Kissing your lover

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 26 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To French Kiss ☆゚.*・。゚[My Kissing Tips]
Video: How To French Kiss ☆゚.*・。゚[My Kissing Tips]


Kissing your lover is often different from a kiss after a meaningless date or with someone you don't know very well. A lot of people think their first kiss will be perfect because they really care about the one they kiss. Maybe it's not your first time kissing your partner, but you want to kiss him or her in a way that shows how much you love him or her. While not every kiss is a replica of the classic "first kiss" from the movie, it can be very intense and special.

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Part 1 of 3: Are you ready?

  1. First, see if you are ready. The first kiss in a relationship often makes the relationship more serious and intimate, so it's important to make sure you're ready before taking this first step. Maybe you are in a relationship with someone you really love and you want to go on with them. Or maybe you're already in a relationship and ready to let your partner know you love them. Be that as it may, it's important that you don't just dive into something without thinking about the consequences.
    • You might not think kissing someone is such a big deal, but keep in mind that kissing someone you love involves more than flirting with each other. In that case, you want to make sure you have reached the point where you do what you say, that is, you feel a commitment to the relationship, or the future relationship.
    • It is also very intimate to tell your boyfriend or partner that you love him while kissing. This really takes the relationship to the next level. It is also very thoughtful and it shows your partner that you care and are committed to him.
    • If you would like to kiss a good friend because you found out that you have a crush on him, consider the possible consequences of this act. Because of course you don't want to ruin your relationship with him or make him feel uncomfortable, so pay close attention when you're together and see if the right time has come.
    • The key to knowing for sure if you love someone is willing to take the risk of showing it, whatever the consequences.
  2. Observe your friend or your partner. While you think about whether you are really ready, you can at the same time think about whether the person you love is ready to kiss you. For example, observe how he behaves when he's around you so you can find out if he has the same feelings for you as you do for him.
    • Does your lover mainly flirt with you? Does he make romantic gestures to show you that he really cares about you? Does it seem like he's really committed to the relationship? Is he spending more time with you than usual? Does he help you with things without you asking him? These could all be signs that he's in love with you, or at least has strong feelings for you.
    • This step can prevent heartbreak in the relationship. Kissing someone who doesn't have the same feelings for you as you do for them can be embarrassing and painful; so make sure you are pretty sure he wants it before you start kissing him.
  3. Get intimate with him. This doesn't necessarily have to be physical, but before you kiss someone you love, it is important that you know the other emotionally. This makes the kissing more intense and will have more meaning. Kissing someone you love is different from kissing someone you barely know - of course you want it to be special and to be able to express your strong feelings of love to the other person.
    • If you don't know the other intimately yet, take the time to get to know them. Maybe you fell in love with him because you saw how he interacted with others, but you haven't had the chance to get to know him personally yet. Taking the time to find out who he really is will definitely help make it a very special kiss.

Part 2 of 3: Creating the right situation

  1. Choose the right location. The environment in which you kiss your loved one is very important; a romantic place can make a kiss very special and intense. This doesn't necessarily have to be a clichéd place like a carriage with horses hitched in front of it, but it can be a place that is beautiful and special to you. Think about some special places you have already been, or some other places that you find romantic. Make a commitment to kiss your loved one in one of those places.
    • Examples of romantic places are a park with a lake or pond, in a back corner in a restaurant, on the beach, under the stars, on the roof of a building with a fantastic view, etc.
    • Often the best kiss is somewhere private and quiet, so that you are not distracted. But you can also kiss your partner in a busy place if you think it's the right place.
  2. Make time for a special date. Sure, you can kiss your loved one anywhere, but to make it really special, it's best to set a date when you want to kiss your loved one in a special place. As described above, choose a romantic location and schedule a date that you know you and your partner will really enjoy. You may not find roses and candlelight that romantic, but you both like sports games, for example. Do something that you think is very special and that you estimate she will too, and plan the entire date around it.
    • Then when you are together, wait for the right time when it is appropriate to sit closer to your loved one. If you are doing something that always leaves two feet between you, that may not be the best situation to start kissing. Schedule a date where you can be close and intimate with your loved one.
  3. Make it a unique experience in your relationship. The most romantic moments in a relationship are often times when you've been considerate of the other person, by arranging a special date, or by giving a gift because you know it means a lot to the other person. Don't just go for an ordinary "night out", do something fun and special. Take your loved one to the place where you first met, or the place where you realized you fell in love with him or her.
    • For example, if two lovers are both very fond of books, a romantic place to kiss would be a secluded corner of an old library. Or maybe they both like outdoor sports; then kissing in a canoe would be a good idea.
    • But if you think your partner would enjoy a classic night out the most, do so! There is no perfect formula for having the perfect date, so just do what you think your partner would like best.
  4. During the week, give the other person hints about the date. One way to make your loved one long for the future date is to give little hints and reminders in the week leading up to the date. Send your loved one messages throughout the week to let them know that you're really looking forward to the date, or send them sweet messages with compliments or expressions of the feelings you have for your partner throughout the week.
  5. You can also just be spontaneous. Maybe you don't like planning much and a planned date and a location that you have already thought out in advance may seem a bit artificial to you. In that case, you can kiss that special someone in your life at a time when it feels right for you. It doesn't always have to be a perfectly planned date; so if you are with your lover and you look at him or her, and you realize that you are in love: take your chance at that moment!

Part 3 of 3: Preparing for the kiss

  1. Make sure you look your Easter best. Before you take the step of actually kissing your loved one, you naturally want to look your best so that the kiss becomes really special and meaningful. If you normally hang out on the couch with your partner wearing a T-shirt and sweatpants, try out a new style now, like putting on really nice pants or a skirt and styling your hair. This will likely make your lover feel more attracted to you, which will only make the kiss more romantic and intense.
    • For example, you can put on a nice aftershave or perfume, so that your loved one only wants to snuggle up to you more.
  2. Check your breath and lips. Before kissing someone, it is important to check that your mouth smells fresh and that your lips are not cracked. If you've just eaten, grab some fresh gum so your breath smells fresh again, or if you have time, brush your teeth. You can also apply some lip balm if your lips are a bit chapped.
  3. Get closer to your loved one. Now that you look your best, you are ready to make the first move. Now on your date, wherever you are, try to become more and more intimate with your loved one by getting closer and closer to her. For example, you can sit next to her and put your arm around her, or hold her hand.
  4. Look her in the eye. This is very important to let your partner know you love her and to make the kiss special. Eye contact can do so much, because people who know each other well can often convey all kinds of emotions by simply looking each other in the eye. Looking people in the eye is also a way to let someone know that you are serious and that they can trust you.
  5. Talk to her lovingly. Show your loved one how much you care about her, or what she means to you, by expressing your feelings in an intimate, gentle way. Tell her how you feel about her or compliment her on the qualities you admire in her. This will only make your feelings stronger, making the kiss even more beautiful and intimate.
  6. Take the step. First you look your lover in the eye. Dam you caress her face gently, or you put her hair behind her ears. Now you are going to kiss her. Slowly move your face towards hers, being so close that your lips are almost touching but not quite yet - this will build some tension. Then you kiss her gently on the lips.
  7. Assess the situation now. After you make the first move and kiss your lover, wait a few seconds to see how she reacts to it. Maybe she likes it very much and starts kissing you now, or maybe it scares her a little. Be that as it may, after you initiate the first kiss, let her take the next step.
    • If this wasn't the first time you've kissed your loved one, try making the kiss even more intimate. Instead of kissing right away, you can start kissing her on the cheeks and forehead. These are loving kisses that are likely to get her blood flowing faster.
    • It is advisable not to French kiss during the first kiss, so that you first calmly check whether your loved one likes it. Once you know that your lover wants to kiss you too, then you can start french kissing.