Lowering the level of cortisol in your body

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 4 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To LOWER Cortisol Levels? – Dr.Berg
Video: How To LOWER Cortisol Levels? – Dr.Berg


Cortisol is a stress-induced chemical released by the adrenal cortex. While it is true that in certain amounts cortisol is helpful for survival, some people overproduce cortisol. When this happens, you may become restless, tense and have a tendency to gain weight. It is necessary to take action if you start to recognize any of these symptoms. Reducing the amount of cortisol produced by your body can have a positive effect on your overall health and make you feel more relaxed and balanced.

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Method 1 of 2: Change your eating habit

  1. Limit the amount of caffeine you consume. This therefore applies to energy drinks, soft drinks and coffee. Drinking caffeine causes a cortisol spike. The good news, if you can call it that, is that the response to cortisol is reduced (but not eliminated) by drinking caffeine regularly.
  2. Reduce the amount of factory foods you eat. Factory foods, especially simple carbohydrates and sugar, cause your cortisol production to spike. Too much processed food increases your blood sugar level, which in turn makes you restless.
    • The following refined carbohydrates are definitely things to avoid:
      • White bread
      • "Regular" pasta (not whole grain)
      • White rice
      • Sweets, cake, chocolate, etc.
  3. Make sure you drink enough water. One study has shown that even mild dehydration of half a liter of fluid can increase cortisol levels. Dehydration is a nasty condition because it is a vicious circle: stress can cause a lack of moisture and this causes stress again. Make sure you drink enough water throughout the day to prevent your cortisol levels from becoming unhealthy.
    • If your urine is darker when you urinate, this is probably an indication that you are not drinking enough. People with a healthy fluid balance have light to very light colored urine.
  4. Consider trying rhodiola if you suffer from too much cortisol. Rhodiola is an herbal supplement related to ginseng and a popular home, garden and kitchen remedy for lowering your cortisol levels. In addition, it is said to provide energy and burn fat.
  5. Include more fish oil in your diet. According to doctors, just a small amount of fish oil (2000 mg) per day can lower your cortisol level. If you don't want to take supplements, you can eat the following fish for a healthy supply of fish oil:
    • salmon
    • Sardines
    • Mackerel
    • Sea bass

Method 2 of 2: Change your lifestyle

  1. Drink black tea. Scientists have found that drinking black tea helped lower cortisol levels in study participants who had to do stressful assignments. So the next time you feel that cortisol bubbling up and in danger of degenerating into a torrent of stress, make yourself a quick cup of English breakfast tea and get zen out.
  2. Meditation. Meditation activates the vagus nerve, giving your body a boost to lower cortisol levels, among other beneficial effects. Meditation techniques can run across a spectrum, from deep breathing to allowing your mind to drift into a peaceful place. For best results, it is wise to meditate for 30 minutes every day, at least three to four times a week. Already after the first session you should see a significant difference in how your body feels.
    • Sit in a dark and quiet room. Allow your mind to meditate. If it can help to relax, imagine a quiet and peaceful place. Imagine how your body feels when you are completely relaxed. Try to get this feeling back in your body. This helps to release muscle tension in your body.
    • Feel your eyelids getting heavy. Take a deep breath, inhale and exhale, until you feel your heart rate slowing down. Listen to the beating of your heart and what it sounds like when you are relaxed. Imagine all the tension flowing out of your body, through your fingertips and toes. Feel the tension released in your body.
  3. Watch a comedy or listen to a funny story. Fun and laughter can help reduce the amount of cortisol your body produces, according to FASEB. So curl up on the couch and watch a fun movie together, or think about a happy event to dampen your cortisol.
  4. Do specific exercises to lower your cortisol. Exercise tackles your stress, doesn't it? So are all exercises suitable for calming you down? Not really. The problem is that running and other aerobic exercise increase your heart rate, which eventually increases your cortisol levels.
    • Try yoga or Pilates for exercises that burn calories, improve your muscle strength, and also lower your cortisol.
    • Also try other exercises, such as with the Wii console, to increase your heart rate without that unhealthy cortisol spike.
  5. Listen to music. Music therapy has helped lower the level of cortisol in patients who had to undergo a bowel examination. So the next time you're tense or feel defeated, put on some soothing music so that you drape a soft blanket over your cortisol.


  • A glass of water with a little apple cider vinegar will help you sleep.


  • Before using any over-the-counter sleep aids, consult your doctor first. This is partly because these agents may not be combined with other medicines.