Do not become a victim of bullying

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 4 February 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
How I didn’t become a victim to bullying | Caroline Dean | TEDxQueenstown
Video: How I didn’t become a victim to bullying | Caroline Dean | TEDxQueenstown


As a victim of bullying, you can feel terrible about yourself for no reason at all. When a bully picks you out as a target and starts acting mean, you'll soon start doubting yourself or giving in to the bully's demands. But you know you are a valuable person, so don't give in to that bully and bring in an adult if necessary to avoid becoming a victim of bullying and fear of going to school. If you want to know how to stop being a victim of bullying and enjoy life again, read on.

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Part 1 of 2: Preventing bullying at school

  1. Radiate confidence. Confidence is a bully's worst enemy. If you want to keep bullies from thinking you are an easy target, work not only on developing confidence in yourself, but also on radiating that confidence. Stand up straight, make eye contact with people, show that you are comfortable with your surroundings, and avoid walking leaning forward looking at the floor. Be involved and positive when talking to other people and walk to class with purpose, not like dragging your feet. While developing genuine confidence can take a long time, making these efforts can help you on your way to being less likely to be bullied.
    • Look at yourself in the mirror. Pay attention to your body language and try to make sure it is open and positive.
    • While you don't necessarily need to gain confidence by dressing properly, the time you put into your appearance showing that you care about the way you look will make it less likely that you will be bothered by bullies. Maintaining good hygiene makes you feel better about yourself, which in turn will increase your self-confidence.
  2. Seek support from friends. If you have a group of friends (even if there are only one or two), now is the time to ask for their support. You can tell them about what happened and make sure you stay with them in threatening situations. If you know when you are most likely to be harassed by the bully (whether at school or on the way home), make sure you are not alone but with at least one friend so that it is less likely that bully comes near you. If you know someone who is older, or if you have an older sibling who can walk with you, this will also deter the bully.
    • Unfortunately, bullies like to target people who don't have many friends. If you're going through this, you're really not alone, so try to make friends, or at least get to know a few people. Just having someone to sit with in the cafeteria or walk through school with them will reduce the chances of someone targeting you.
  3. Learn to stand up for yourself. Often when a bully comes up to you and says hurtful things, the best thing to do is to radiate confidence, stand up straight, look that person in the eye and say, "Get out!" Or "Leave me alone." By simply saying something simple and ignoring the other person further, you can show that the bully has no power over you and that you are willing to stand up for yourself. This can make the bully think you are too strong to be a good victim.
    • Of course you will have to assess the situation properly. If you feel like you are in a dangerous or threatening situation, it is best to keep your distance and try to get away from the bully as soon as possible.
    • If the bully continues to be annoying and your words and attitude don't seem to work, you can try to just ignore the bully. If you just go on as if you don't see him or her, and act like his or her words have no effect on you, the bully will likely get bored or lose interest fairly quickly. He or she won't see the fun of bullying if you don't respond.
  4. Stop living in fear. If you spend the day thinking about all the ways you could be bullied (from getting stumbled in the cafeteria to being laughed at in class), you will spend the rest of your life in fear of anything that could happen. Of course it is good to be on your guard and prepared for anything when you are being bullied by a bully, but try to visualize a positive outcome when thinking about the negative situations that may arise from the bully.
    • If you visualize positive results after confronting bullies, you are more likely to achieve what you want.
  5. Take lessons in self-defense. While you shouldn't fight the bully when being bullied, and only resort to violence when there is no other option, a few self-defense classes, such as karate, can teach you not only to defend yourself, but to defend yourself. gain the confidence you need to stand up for yourself against bullies. Just knowing you would return can fighting when a bully approaches you will make you much more confident when faced with harassment, and also give you more confidence in your own strength.
    • If self-defense classes are not your thing, you can also sign up for a sport. Any sport can help you get in shape, and you can even ask a few friends to join you.
  6. Believe in yourself. If you know who you are and have confidence in yourself, you will be less likely to be approached by a bully. You don't have to think you're the greatest person in the world, but always putting yourself first and knowing that your goals and needs matter can help you avoid bullies.If you think you are an interesting, thoughtful, and worthy person, a bully is much less likely to try to put you down.
    • Bullies don't like a challenge; they target the weak. If they see you and think, "Hey, there is someone who feels good about themselves," they won't want to go to the trouble of trying to make you feel bad. But if they think, "There's someone who's feeling miserable," they are more likely to try something.
  7. Avoid the bully as much as you can. This may sound logical, but one of the ways to avoid being bullied is simply to avoid going to places where the bully is often. Sit in a different place in the cafeteria. Follow a new route to the next lesson, or take a new route home. Do what you can to stay away from that person as much as possible. While you don't have to change your entire life and schedule just to avoid this person, avoiding the bully will cause him or her to become bored and stop the effort required to bother you. fall.
    • This is a good strategy in the short term, but in the long term you will need to take stronger measures to avoid harassment.
  8. Don't get down to the level of the bully. If that bully is mean to you, calling you names, or trying to make a look at you, then of course it's tempting to act mean in return, but if you really want to stop the bullying, then you can't stoop to his or her level. If you also start calling them names, fighting without provocation, or just being mean, you're escalating the situation and making things worse for yourself.
    • There is nothing more frustrating to a bully than a person who doesn't respond, scold back, or show that they don't care. If you add fuel to the fire, you are giving the bully exactly what he or she wants.
  9. Show the bully that you don't care. The purpose of a bully is to make you cry and make you feel worthless. Sure, the things he or she says can be hurtful and make you doubt yourself, but you should never let the bully see that he / she has a hold on you. If they say something mean and you are clear about it, the bully will only be encouraged to hand out more of the same. But if he / she names you and you shrug your shoulders and act like you don't care, the chances of the bully going on are much less likely.
    • Of course, it can be difficult to control your emotions, especially if the bully is really hurting you. Still, just stay calm, breathe slowly, count to ten, or do whatever you can to let the words slip away. If you find yourself crying, try to do it somewhere private, and at least stay cool in the presence of the bully.
    • While it may sound difficult, try to let the bully's words pass you by and not think that something is wrong with you. Remember, the bully is a mean person who takes pleasure in hurting people - why would you think any of what they said is true?
  10. Talk to an adult or supervisor about it. Many people are afraid to tell adults, teachers, or other authority figures about bullying because it makes them feel like a wimp and that it can make the bully even more angry. However, if you want to avoid bullying, then you shouldn't shy away from these more drastic measures when they are needed. If the bullying has gotten out of hand, or if you've had even just one really horrible experience with a bully, it's never too early to tell your parents, teachers, or anyone else in your school or community.
    • The adult will have an idea of ​​how to handle the situation. If the bullying has really gotten out of hand, then you may need to contact the local authorities, and the adult can be a great help in navigating that situation.
  11. Never blame yourself for it. Never think it is your fault that you are being bullied because something might be wrong with you. Bullies are often cruel and irrational people who have low self-esteem and try to make themselves feel better by belittling others. They don't act rationally, and it's never your fault if a bully starts bothering you. Don't be hard on yourself thinking that you could have avoided the situation by looking or dressing differently. If you are being bullied, it is important to stay calm, think positively and not blame yourself if you want to resolve the situation as soon as possible.
    • If you put yourself down after being bullied, the bully will only start to focus on you. Instead, you should think and act as if you don't deserve to be treated this way.

Part 2 of 2: Preventing cyberbullying

  1. Don't respond. If a cyberbully comes up with you and makes mean or nasty comments, pretends to be you, or is just trying to upset you online, you often want to fight back and tell that person to leave and get the other out yourself to scold. But the truth of the matter is, the more you engage in the cyberbully, the more he / she will think he / she will have you, and the more likely he / she will continue to harass you.
    • You can say something like, "Leave me alone," but other than that, you shouldn't have a conversation with the person.
    • You can say, "I'm recording this conversation as evidence," to encourage the person to stop bothering you. Aside from this, however, it is best to simply avoid the cyberbully completely.
    • Just like in real life, when a cyber bully finds yourself getting angry, they will likely be motivated to continue harassing you.
  2. Block the troll. Whether you're using chat, g-chat, or some other form of instant messaging on Facebook, you should make sure that the person in question is banned from your account so that you can no longer receive messages from them. You can also make yourself invisible to that person, depending on what programs you use. Once the cyberbully can no longer say anything, he or she will likely give up and stop trying to make contact.
    • Blocking is a clearer signal than addressing the bully. As a result, the cyber bully sees that you seriously want to be left alone.
  3. Keep the evidence. If the bully is sending you hurtful chats, messages, or emails, don't destroy the evidence. Save everything in case you decide to contact your service provider or talk to an adult or a supervisor from your school. A verbatim account of the troll's behavior provides you with the evidence you need to get him or her into trouble. Save it somewhere, print it out, and have the proof ready when you need it. If you don't file any evidence, then it's your word against the bully's, and will likely deny contacting you online.
    • Even the act of saving and preserving the evidence of the bullying will make you feel stronger even if you decide not to use it.
  4. Create more private settings. If you want to make it less likely to be bullied at first, you can also fine-tune your privacy settings whether you're using Facebook, Twitter, or another internet account. Restricting people's access to your photos and the things you post can help prevent people from trolling your profile just to make fun of or mean something mean.
    • That said, you also have to be careful who you accept as a friend on online networks. If you immediately accept anyone who wants to be your Facebook friend without knowing anything about that person, it is more than likely that that person will end up making unpleasant comments.
  5. Think about what you post. Of course it is never your fault if you are bullied (online). But you can always think about what comments you post and who can view them. If you post something that is highly controversial or will offend a lot of people, then you make yourself a target for people who are going to bother you for what you said. While most bullying doesn't happen in response to comments posted, err on the side of caution by not posting that you can expect to get many people upset about.
  6. Report the person to the administrators of the service. If a person is abusive, vulgar, or just plain annoying to you online, you can contact the service providers to get that person banned from the service. If you contact Facebook and report bullying, the person will be faced with the humiliation that their Facebook account has been blocked and he / she will have to explain to others why. Reporting the person can indicate that you mean business, and will likely cause the other person to drip off.
  7. Report the person to adults. If the bullying gets out of hand and the person regularly makes hurtful, mean, hateful, and angry comments on you, then you can't keep ignoring it. If you feel like you've tried everything or that you can't handle it on your own, then it's time to talk to an adult or authority figure at your school about the incident so that it stops.
    • It's never too early to report bullying to adults, and you should never think it is cowardly to speak out. In fact, it takes real courage to stand up for yourself and say something to keep a situation from happening again.


  • Improve your posture. Walk with your head upright and your gaze forward. You will then look more confident, even if you are not. Confident people can stand up for themselves and bullies don't like that at all.
  • Stay happy even if you are not inside, but don't bottle up.
  • Try to ignore such people and show it doesn't hurt you. At some point, they get tired of it and will leave you alone.
  • Try to have good contact with your teachers / headteachers, so that you know that you are not alone and that the teachers are there to help you! They can't help you if they don't know what's going on.
  • Have faith and tell a responsible adult.


  • You don't have to respond to every thoughtless comment someone makes to you. Ignoring the person usually works, because then they will eventually get bored.