Lighten dyed hair

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 6 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
How to FADE BLACK hair... fix a bad hair job. Hair dye job? fix your damn hair sis.
Video: How to FADE BLACK hair... fix a bad hair job. Hair dye job? fix your damn hair sis.


It can be difficult to keep up with your hair color if you don't have a lot of money to spend. If you've recently had your hair dyed and the color has turned too dark, there are some things you can try to save money and not have to go back to the hairdresser. It is possible to lighten your hair a bit, but don't expect too much. If your efforts are unsuccessful (and you really don't like the color of your hair), then there may be no other way to go back to the hairdresser and have your hair treated by a professional.

To step

Method 1 of 5: Intervene immediately after painting

  1. Rinse your hair with hot water. The heat will open up the hair cuticles, allowing you to remove more of the paint. Wet your hair thoroughly in the shower or over the sink.
  2. Wash your hair with a clarifying shampoo not suitable for colored hair. Use the shampoo right after your hair is dyed. The shampoo should partially remove the new color from your hair. Squeeze a two cent coin sized amount of shampoo (or as much as recommended in the shampoo bottle directions) onto your palm and spread the shampoo into dyed, wet hair. Don't be rough, just put in more effort than usual and don't massage the shampoo very gently into your hair.
    • There are a lot of different and suitable brands of shampoo for sale in the store where you normally buy your shampoo. In any case, make sure that the clarifying shampoo you choose is not suitable for colored hair.
  3. Use a conditioner afterwards. After you've treated your hair with a clarifying shampoo, counteract its aggressive, cleansing effect by moisturizing your hair. Use a generous amount of conditioner. Squeeze a fifty cent coin sized amount of conditioner into your hands and massage the conditioner into your hair from roots to ends. Finally, rinse the conditioner from your hair.
    • It is recommended that you wait a few days if possible to allow your hair to recover from the chemical process used to color it. However, if you want to get rid of the color as quickly as possible, make sure to counteract the damage as much as possible by using a conditioner.

Method 2 of 5: Mix baking soda and shampoo

  1. Mix 400 grams of baking soda with 60 ml of clarifying shampoo in a non-metal bowl. Because baking soda is so basic, your hair cuticles are opened and the clarifying shampoo can remove the hair dye better. Use a whisk to mix the baking soda and shampoo together.
    • You may want to use 600 grams of baking soda if your hair is longer than your shoulders.
  2. Wet your hair with hot water. The heat and baking soda will open your hair cuticles very well.
  3. Spread the mixture into your damp hair. You can use your hands or a spatula. Cover your dyed hair well with the mixture so that your entire hair has the same color.
    • Be careful not to get the mixture in your eyes. It may be a good idea to wrap a towel or cloth around your head so that the mixture doesn't drip down into your eyes.
  4. Wash the mixture out of your hair after 5 to 15 minutes. How long you leave the mixture in your hair depends on how much hair dye you want to remove. Leave it in your hair longer for a much clearer result, but don't do this for longer than the recommended 15 minutes. It is better to treat your hair several times if 15 minutes is not enough.
  5. Blow dry part of your hair to control the color. Only dry a small area of ​​your hair, as you may have to wash your hair again and the heat will damage your hair unnecessarily. If the color looks good, that's good. If not, however, prepare another baking soda and shampoo mixture and treat your hair a second time.
  6. Prepare another mixture if necessary. If your hair hasn't turned light enough yet, you can reapply the mixture for better results. You can make a more powerful mixture by adding a tablespoon of bleaching powder to the original recipe. Make sure to wear gloves when handling bleach.
    • After you have completed the treatment, do not heat-style your hair for a day or two. Both coloring and bleaching your hair puts a lot of strain on your hair.

Method 3 of 5: Make a soap cap

  1. Mix bleach, shampoo and developer. In a clean bowl, put equal amounts of bleach, shampoo, and developer. Mix them.
    • You can get developer at a beauty supply store, drug store, or wherever you bought your hair dye.
  2. Apply the mixture to damp hair. Wet your hair and lightly dry it before applying the mixture. Put on gloves before handling the mixture. Start at the roots and work the mixture through your hair.
  3. Cover with a shower cap. Let the mixture sit on your hair under a shower cap for about ten minutes. Don't let it sit for too long or you will damage your hair.
    • If you don't have a shower cap, you can also cover your hair with plastic wrap.
  4. Rinse. Use cold water to rinse the soap cap. Condition your hair afterward to prevent breakage and damage. You can also apply a deep conditioning hair mask.

Method 4 of 5: Make a vitamin C paste

  1. Crush 15 to 20 vitamin C tablets in a bowl. You can use a mortar and pestle or some other blunt object that won't damage your bowl.
  2. Add a little anti-dandruff shampoo to the crushed tablets. A small amount will work. Add enough to turn the shampoo and powder into an effective paste. Mix both ingredients together with a whisk.
  3. Dampen your hair with hot water. The heat will open up your hair cuticles, making the mixture work better to remove the unwanted hair dye.
  4. Massage the mixture into your hair. You can apply it with your hands. Cover your entire hair with it, because if you don't apply the mixture evenly, you might get an interesting pattern in your hair.
  5. Let the mixture work for an hour. Cover your hair with a shower cap if necessary. After an hour has passed, rinse the paste out of your hair with cold water.
    • If your hair feels dry after rinsing out the paste, moisturize your hair thoroughly with a conditioner.

Method 5 of 5: Spraying with hydrogen peroxide

  1. Pour hydrogen peroxide into a spray bottle. For the best results, it is best to spray the hydrogen peroxide into your hair with an atomizer. If you pour it over your head straight from the bottle, you won't be sure how much of your hair you've already treated.
    • Hydrogen peroxide is certainly the least predictable and probably the least good method available. It doesn't help remove the dye and chemicals from your hair, but adds even more chemicals. Be careful when using hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Spray the hydrogen peroxide evenly on your hair. If possible, use the setting that lets you spray a fine mist on your hair instead of the setting that gives you a jet. Spray the hair you want to lighten from a distance of about 12 inches. Cover your eyes with a hand or a cloth.
    • Hydrogen peroxide is safe for the skin, but it can burn your eyes. If you get hydrogen peroxide in your eyes, rinse them out with cool water.
    • You can lighten your hair even more by sitting outside in the sun. However, this can also dry out your hair. Know the effect sunlight has on your hair if you choose to go outside with hydrogen peroxide in your hair.
    • Use hairpins to style your hair so that you only spray on the hairs you want to bleach.
  3. Rinse the hydrogen peroxide from your hair after 30 minutes. Leaving it in your hair for longer can make your hair too dry or too light. Using too much hydrogen peroxide can discolor your hair coppery or orange.
    • It is recommended that you treat your hair with a deep conditioner if it feels dry after the hydrogen peroxide treatment.


  • Seek advice from a hairdresser if your hair has been severely damaged by dyeing.