Making your hair fairer

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
The Hair Color That Will Best Suit Your Skin Tone
Video: The Hair Color That Will Best Suit Your Skin Tone


To make your hair blond, you can choose from all kinds of chemical products, but it is also possible with natural ingredients. Sunlight will lighten your hair, so try to be outside as much as possible! And in addition to the sun, you can also use lemon juice, vitamin C or salt water to bleach your hair in a natural way. Choose a product, put it on your hair and before you know it you will see it lighten.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Bleach your hair naturally

  1. Try to be out in the sun for one to four hours a day, especially in the summer. Direct sunlight naturally lightens the follicles of your hair, making your hair more blond. The more you spend out in the sun, the lighter your hair will get over time. Spend as much time outside as possible and you will notice that your hair changes color after just two or three weeks. Just do not forget to apply so that your skin does not burn!
    • Try to get outside every day, as long as the weather permits. You may not be able to do it every day, but the more the sun shines on your hair, the more blond it gets.
    • For example, you can go for a bike ride, go for a walk or play tennis, or, if you have the chance, lie on the beach.
    • If you live in a place where it is warm and sunny all year round, you can do this any time of the year and you don't have to wait for summer.
  2. Put lemon juice on your hair to bleach it naturally. Lemon juice consists of citric acid. When it gets hot, lemon juice causes the scales of your hair to open, lifting the pigment out of your hair, as it were. Put a little lemon juice in your palms, rub your hands together, then run your hands through your hair. Try to do this just before you go out, and you will soon notice that your hair becomes even lighter that way! After putting the lemon juice in your hair, wash your hands with soap and water.
    • For longer hair, you may need more lemon juice. An easy way to distribute lemon juice evenly over long hair is to put the juice in a spray bottle. Spray your hair with it before going out.
    • Lemon vodka has the same effect on your hair. If you want, you can use lemon vodka instead of lemon juice. Simply pour one to three tablespoons of it into your hands and spread it on your hair.
    • You can also add some lemon juice to your conditioner and rinse your hair with it. This makes your hair blonde faster after a while than when you just sit in the sun.
  3. Spray dyed hair to lighten it with a salt water solution. Sprinkle one to two tablespoons (15 - 30 grams) of salt into a spray bottle and top it up with tap water. Then spray the salt water all over your hair. Do this before going out on a sunny day, and after a few weeks you will notice that your hair is getting lighter and lighter.
    • Salt water helps to lighten hair that is already colored, because the salt opens up your hair cuticles, allowing the sun to penetrate the follicles more easily and lightening the pigment.
    • This is a great option if you already have blonde or light brown hair and want to lighten it even more.
  4. Rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar to give it a milder bleach. Apple cider vinegar is really good for your hair as it washes the flakes and grease off your scalp and bleaches your hair in a mild and gradual way at the same time. Put one part apple cider vinegar and six parts water in a spray bottle. Spray the mixture evenly over your hair. Then wash your hair as usual with shampoo and conditioner.
    • You can also use plain white vinegar. Apple cider vinegar works best, but other types of vinegar will give you roughly the same result.
    • Apple cider vinegar also helps degrease your hair and reduce frizz.
    • While this method certainly helps to lighten your hair, you may need to rinse a few times to see results.
  5. Wash your hair blond by mixing vitamin C through your shampoo. Using a rolling pin or, for example, a can of soup, pulverize three to five pills with 500 mg of vitamin C each. Roll over the pills until you have a fine powder. Put some shampoo in a bowl and sprinkle in the powdered vitamin C. Stir everything well together and then put the mixture through your hair. Cover with a plastic shower cap and let it sit for an hour. Then rinse your hair well with water and finally with conditioner.
    • Your hair will probably start to lighten after a few washes with vitamin C.
  6. Rinse your hair with beer after shampooing. The proteins and vitamins in the beer nourish your hair, while at the same time opening up the cuticle layer. Open a can or bottle of beer and let it sit until it has flattened and is at room temperature. Before washing your hair, pour the beer over your head and massage it through your scalp. Rinse your hair well and then wash it with shampoo and conditioner as usual.
    • Beer is known to help lighten your hair's pigment over time. Moreover, your hair will shine extra.
  7. Lighten your hair one to two shades with a combination of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. The chemical reaction that takes place when baking soda mixes with hydrogen peroxide can lighten your hair by several shades. To do this, mix 250 grams of baking soda with three tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide in a bowl. Then do this on your hair. To do this, start at the roots and work towards the ends. Let the hair mask sit for half an hour to an hour and then rinse well with shampoo and conditioner.
    • Immediately after rinsing your hair can look one or two shades lighter!
    • Do not leave the mixture on your hair for more than an hour. The chemical mixture can dry out and damage your hair.
  8. Lighten your hair overnight with a mixture of honey, cinnamon, olive oil and vinegar. In a bowl, mix one tablespoon (15 grams) of cinnamon, 250 ml of honey, one tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil, and half a liter of distilled vinegar into a smooth paste. Leave the mixture on for half an hour to an hour and then apply it to your wet hair. Cover your head with a plastic bag or hair cap and let the mixture work overnight. Wash your hair normally with shampoo the next morning. It may be that your hair is already lighter in color.
    • Comb the mixture through your hair to distribute it evenly, or create your own highlights by applying it to the areas you want to bleach.
    • You can also wash the mixture out of your hair after one to three hours. That way, your hair will lighten in a mild way and you won't have to sleep with plastic over your hair.
    • You may have to do this a few times for your hair to really lighten.
    • If you don't have cinnamon, you can use cardamom instead.
  9. Lighten darker hair with a rinse of 100-150 grams of rhubarb. Take more than 100 grams of fresh rhubarb and chop it into small pieces. Put the rhubarb in a pan with half a liter of water and bring the water to a boil. As soon as the water starts to boil, put the lid on the pan and remove it from the heat. Let the mixture stand for about ten minutes and then pour the water with the rhubarb pieces through a sieve. After shampooing, rinse your hair with the rhubarb water and let it air dry.
    • After a number of rhubarb rinses, your hair will naturally lighten.
    • This method works especially well if you have dark blonde to dark brown hair.
  10. Brighten up blond hair with a chamomile tea mask. Let a sachet of chamomile tea steep in a quarter liter of hot water for about ten minutes. Let the tea cool to room temperature and then rinse your hair with the tea. Let the tea sit in your hair for 15 to 20 minutes. For the strongest effect, you can do the tea rinse a maximum of two or three times. Then wash your hair with shampoo in the usual way.
    • Chamomile is said to lighten hair that is already blonde or light brown.
    • You can also use black tea.

Method 2 of 2: Using bleaching products

  1. Lighten your hair in a simple way with a bleaching spray. There are different brands of bleaching products that cause a chemical reaction in combination with sunlight. That reaction causes your hair to lighten. Simply spray the product on your hair and walk outside in the sun! This way, your hair will turn blond in just a few hours.
    • For example, try the Sun-In brand.
    • These products make your hair more blond, but of course it is not a natural method. Over time, it can damage and even break your hair.
  2. Wash your hair with a lightening shampoo. If you want to gradually whiten your hair, try buying a shampoo specifically designed for blonde hair or advertised as "brightening". Put some on your hair and let the shampoo sit for two to three minutes before rinsing your hair.
    • Your hair should start to lighten after about two weeks of daily use.
    • In addition to bleaching shampoo, you can often buy lightening conditioners from the same brand.
  3. If you want to be permanently blonde, dye your hair blonde. If you have darker hair or would like to be permanently blond, consider dyeing your hair. For the best results, it is best to go to the hairdresser and explain what you would like. He or she can add highlights, brighten up your existing color, or lighten your dark color a bit.
    • You can also dye your hair yourself. However, the bleaching process can be harmful to your hair and it takes a long time to lighten dark hair. Take a good look on the internet before you decide to dye your hair yourself. Always use good quality dyes and bleaches to minimize the chance of damaging your hair, skin, or eyes.


  • If you've dyed blonde hair, you can keep it as blonde as possible by covering your hair with a hat, scarf, or headband when you're out in the sun.
  • Blonde hair can also fade quickly in salt water and chlorine. Keep your hair beautiful and healthy by rinsing it well with tap water after swimming in the sea or in a pool.
  • To keep blondes healthy, always use sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner.
  • Treat your hair once a week with a so-called deep conditioner to keep your hair thoroughly hydrated and healthy while making it fairer. This way you prevent your hair from breaking and keep that sunny shine longer!


  • Be careful not to get the ingredients mentioned in this article in your eyes. They can cause irritation in your eyes or in other sensitive areas.