to skip this method.
    • Mix 1 to 2 tablespoons of raw honey (store-bought pasteurized honey is not suitable) with 500 ml of water. Apply the honey and water mixture evenly to your hair. After applying the mixture to your hair, leave it on for about an hour.
    • Regular conditioner - Instead of using a mixture of honey and water, you can also add 1 to 2 tablespoons of honey to your conditioner. Then use your conditioner as you normally do.
    • Mixture of honey and conditioner - Mix 115 grams of honey with 60 ml of conditioner. Wet your hair and apply the honey and conditioner mixture on your hair. Make sure to apply an even layer. You can use a comb to thoroughly comb the mixture through your hair. Then put on a shower cap or wrap plastic wrap around your hair and go to sleep. In the morning, wash the mixture out of your hair with your regular shampoo.
    • Honey, cinnamon and olive oil - Adding cinnamon to the honey gives your hair a warm blonde color with a reddish undertone. The olive oil nourishes your hair. Mix 340 grams of raw honey with 250 ml of distilled water. Add 1 tablespoon of cinnamon and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Mix the ingredients. Wet your hair and then apply the mixture evenly on your hair. Then put on a shower cap and go to sleep. In the morning, wash the mixture out of your hair with your regular shampoo.
    • Instead of distilled water, you can also use 500 ml of white vinegar to make the mixture honey, cinnamon and olive oil to make. The rest of the process is exactly the same.
  4. Make a rhubarb mixture to lighten your hair. You can buy rhubarb at the supermarket or at the market. You can also try growing your own rhubarb in your own garden. Rhubarb grows easily in a garden, and you can often find rhubarb in certain places in nature.
    • Chop enough rhubarb stems to get 120 grams. Put the pieces of rhubarb in a saucepan and add 500 ml of water. Place the saucepan on the stove and bring the mixture to a boil.
    • After the mixture has boiled, let it cool and strain the liquid from the saucepan into a bottle.
    • Spray the liquid on your hair and leave it on for 10 minutes. Then rinse the liquid from your hair with water.
  5. Apply olive oil to your hair. Olive oil can not only be added to all kinds of blends to lighten your hair, but you can also use it on its own. Olive oil makes your hair lighter and moisturizes it very well.
    • Put at least a few tablespoons of olive oil in your hair.
    • Let the olive oil soak in your hair for at least half an hour.
    • Shampoo your hair to get the olive oil out, then style your hair as usual.
  6. Use baking soda to lighten your hair. Baking soda can be used both as a shampoo and as a lightening agent. It will lighten your hair just a little bit, so it's best to use it daily or weekly until your hair is light enough. After that, you can keep using baking soda as a shampoo, but be aware that it can still lighten your hair.
    • Mix 75 to 100 grams of baking soda with small amounts of water until you get a paste.
    • Apply the paste to all of your hair and don't use shampoo.
    • Rinse the baking soda paste from your hair and use your regular conditioner.
  7. Make a solution of apple cider vinegar and water to lighten your hair. Like baking soda, apple cider vinegar can be used to wash and lighten your hair. You can also regularly rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar after shampooing. Apple cider vinegar works very well to remove any chemicals from hair styling products that have accumulated in your hair.
    • Mix 60 ml of apple cider vinegar with 250 ml of water.
    • Use shampoo and conditioner as normal and then apply the apple cider vinegar mixture to your hair.
    • Let the mixture sit in your hair for about 20 minutes and then rinse it from your hair with water.
  8. Use cinnamon to lighten your hair. You can add cinnamon to all kinds of mixtures to lighten your hair, but you can also use this spice on its own. The great thing is that cinnamon also smells good.
    • Mix 3 to 4 tablespoons of ground cinnamon with about the same amount of conditioner.
    • Apply the mixture evenly on your hair. Comb your hair to spread the mixture well throughout your hair.
    • Put on a shower cap or wrap plastic wrap around your hair, and let the mixture sit in your hair while you sleep.
    • Wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner in the morning.
  9. Use salt to lighten your hair. If you've ever swum in the sea all summer, you know that salt water works very well to lighten your hair. Even if you don't live near the sea, you can use salt water to lighten your hair at home.
    • Mix 1 part salt with 5 parts water. Rinse the mixture through your hair and leave it on for at least 15 minutes. Rinse your hair with clean water.
    • An alternative method is to mix 150 grams of sea salt with a small amount of water so that you get a paste. Apply the paste to your damp hair and sit in the sun for a while. Rinse your hair with water after you sit in the sun.

Method 2 of 2: Try alternative remedies to lighten your hair

  1. Take advantage of the sun to naturally lighten your hair. The sun can burn your skin and make it tanner (or darker), but the sun's rays can also lighten your hair. One of the easiest ways to lighten your hair is to just spend a lot of your time outside in the sun. Remember to always use sunscreen and wear protective clothing to cover your bare skin so that your skin is not damaged by the sun.
    • The good thing about the sun is that you can just sit in the sun to lighten your hair, but you can also use it in combination with other blends to lighten your hair. To ensure that the sun lightens your hair faster, first apply one of the above mixtures to your hair and then sit outside in the sun.
  2. Try to lighten your hair with vitamin C. To do this you need tablets or pills with vitamin C. Crush 8 or 9 of these tablets or pills into a powder and then add the powder to the shampoo you normally use. Use the shampoo as usual. Due to the added vitamin C, your hair will slowly lighten.
    • An alternative is to make a hair mask with vitamin C. Crush 15 to 20 vitamin C tablets into a powder. Mix the powder with a small amount of anti-dandruff shampoo to get a paste. Apply the paste to all of your hair. Put on a shower cap or wrap plastic wrap around your hair and leave the mixture on for 1 to 2 hours. Finally, rinse your hair with water.
  3. Consider using a commercially available bleaching agent. If you've tried other remedies and methods and they don't work or your hair doesn't stay light long enough, consider choosing a more professional option. You will also need to see a hairdresser if you have dark hair and want much lighter hair or if you have had your hair dyed at home or at the hairdresser's. Professional hair dyes don't all have the same ingredients. There are several hair dyes without bleach or hydrogen peroxide, and even without other harmful chemicals. Everyone has different hair, so it's best to make an appointment with your hairdresser and ask him or her about the best way to lighten your hair without bleaching it.


  • How much lighter you can lighten your hair depends on your natural hair color. Someone with black hair will not be able to make their hair blonde using the above methods. However, someone with light brown or dark blonde hair could get some lighter streaks or a light blonde hair color with these natural methods that don't use bleach.
  • How long it takes for your hair to become lighter varies by method. It also depends on what color your hair is and what other resources you have in your hair. Use the remedies for a month to gradually lighten your hair. When you have figured out which method works for you, you will continue to use that method from now on.