Knowing the secret to success

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 25 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Oprah Winfrey: The Secret of My Success
Video: Oprah Winfrey: The Secret of My Success


The secret to success has many aspects. The real "secret to success," if there is such a thing, is that success comes from a combination of little habits, a positive mindset, and a good dose of happiness. By consciously changing your behavior and attitude you may be rewarded considerably.

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Part 1 of 2: Giving up the wrong mindset

  1. Stop procrastinating. Therefore, avoiding unpleasant aspects of work does not make them disappear. Divide the seemingly impossible into small parts and combine the less enjoyable aspects of a task with the things you do enjoy. Make sure you don't suddenly end up with a lot of unpleasant work once you've gotten all the fun behind you, because this will leave a bad taste in your mouth at the end of a project.
    • Postpone satisfaction - "satisfaction" here means anything you prefer to do rather than postpone. It has been proven that this improves your productivity and that you will eventually be able to enjoy the satisfaction more. It can also lead to less stress.
  2. Overcome negativity. Understand that the road to success is not always a pleasure ride. There will be difficulties, setbacks, and times when you will question your commitment. This will happen regardless of whether you are on the right track or not, so you need to understand that tough times don't mean you should let go of the positivism you had when you started the project.
    • A positive mental attitude is crucial for entrepreneurs.
  3. Don't define yourself by someone else's success. You will lose sight of your own goals and merits, and feelings of bitterness, jealousy and an inferiority complex may emerge. Competition is healthy, but focusing too much on others may develop an unhealthy attitude.
    • Something in the same way: compliment your colleagues! When your colleagues or subordinates are performing well, you should let them know. People and teams will perform even better in this way.
  4. Embrace failure. Failure will always reveal a truth about the methods you used or the specific goals you were pursuing; Therefore, don't interpret failure as a shame but as an opportunity for self-reflection. Sometimes it is only by being confronted with something bigger than yourself and getting back together afterwards that you can create the mindset you need to succeed.
    • "Failure," as Henry Ford once put it, "is simply an opportunity to start over and this time in a smarter way."
    • Failure does not always indicate a bad idea - sometimes it is simply a good idea that is being handled the wrong way. Do not drop everything at once and keep everything in consideration for a while. For example, if you work in a company or collaborate with someone else, it can be important to understand what everyone's responsibility is.
  5. Focus on survival. The main goal when starting a new job, goal or craft is simply to survive. Don't set unrealistic goals when you are just getting started.
    • For example, you will never achieve the goal of giving coffee to all the homeless in the world through your new store, unless you first focus on keeping your business running and thriving. Long-term goals are important, but should not come at the expense of achievable short-term goals.

Part 2 of 2: Teaching the right habits

  1. Pursue something that is meaningful to you. By dedicating yourself to achieving something, your passion will take over when you feel a little less motivated. This doesn't necessarily mean you should be pursuing something you like 24/7, but it should have meaning for you personally. The effort you put in to achieve something will eventually cause you to experience pride.
  2. Prioritize your tasks. Focus on completing your tasks and the things that will benefit you in the long term. Understand the difference between "high value" tasks (which will benefit you in the long run) and low value tasks (easy tasks with fewer benefits).
  3. Finish your projects. Finish what you started with. You will learn significantly more by completing a task than by dozens of half attempts, even if you will never view the project again.
  4. Provide the unexpected. Successful innovators are often praised and idolized, but pursuing an unproven idea remains terrifying. Don't fear the unknown - great ideas may be very rare, but starting to work effectively on a great idea can reward you significantly.
  5. Try to network like a human being. Networking can sometimes feel superficial and machine-like when you advertise too much. Understand that networking is critical to success in most industries, but never forget that this involves establishing relationships with other people. You never know when you will unexpectedly meet your next business partner, investor or employer.
    • Studies have shown that the most successful entrepreneurs excel in both cognitive and social skills. Don't ignore your interpersonal skills!