Impressing a girl on a date

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 1 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
11 First Date Tips That Are Actually Useful - Don’t Turn Her Off + Lock Down the Second Date
Video: 11 First Date Tips That Are Actually Useful - Don’t Turn Her Off + Lock Down the Second Date


If you can impress a girl on your date, you might get the chance to date her again! By following some simple steps, you can prepare well for your date, dress well and make sure it all goes smoothly. Wear something that makes you feel confident, practice good hygiene and show your manners by holding the door open for her, and pay the bill for her. However, the most important thing to do to impress her is to listen to her. This shows that you are interested, that you care about her wants and needs, and that you could be a great partner!

To step

Part 1 of 3: Preparing for the date

  1. Choose a location for your date. First, ask her if she wants to choose the location, in case she already has an idea of ​​what she wants to do. Plan ahead for where you are going. Keep in mind that your preparation shows how big your interest is. Once you've selected a location, find a place where you have the opportunity to talk to her and get to know each other better. You can also go to multiple places during your date, if desired.
    • Ask her, "do you have a specific place in mind, or would you rather be surprised?"
    • For example, you can go to a museum, and then to a restaurant that is not too ordinary. Other ideas include ice skating, a picnic in a park or a city walk. Avoid places such as the cinema, concerts and clubs, where you have to compete with the noise level and the energy.
    • When you go out for dinner, ask her what she would like to eat first and don't wait until the time of the date to choose a restaurant. Pick a place, make a reservation, and let your date know if she needs to dress formally or casually. Avoid choosing a crowded place, such as a sports bar, where you will not be able to hear each other well.
  2. Clean your car, if applicable. If you are picking up your date by car, take a moment beforehand to clear your car of clutter and empty the trash. You can also vacuum your car for a while, especially if you have pets or haven't done so in a while. Do not forget to dust the interior of the car.
    • Bonus points if you wash the car, put a well-hidden air freshener in your car, and keep gum and / or mints in the glove compartment!
  3. Make up a few topics of conversation in advance. You may not need to use it, but it's good to have some ideas ready in case you notice a hush. Think of open-ended questions so they can start a conversation, instead of promoting simple "yes" or "no" answers.
    • Ask things like, "Do you like to travel?" Where would you most like to go? "Discussing dream travel destinations makes people feel good and can even make people look more attractive to each other. You can also ask for a vacation that she loved the most.
    • A few light-hearted topics for you to talk about: Does she like pets? What does she enjoy doing in her spare time? Does she consider herself a morning or night person?
    • Some more in-depth topics: What is she passionate about? Does she enjoy her job? What is her dream career? Does she have a favorite memory of her early childhood? Avoid questions about past relationships, family problems, politics, religion, and finances.

    Consider bringing a small gift. You can bring flowers, candy or anything else she likes. If you don't know much about her, you can ask someone who knows her a little better about her interests and hobbies. Think about it carefully, and you will certainly impress her!

    • The gesture is more important than how much you spend on the gift.

Part 2 of 3: Dress well

  1. Wear an outfit that makes you feel good about yourself. Choose an outfit that suits where you are going. It is also important to stay yourself; don't suddenly dress completely differently. Think about the clothes you feel good in, that show your best side and make you feel attractive and confident.
  2. Wear nice shoes. Many girls notice style details. Combine a great outfit with the right shoes. Choose shoes that are not worn and that not only match your outfit, but also the date.
  3. Be well-groomed. Wear fresh eau de toilette. Practice good oral hygiene - no bad breath! Make sure your nails are clean and trimmed and go to the hairdresser if necessary. Wear deodorant.
    • Do not wear eau de toilette that is more than three years old, as the oil in it can change composition and start to smell musty. Don't use scented soaps with eau de toilette, as the scents can clash - opt for one or the other.
    • Apply eau de toilette sparingly to the skin of your chest and neck immediately after showering. Don't put it on your clothes, but step through a cloud of it or rub it in when you have it on.
    • Prevent bad breath by brushing your teeth, flossing, mouthwash, and gargling with half a teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in a small glass of water.
  4. Don't forget your wallet. If you are going to drive, you need your driver's license. Bring money or a credit card that will allow you to pay more than you think you will spend on the date.
    • For example, people tend to spend an average of $ 80 on a date, and that amount can increase on special occasions, such as Valentine's Day or a first date. If you live in a city where the cost of living is higher, this amount can even double.
    • Avoid spending more than you can reasonably afford. If necessary, plan a budget-friendly date, such as sightseeing.

Part 3 of 3: Making sure your date goes smoothly

  1. Relax. It's normal to feel a little nervous on a date, but it's important to be yourself; and your nervous self is not necessarily your real self. Try to calm yourself down when you are nervous. Realize that there will be different dates and new opportunities to impress a girl, maybe even the same girl.
    • Try not to look nervous by staying calm and not fidgeting, tapping your foot, or biting your nails. Relax your muscles, stay calm and think positively.
  2. Compliment your date. You don't have to overload her with compliments throughout the date or this will come across as fake. Instead, express your appreciation when you first see her, and whenever it feels natural and genuine.
    • Avoid comments about her body or what she's wearing. When you greet her, say something like, "You look beautiful," before or after a kiss on the cheek. Or focus on something more specific about her, such as "You have beautiful eyes."
    • Compliment her for the good qualities of her personality when you notice them, such as her intellect or sense of humor.
  3. Be considerate. Consciously watch your good manners. Hold the car door and doors open for her. Offer her your hand when she gets out of the car. Pull back a chair for her in the restaurant. Offer her your coat if she's cold.
    • Be polite to other people your date is with, such as employees of the locations you visit during the date.
  4. Pay attention to her. Smile at her and make frequent eye contact. Be an active listener by nodding and showing that you are interested in what she is saying. Absolutely avoid staring or showing interest in other girls on your date.
    • For example: Don't interrupt her when she's talking. Give her your full attention, as if you have to do a test on it later. Listening to your date is the best way to find out what she wants and expects from a relationship.
  5. When it comes time to pay the bill, be casual about it. Make sure you are the one asking the waiter for the bill at the restaurant. You want to impress her, so pay for your date and don't make a show - better yet, if you want to earn her respect, pay it discreetly without saying a word about it. Many girls expect their date to pay, and are offended if you propose to split the bill.
    • Don't tell her about the bill unless she responds or offers to contribute. If she does, try saying something like, "No, this is my account."
    • Who pays the bill is a delicate situation. A girl may offer to pay her share of the bill but get annoyed if you keep her that way. If your date is sincerely insisting on paying, don't persistently refuse. Use your common sense.
  6. Say goodbye to her properly. Don't hesitate, don't get nervous, or make the goodbye awkward in any other way. Tell her you want to see her again (if so). Pay attention to her body language, eyes and facial expression. If you think she's open to it, give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek or lips. Don't say goodbye too soon, but don't hang around too long either.
    • Say something like, "It was a great time! I would like to see you again. "
    • For example, if she appears distant when you hug her, try not to follow this with a kiss.
    • Don't give her a sloppy kiss! The kiss should not be too aggressive and lebber her face not completely. Give her a gentle kiss that lasts for a few seconds, with your lips closed. The softer and more tender the better.


  • Be positive. Don't waste time complaining or negativity.
  • Make sure your body language is directed towards her and / or touch her arm this feels good. If you remain overly polite, she may interpret this as the "friend zone." Don't be too clingy, though. Find a balance between expressing your interest in her and politeness.
  • Don't curse and / or swear. Your date may find this off putting.
  • Don't ask your date what her "type" is. Dating is all about finding out what you like and don't like about a partner, so avoid generic statements like "I like blondes" or "I don't like girls who don't like football."
  • Look for a balance in the conversation: you don't want to dominate or participate in it at all. If you find yourself talking a lot about yourself, redirect the conversation in a direction that is more about her.


  • Do not brag about your talents or try to impress the girl in an excessive way. Instead, be humble and genuine.
  • Don't bring up past relationships. Your date may feel like you're comparing her to other girls, or that you're not over your previous relationship.