Don't burp

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 18 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Don’t Breathe While Watching This Video (Impossible)
Video: Don’t Breathe While Watching This Video (Impossible)


Everyone has burped at one point or another, and often it was unintentional. Occasional burping is normal, but burping often can indicate conditions such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), SIBO (too much bacteria in the small intestine), and leaky gut. To stop burping, make sure you cover all underlying causes. Don't drink carbonated drinks, too much caffeine and alcohol, and stick to water and tea instead. Stop eating foods that produce gas like beans, as well as fatty and spicy foods. Eating slowly and choosing small meals can also help. If burping hurts and you need to burp often, ask your doctor for advice.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Avoid swallowing too much air

  1. Chew with your mouth closed. After taking a bite of food or a drink, keep your lips firmly together immediately. Do not separate them until you have swallowed all the food or drink. This will prevent you from accidentally swallowing too much air.
    • Also, don't talk while chewing. Not only is it nice to talk with an empty mouth, but it also reduces the chance of swallowing air.
    • You can also ask a close friend or family member to watch you several times during your meal and make you aware if you chew with your mouth open.
  2. Count down from 5 after each bite or sip. Eating and drinking quickly can help release more air into your digestive system. Then you may have to burp through this excess air. Choose to eat more slowly by taking a break and counting down after each bite or sip. You will be able to eat in a more relaxed way and you will be less likely to burp.
  3. Take sips from a glass instead of drinking through a straw. Drinking your drink through a straw increases the likelihood of too much air entering your digestive system. Taking sips gives you more control over how much fluid you keep taking in.
  4. Do not chew gum or chew candies. This can be a tough habit to break, but it can be worth it. As the candy dissolves in your mouth, you may open your mouth slightly and accidentally swallow more air. This extra air will likely make you burp or get hiccups soon after.
    • If you are very fond of chewing gum, it can be difficult to break this habit. Drink a glass of water if you feel like sweets or gum. This will help reduce your cravings for sweets.
  5. Treat all cold and allergy symptoms quickly. If your nose and throat are blocked, you run the risk of getting more air into your digestive system when you try to breathe. If you're not feeling well, use a nose decongestant to soothe your symptoms and clear your airways. Usually, you don't have to burp as much if you can breathe more freely.
    • Applying nasal strips to the outside of your nose can also make it easier for you to breathe when your nose is blocked.
  6. Go to the dentist to have your dentures adjusted if they are loose and don't fit properly. If you have to move or adjust your dentures while eating and during the day, chances are you are swallowing extra air. Go to your dentist and see if he or she can adjust your dentures so that they don't move during normal activities.
    • If the problem is minor, your dentist may be able to adjust your dentures in his office. If your dentures really don't fit properly, you may need completely new dentures.
  7. Stop smoking. When you suck on a cigarette, you draw air into your lungs, but some of that air can also end up in your stomach and intestines. Smoking multiple cigarettes only enhances this effect.Smoking regularly can irritate your digestive system badly enough to make burping a regular problem.
    • Smoking electronic cigarettes can also release air into your digestive system.

Method 2 of 3: Adjust your diet

  1. Drink non-carbonated drinks. Opt for water, tea, coffee and even juices. Carbonated drinks like soda and beer contain gases that can collect in your digestive system and cause you to burp. If you do want to drink a carbonated drink, take it slowly and take small sips to dissolve the gases.
    • Also choose bottled water without injection to reduce the chance of burping.
  2. Adjust your diet by eating fewer foods that produce gas. Baked beans, lentils, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce, onions and chocolate can all cause gas to be produced during digestion. Fruits like apples, peaches and pears can also cause bloating and an irritated digestive system. Find out which foods are causing you problems and stop eating them one at a time.
    • Also, do not eat foods that contain a lot of air such as mousse, soufflé and whipped cream. The more air you swallow, the more air will eventually have to come out.
    • Some people say that eating gluten-free helps reduce burping.
  3. Eat 4-6 small meals throughout the day. Allow 3-4 hours between these meals to keep you energized. It is best if all meals contain protein like chicken to keep you feeling full for longer. This is an excellent way to avoid large meals, as it can cause bloating, upset stomach and belching.
    • A healthy small meal is, for example, scrambled eggs with toasted wheat bread.

Method 3 of 3: Preventing the symptoms of heartburn

  1. Do not lie down after you eat. The burning sensation that you feel after or during a meal coming out of your stomach and creeping into your throat is heartburn. If you eat too much at once and lie down after eating, you are more likely to get heartburn. Heartburn is often associated with burping as a sign of digestive upset.
  2. Take an over-the-counter antacid with simeticone. Dulcogas and Zantac Redugas are two examples of antacids. They help dissolve and break down the gas bubbles that have entered your digestive system. There are similar products for sale that target the gas produced by certain foods.
    • Many of these over-the-counter medications also help with flatulence.
  3. If your symptoms worsen, see your doctor. If you start experiencing severe stomach pain on a regular basis, this could indicate serious digestive problems. Watery, bloody stools can indicate the same thing. If you start to lose weight quickly, burping may be a sign that your body is not digesting food properly.
    • Heartburn can cause mild chest pain. However, the pain should never become very intense and radiate.
  4. Undergo an endoscopy to rule out GERD. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) causes inflammation in the wall of the gut, and you may have to burp for it very often. To make the diagnosis, your doctor can slide a small, flexible tube with a camera attached down your throat to examine your digestive system.
    • GERD can also cause heartburn and ulcers in the intestines.


  • Try to suppress the urge to yawn. Opening your mouth wide can allow you to swallow a lot of air.


  • Being overweight may put more pressure on your stomach and make you burp. Exercising and dieting may help you to lose weight so you don't have to burp as often.