Celebrate your 18th birthday

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 24 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
18 Things you can do on your 18th Birthday
Video: 18 Things you can do on your 18th Birthday


For many people, turning 18 is a big milestone. With new rights and new responsibilities, 18 year olds are officially considered adults in many cultures, so you'll want to celebrate this moment in the right way. Whether you want to throw an informal party with your family and stay indoors, throw a big party or get out of town, you can always celebrate in style.

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Method 1 of 3: Throw a party

  1. Let go of the child in you. Why not invite some friends and throw a birthday party? Hang up streamers and balloons, eat cake, play games and watch movies! Just because you are now legally regarded as an adult does not mean that you can no longer feel like a child. Enjoy the party with people you love. If you want to throw a more "grown-up" birthday party before the age of 18, there are plenty of other ways to celebrate your newfound freedom too.
  2. Consider a quiet party. Some people don't need a big bang when they turn 18. Spending a few quiet hours at home with your family? Unwrapping gifts? Eat cake? If it has worked for 17 years, there is no need to change it right now. Spend time with the people who love you and relax.
    • Make time for loved ones. Have some quiet time with a sibling, or spend time with your dad working on cars. Do something you normally would, but take the time to really appreciate it. Most people assume that when you turn 18, these moments will disappear, but that's not true at all. You can keep them going even as you take on new responsibilities.
    • List the teen things you'd like to do and use your 18th as an opportunity to do all the things you've always loved doing. Do things with your brother and watch samurai movies late, or take the whole family to your favorite ice cream shop. Remember, turning 18 means more responsibilities, but you don't have to stop being a kid.
    • Consider a less common party activity, such as camping. You can do this in a park with camping spots, or even in your own backyard. Get out a tent, make some snacks, grab your video games, and get some good friends! It's like spending the whole night without your parents looking over your shoulder. If you want to go camping somewhere, an overnight stay per tent usually costs about € 15. This can be a great way to bond with your friends while enjoying the freedom without your parents.
  3. Invite a manageable number of people. A great way to celebrate an 18th birthday is to throw a party at home for yourself. Depending on the house you have available, you may want to throw a large party or a smaller one that is suitable for your purposes. Whatever you want to do, make sure you invite an appropriate number of people so that you don't have a large crowd dancing around your lawn and eventually the police joining in.
    • If you talk about your party on Facebook or any other social network, stick to private messages. Don't post about your party in public or you might get unwanted guests and attention.
    • Consider celebrating multiple 18th birthdays at once. When a few friends all turn 18, you can make it one big party, instead of a few smaller ones. Think epic.
  4. Think about a theme. Dress the party in a style that suits your theme, or your own personal taste. You can keep it elegant and tasteful with pretty flower arrangements, photos and crepe, or you can do it with a smoke machine, disco ball and "trap DJ" for a sweltering dance party. You may want to have weck jars of lemonade, a bluegrass band and hay bales. Decide what kind of atmosphere you want and go for it.
    • Quick tip: change your lights from the standard white to red or yellow to set the tone for the house party quickly, easily and cheaply.
    • Prepare your home by storing all your valuables and things that could be knocked over. Place them in a lockable area, or move things to the garage or a shed.
    • Think of cleaning up. If you have to scrub the floor because mud wrestling has gotten out of hand, it could be a bad start to your 18th year. Try to keep it manageable.
  5. Arrange the entertainment for the evening. It is important that your guests have something to do at your party. This can be anything from games to dancing to movies to cooking. It's your night, so choose something you enjoy doing with your best friends.
    • Choose something that you and your friends will enjoy doing. If you're a gamer, set up a video game challenge and move from room to room in an epic trail. Super Nintendo in the attic and Xbox One in the living room. Play your way from one floor to the other.
    • If you want to hire a DJ, don't forget to give them a list of songs you want to play and appreciate your guests. When your guests arrive you can always have them write down two or three of their favorite dance songs and this will get them to get up and get the party started.
    • If you're going for a live band, it's essential that you make sure they have enough space, electrical hookups, and other materials needed to play, especially if you're going to pay for it. Make sure they get there early to set everything up.
  6. Warn the neighbors. Nothing ruins a party faster than a phone call to the police and a knock on the door. It is a common courtesy to warn your neighbors that you are going to host a party and let them know the specifics. Go around the neighborhood to make sure everything is okay.
    • Helpful Hint: Don't treat it as much as a warning and more like an invitation. Tell the neighbors that you are going to have a party before the age of 18 and that you wanted to let them know to come over. Post a little caveat: "Don't expect too many people, but there will probably be some music. We try to finish around a reasonable time. Feel free to come by!'

Method 2 of 3: Going out

  1. Only invite a select few friends. 18 is a huge milestone, so get some friends together and have a good time. Try to keep your group small - no more than five or so close friends - and head into town. When you go out, always go in a group.
    • If you have a large party, make a reservation to make sure you get to the restaurant, club or other location where you want to have the party. If tickets are needed, buy them in advance. If an entrance fee is required, make sure everyone has enough cash with them.
    • Depending on when you turn 18, this may be one of the last chances you have to catch up with close friends before going to college or work somewhere. It can be fun to go to a noisy dance club, but it can also be fun to just hang out and chat. Do whatever feels comfortable for you.
  2. Find a club that you under 18 will not enter. If there is one for you, an adult club can be a great way to explore the city and have some fun. These types of clubs are usually like most dance venues, but without alcohol. Many venues have a minimum age of 18, and if there is an event around your birthday it can be a great way to celebrate.
    • While it may be fun for you, you should consider minor members of your group. Don't make plans to go where everyone can't go, or just invite people over the age of 18. Make some plans to make sure no one is skipped.
  3. Make sure you have transportation from place to place. Before you leave, make sure you know how to get from place to place and that you have arranged your rides. It's best to let someone else drive, especially if you're going to drink alcohol, but even if you don't. Taking the stress out of driving around can make the whole evening a lot easier and more fun.
    • A taxi is a safe bet, or arrange rides with family members or other close friends, but if you want to make your 18th birthday memorable, there's always the option of a limo.
    • If it's possible in your city, using Lyft or Uber is a great way to get from place to place. You can arrange a car that you can pick up somewhere at a certain time.
  4. Take lots of pictures. In a few years, you'll want to make sure you've documented your 18th. It's easier than ever these days, but don't forget to take enough group photos to keep track of everything you do this evening. The photos will be invaluable.
  5. Have fun, but keep it safe. Your 18th should be an evening of freedom and fun, but when you go out you have to be extremely safe. Always stay in a group, make sure everyone exchanges numbers before you go out, and let your parents or anyone close to you know where you plan to go and what you plan to do. Make sure you start your birthday the right way.

Method 3 of 3: Explore new possibilities

  1. Find out what you can and cannot do. There are a lot of new legal things coming your way as a brand new adult. Whether you're planning a party for someone about to turn 18 or planning your own gathering, it's common for it to include some thing you couldn't do when you were 17.
    • In some countries, the legal drinking age is 18. If you're going to have a few drinks to celebrate, make sure you're drinking safely and don't push your limits right away. You have a lifetime of legal drinking in front of you. No need to stuff it all at once.
    • Lottery tickets, tattoos, tobacco products, marriage licenses, military service, and voter registration are all things 18-year-olds suddenly encounter or have at their disposal in most areas. Use it wisely and plan to celebrate as an adult.
    • In many countries, turning 18 means getting a new driver's license or ID card. In some countries it is a different color, with different designations. While it may not be a fun way to celebrate, it's a good idea to get your new ID as soon as possible.
  2. Buy a ticket in the lottery. One of the first things many 18 year olds do is buy one or two lottery tickets. It can be a quick and fun way to do something with your new ID and your new maturity. Buy a scratch card or a Power Ball ticket for some harmless fun. Who knows, you might even win a little extra money to finance your party.
  3. Consider getting a birthday tattoo. 18 year olds do not need parental consent to get a tattoo legally. While it's not necessarily advisable to get a tattoo just because you're allowed to, it's a common way to celebrate your birthday if you've had a design for a long time and are serious about it. Research a good artist in your area, make an appointment to talk about your design, and make an appointment for your 18th birthday.
  4. Know that you can vote now. Yes, it's not something to get into partying about, but devoting a portion of your day before the party to new adult stuff can be an exciting and fun way to celebrate. Exercise your rights by registering to vote (depending on the country where you live) so that you will be ready by the time the next election arrives.


  • You can invite as many people as you want! Just make sure you plan space, snacks, and the number of game controllers needed.
  • Dare to be childish! Smores, frankfurters, campfire songs, play hide and seek! Let's face it, you may be a legal adult now, but you're still a teenager.
  • Make sure to consider any allergies, medications, or conditions that you or your friends may have.