Earning money at school

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
The BEST Ways To Make Money In School
Video: The BEST Ways To Make Money In School


Have you ever toyed with the idea of ​​making some extra money at school? Are you someone who could use an extra pocket money? You too have what it takes to become a young entrepreneur at school. Follow the next steps and you are guaranteed to earn some extra at school.

To step

  1. Sell ​​items that benefit your classmates. Think of sweets, snacks, pencils, etc.
  2. Think ahead of time about what you want to do with the profits you make, and go to the principal or head of the school to ask for permission. Offer to donate ten percent of your monthly income to the school.This will keep you from getting into trouble, and you will still be making money at the same time.
  3. Buy popular items that the other students would like to have. Think of chewing gum, candy, drinks and more of that kind of thing. Do ask your school for permission in advance to sell certain items.
  4. Make sure to stock up on items you want to sell. Keep your merchandise in your backpack, pockets, or locker. Suppose everyone wants to buy chewing gum at school, but it is not sold in the cafeteria or the vending machines. All you have to do is go to the store and buy a pack of gum.
  5. Set the selling price of the items at an amount that is higher than what you paid at the store yourself, if possible. This may not be possible, but you are selling convenience as well as your items. Adding a small profit margin is acceptable. If the selling price is too high, people will go to the store themselves to buy the item instead of buying it from you. Suppose a single item costs € 0.75. You will have to increase this amount by ten to twenty percent to make a profit. Another example: if there are several drinks vending machines in the school, buy soft drinks and have your schoolmates refund you the purchase amount, ask them if they want to return the bottle for the deposit and possibly charge an extra ten cents for processing the the garbage.
  6. Try to sell your merchandise quickly. You should try to sell your merchandise as quickly as possible so that you can repeat the previous step with the money you've earned. If you have earned a nice amount, you can consider taking a little more risk. For example, go to a wholesaler to buy a bulk pack of chewing gum so that you can save on the purchase price. A large package is usually cheaper in comparison than the small packages that you find in the supermarket. Some manufacturers sell packaging consisting of 48 packs.
  7. Protect your earnings. Now that you are known as a young entrepreneur at your school, you may also have become a more interesting target for thieves, bullies, and other students. You might be wise to hire someone you trust as some sort of bodyguard so he or she can watch the money while you sell the items.
  8. Be innovative. When you are aware of the whole process, try to be innovative when selling. Make the strangest product people will ever buy. How about marshmallows in combination with chocolate? A ballpoint pen that also has a shooting function? Think of something creative. These are the ideas that you are in demand today.
  9. Get some help. Try to find some students who want to work for you for free. Let them sell the items for you. While they may be good workers, you don't know if you can fully trust them with your money.
  10. Make sure you have rare items in stock. People will be interested in your items if you sell something that others don't. For example, if you sell basketball pictures, sell the special ones that people want. Never sell fake items. If you are trying to sell candy / chewing gum, sell special variants, or variants that are only sold abroad.
  11. Take your business seriously. Don't be too satisfied. Remember your goal is to make money. If someone pays you a large amount, take it. Just make sure that no one twists out a leg.
  12. Make sure you have your administration in order. Keep track of all your expenses and income in a notebook.
  13. Use your money responsibly. Make sure you enjoy the money that comes in, but don't be arrogant or you will see the number of buyers plummet!
  14. Make sure you have permission from your school to sell your merchandise. If you suspect it's illegal, don't take the risk.


  • Keep your winnings in a safe place.
  • If a limited number of people buy your items, buy less or lower the price. You can also use a survey to find out if more students will buy your items if you lower the price slightly.
  • Set aside the money you earn.
  • Be humble, and not a greedy person.
  • Don't just buy your merchandise, try to make something yourself. Sell ​​jewelry to girls, homemade grippers to boys, or the cookies you baked last night.
  • Do not sell your merchandise to teachers and school staff.
  • Offer to take notes during class for other students for a fee.
  • Also ask your parents for permission first.
  • Create your own advertising material on your computer and hang several posters in the hallways of the school.
  • Ask your teacher or the school principal for permission to sell your items.
  • Promote your articles, try to sell your merchandise using a certain strategy.


  • If you are selling food, make sure you are aware of any food allergies your customers have.
  • Use your common sense and don't just give your boyfriends, girlfriends and classmates items that you actually want to sell. This will result in a loss of profit.
  • You might run into trouble trying to sell certain items at school. Before you put anything up for sale, ask for permission to avoid getting into trouble.
  • Some schools do not allow unhealthy snacks to be offered for sale.
  • Teachers don't want to see students with gum.
  • Do not steal items and then put them up for sale, you will be caught.
  • Many schools, especially primary schools, do not allow food or drink to be sold. Make sure you are aware of the rules at your school.