Impress your boyfriend

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 18 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to impress your boyfriend |Tips to impress your boyfriend #jismaandvimal #vinevideo #couplegoals
Video: How to impress your boyfriend |Tips to impress your boyfriend #jismaandvimal #vinevideo #couplegoals


Whether you just want to start a relationship or want more attention from your steady partner, there are several ways to get your boyfriend interested and keep him from taking his eyes off you. Sure, every guy is different and will have his own likes and dislikes, but with the following simple actions, you can make a big impression on your man and win his heart.

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Method 1 of 3: Impress with your appearance

  1. Dress to impress. You don't have to walk around in a ball gown all the time, but do pay some attention and care about what you are wearing.
    • Impress him with beautiful, flattering clothes, even if you're just hanging around the house.
    • Choose colors that he likes best or put on his favorite scent to please both his eyes and nose. If you know that a certain outfit in your closet will make his knees soft, be sure to wear it for your next night out.
    • If you know he has a favorite band or sports team, casually include a jersey or T-shirt from that band or team in your daily wardrobe. He will certainly notice this and it will seem like you share his taste.
  2. Make yourself beautiful, but without too much hassle. Research has shown that 36% of men really appreciate it when their girlfriend goes the extra mile to look great for them.
    • You don't have to be a supermodel to look good in the eyes of your boyfriend or husband. Rather emphasize your best features and qualities, especially if you know he has his favorites. If he likes your eyes, emphasize them with makeup or a hairstyle that frames your face nicely.
    • Keep it effortless, or seemingly effortless, to really impress your guy. Don't overdo it by dusting yourself for hours before a date, especially if your boyfriend is waiting for you.
  3. Smile sincerely. It's more fun to be with someone who is in a good mood, and smiling more is one way to show a sunny, easygoing attitude.
  4. Be clear with your body language. Actions can be clearer than words and make an even bigger impression on a boy or man.
    • Show your interest in him by being a little flirtatious: touch your hair, make eye contact, lean over and touch his arm casually when talking to him.
    • Try to mirror his movements. Being in tune and sharing his body language makes it clear that you understand each other and are the same.
  5. Be kissable. Keep your boyfriend or husband impressed and close to you by being ready for a kiss or hug. Always carry a travel toothbrush, toothpaste and perfume / eau de toilette with you in your bag or car, so you can freshen up anytime and anywhere on the go.

Method 2 of 3: Impress with your interests and attitude

  1. Interested in his hobbies. Even if you're not really interested in some of the things your boyfriend can get into, try to at least show some interest in the kind of music, movies, books, sports, or other things he likes. It gives you something to talk about and is a way to bond.
    • Start reading the same books or listening to the same music.
    • Ask him to choose a next movie or concert, instead of specifying your own preference.
    • If your friend likes sports, keep track of his favorite team and make sure you know when to play. You can score great points by offering to watch the game without him having to propose it.
    • Knowing all his sports or hobbies also makes it easier to come up with gift ideas. Impress him with a small gift around his favorite pastime or greatest passion.
    • Pay close attention to what music he likes and then create a mix CD or playlist of all his favorites. Include a few new songs similar to his favorites. You will impress him even more that you paid so much attention to his taste, and because of your musical knowledge.
  2. Be interested in his friends. Many relationship experts agree that it is important for love partners to get along well with each other's friends. Show your friend that you can appreciate, respect, and like his friends, even if they aren't your friends.
    • If you go out as a group, pay the first round for your husband's or boyfriend's friends, or throw a party at your place.
    • Laugh at their jokes, talk about their hobbies, whatever shows his friends that you accept them. They will respond positively to that and your boyfriend will be much more impressed and go crazy about you if his friends approve of you.
    • Remember that your boyfriend likes it when his friends like you, but not that one falls in love with you. If one of his friends starts to get flirty, keep your distance.
    • Be open and positive about female friends that your boyfriend may have. Being overly jealous of platonic friends indicates that you don't trust him. You will impress him more by being positive about his friendships than not trusting them.
  3. Ask him about his family. You will really make a lasting impression on your boyfriend by taking an active interest in people who are important in his life, especially his family.
    • Impressing your partner's parents and family can be a big hurdle, but you can score some easy points with your boyfriend early on just by showing interest and getting to know his family, siblings, and more. find out about his childhood.
    • Ask to view old family photos or hear some stories of what your boyfriend was like as a child. All of this helps your friend know that you care about him and all those he cares about.
  4. Make sure he stands out well towards others. If your boyfriend takes you on a date to a party or some other occasion, be a good sidekick by not putting yourself in the spotlight at his expense. Rather, bring up good stories that bring out his best sides and make him shine in front of others. This will make him look good and make you climb a step up the ladder in his eyes.
  5. Compliment and appreciate him. Recent relationship research has shown that acknowledging little things your boyfriend does can go a long way in strengthening your bond.
    • Let your sweetheart know he's doing well, especially when he's doing his best to help you - for example, doing chores around the house for you, or offering to get something from the store.
    • Especially thank him when he has done something for you without you having to ask him for it. It will impress him that you have noticed that he has thought of something on his own.
    • Brag to his friends about something nice he recently did for you in front of him.
  6. Be a listening ear and a reliable shoulder. It is worth a lot to have someone there for you, and your friend will notice that you can be like a rock in the surf for him if he is struggling.
    • Be there for him in the way he needs, whether it's just listening, giving advice, or offering to help.
    • Don't forget to talk to and about him, not just him. Instead of talking about yourself, give him the opportunity to speak up and talk about things that are important to him. If he's the quiet type, take that into account and respect that. Give him space and support from a quiet distance. He will really appreciate that and you.
  7. Allow him "his own time". We all need time "to ourselves," and love relationships are no different.
    • Let your husband know that you understand that he needs time for himself, whether it's relaxing or catching up with friends.
    • This will allow you to impress your friend by showing him that you are not overbearing or clingy.
  8. Smile with him and at him. Let him know you find him funny by laughing at his jokes and chuckling at things he finds funny. Laughter is not only the best medicine, but also important for couples to bond.
  9. Leave your mobile alone. When you're together, put your phone away, stop checking your messages all the time, and don't worry too much about social media.
    • Make it clear to him that he matters most, especially on a date or when the two of you are alone.
    • Take it slow with social media - you'll impress him a lot more if you're not constantly on his page, or checking what he's doing every minute.
    • From time to time, wait to call back or text, unless he needs you. Don't come across as overly enthusiastic, clingy, or controlling.

Method 3 of 3: Impress with your skills and personality

  1. Win his heart through his stomach. It's true what they say: the man's love goes through the stomach!
    • If you can cook well, impress your sweetheart by preparing his favorite dish, surprising him with some delicious sweet baked treats.
    • Give him a lunch box with favorites baked especially for him. Include a sweet or promising note for him to discover during his lunch. It means a lot to know someone is taking the time to do these little things for you.
  2. Take charge. It will impress your beau that you have the courage to take the initiative, instead of putting all the pressure or responsibility on him.
    • Surprise him with a kiss or an unexpected display of physical affection.
    • Give him an impromptu massage, especially after a long or hard day at work.
    • If your boyfriend has no problem with public displays of affection, give him an arm or put your hand in his back pocket when you're walking together.
    • Make a plan for your next night out. Take the burden of planning, and even financial burdens, off his shoulders by inviting him to a date. Invite him to do something fun together that is especially fun for him or fits his interests.
    • Be spontaneous and daring, especially if he likes thrills and spills. Plan a surprise party for him, or buy tickets to something unexpected and fun. You will impress him by surprising him in a good way.
  3. Impress him with your ambition. In a recent survey, 80 percent of men said they love women who are go-getters. So impress him by being like that!
    • Don't hide your own personal, study and professional ambitions. You will impress the right guy with your ability to be excited about your own future in addition to living a romantic life with him.
    • Make sure to reserve some free time for the two of you. This means that you don't talk about work or school all the time, especially on an outing together.
    • Be confident, but without being boastful. You don't want to make a bad impression on your guy by putting him down or pretending you're too good for him yourself.
  4. Love yourself, and he will definitely follow you. Have confidence in yourself and certainly about your strengths as a person and as a partner. Your confidence will help you make a lasting impression on your boyfriend, as well as everyone around you.