Making your ex boyfriend jealous

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 5 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


So you're either totally sick of your boyfriend dumping you, or you're only now realizing that this is when he needs to start realizing what he's missing. There are plenty of things you can do to make them jealous and you can even do it in a stylish way.

To step

  1. Be happy. This is so important. Of course it's okay to get it off in the days or weeks after you break up; it would be strange if it didn't bother you. But soon it is time to pick yourself up and regain your inner joy, even if you have not fully recovered emotionally. Who knows? Chances are, trying to be happy will make you happy in the end.
    • Remind yourself what you have to live for. Your friends, family, health; these are all things we tend to take for granted when we are full of a relationship. Think about everything you have and happiness will return sooner.
    • Treat yourself. It's a great idea to pamper yourself to get some meaning in life again. If you're feeling extravagant, go shopping and get a new coat or pair of new shoes. If you just want something simple, go to a beauty center with your friends, eat ice cream or go to the movies.
    • Remove all memories of your relationship from your life. You don't have to throw out all of his photos or burn his love letters. Keep them somewhere safe and forget about them. This will help you to him to forget.
  2. Be polite. If you bump into your ex on the street, it's okay to have a chat with him. Show him that you are mature enough not to hold a grudge. More than anything, show him that he won't upset you anymore. Guys hate to find out that they've been easily forgotten as this suggests they're not that great anyway.
    • Do not: Talk about things to do with your previous relationship or the breakup. Don't act moody or sulk; you don't want him to think you are sad because of him, even if you are. Talk about ordinary things. Smile and act confident.
    • Do well: Be friendly, but don't flirt or be suggestive. Try not to laugh too hard at his jokes. Say something like "I'm fine, busy" or something like that. Keep it short.
    • Remember your goals: You don't want to be so unkind that he's happy to lose you. You want to be friendly but distant, possibly a little distracted by your new life - the life you're better off without him.
  3. Start talking to other guys again. You just need to be friends with them to annoy your ex already. Don't start a new relationship if you haven't gotten over the old one yet. It wouldn't be fair to your new boyfriend if you just made fun of him, and your ex will lose interest instead of getting jealous for basically saying he has no chance. Try the following to get his attention:
    • Make friends with his buddies. You probably met his friends while you were still together, so just try to start a conversation every now and then. Your ex will undoubtedly hear that, and you can bet that it will quickly make him very jealous.
    • Talk to a guy who is older, richer, or more muscular than your ex. Men are known to be very insecure when it comes to certain things: age (it makes them feel inexperienced), wealth (makes them feel like they are not a good breadwinner) and strength (makes them feel less masculine). Your ex will compare himself to any man you don't come into contact with superficially. If he thinks there's a chance that this guy is better than he was, he'll be trying to get your attention again before you know it.
    • If your ex ever thought that another guy was a threat to your relationship, go back to that guy he felt that way. Your ex will feel like a sucker for making sure that you can now get close to someone that makes him feel insecure. That jealousy, competing with other men, will come back like a tidal wave.
  4. Focus on improving yourself. Do you have any annoying habits that your ex was complaining about? Whether it's being messy or nail-biting, stop that now and show the new and improved version of yourself. When he sees you quit all the things he once hated, you're showing that you've moved forward without him instead of with him.
    • With all that free time where you now have a great deal, you can learn more about the world. If you can, travel. (Your ex will boil with jealousy when you meet a foreign man.) Be a student of the world, the people, food. Secretly, or not so secretly, men want a girl who is both interesting and interested. Read the news and learn about different customs and cultures. Don't brag about it, just let it seep through carefully.
    • Do something challenging. Run that 5k you've always dreamed of. Try to get into the Guinness Book of World Records. Whatever it is, push your limits and learn a little more about yourself in the meantime. Your ex will see that you are getting better and will wonder what he did to stop you.
  5. Try to look and feel good. If he liked it when you dressed a certain way, try to do it more often, every time you feel like you're going to run into him. If you are not happy with your figure, do something about it, get fitter, do something nice with your hair, choose clothes that suit you better. When he sees you, he'll wonder why the hell he left you.
    • Always try to look good. You never know when you'll run into him while you're shopping or going to the movies. The better your fashion sense, the better you will feel.
    • Talk to your hairdresser about a new hairstyle. Maybe a shorter haircut. Even though a hairstyle is just a symbol, it will tell your ex a lot: "I am a new person without you and will come out of this relationship better than ever before."
    • Go on a diet (if you think you need to). You should know if you need a diet. If you are unsure about that, you probably don't need it. But if you do decide to lose weight and you fit back into that dress that is three sizes smaller than when you were together, this will make a fantastic impression.
  6. Make use of the internet. If you have Facebook / Pinterest / Twitter, use this to post pictures of yourself having fun. Social media can also be used to chat with other guys, even if it doesn't go beyond chatting. Don't delete him from your social media network, but make sure to unsubscribe from his posts so you don't get involved with what he's doing.
    • Give your Facebook page a makeover. Ask friends to help you take a super-flattering profile picture, and change some of the information to make it more appropriate for your new attitude. The attention you get from your other friends when you give your profile a makeover could make him jealous.
    • Make sure you are not an open book. Stay a little mysterious with your posts / tweets. Don't post word for word what you are doing. Instead of saying "Just got back from the beach with my friends!" say something like "We did Copacabana; next stop, Havana!"
    • Don't talk about him in your public posts. You really want to ignore him, as much as possible. You want him to believe that you're having a great time without him, and that the memory of him is getting dimmer by the day.
  7. If he sends you a text, make him wait a few days. If he's texting you, or has tried to call or email you, it's clear he's back on the screen to get your attention. So to stay in control instead of handing it over to him, ignore his messages for a few days.
    • By doing this you are saying, "I have better things to do with my time than to respond to you." During these few days, he will think about it and worry, wondering if he said something wrong or stupid. When you send him a message, say something like "Sorry, didn't see the message!" He'll be relieved that you didn't just ignore him because he's scared of looking like a loser.
    • Be careful and make sure he can't see you received the message. Facebook now keeps track of whether you have viewed messages and sends this information back to the other party. It would be a bit strange to read his message right away and then say that you only saw it after a few days, when he knows when you checked it.


  • Talk to other guys, but don't get too flirty, otherwise people might think you're desperate.
  • Don't flirt with every guy you meet. That won't make him feel sorry for dumping you, it will just make him wish he'd done it sooner. In addition, guys will get the idea that you are easy to get, which will make it harder to find a nice new friend.
  • If you didn't dump him, always show that he wasn't worth it. Dress more confidently, show him what he's missing. Don't be afraid, just be yourself. He will probably want you back.
  • Some guys just don't notice. If he's that type, just get on with your life and do your best to forget about him.
  • If he asks you to give him another chance, then you should be sure that the same doesn't happen again; tell us what you want with the relationship and see if he wants it too. This of course means that you will also have to meet his conditions.
  • If your ex has a new partner, it is probably better to give up and enjoy being single. You can still be friendly with each other, but if you try to get more out of it while he has someone else, you will get a bad reputation.
  • Try to stay friends and spend time together. When you two are in a more friendly relationship, talk about other guys from time to time. If you are friends, the best time to make a move is when you are in a place where you used to spend time together, like the bedroom, a cafe you loved to visit, the place where you first kissed.
  • Never act jealous about his new girlfriend.
  • Always feel confident that you can do many things without him, without him telling you what to do.


  • You don't want to be seen chasing random guys or laughing too hard every time your ex walks into the room. Everyone looks right through that and you just come across as desperate.
  • Don't take it too far, because you don't want your ex to get down in the ditch, just make him regret it a little bit.