Add users from the command line

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Linux Command Line Tutorial For Beginners 22 -  useradd command (Creating Users)
Video: Linux Command Line Tutorial For Beginners 22 - useradd command (Creating Users)


The time may come when you need to manage a user account through "Parental Controls" or disable an account without accessing the control panel. This experience can be a bit frustrating at times, so read on to find out how to get back into the Control Panel.

To step

  1. Go to "My Computer" and type "Control Panel" in the search field. Do not use quotation marks in the search field. If you do not have access to "My computer" or if it does not work, proceed to step 2.
  2. Go to the Start menu, and click on one of the Control Panel settings. This will open the Control Panel. If this does not work, or if you do not see these options in the Start menu, continue with step 3.
  3. Go to the Start menu, and click Run, or press Windows Logo + R key to open Run. Type "Control Panel" without the quotes. If for some reason this doesn't work or if you don't have access to Run, skip to step 4.
  4. Open the command window as an administrator. Start menu> Programs> Accessories> Right-click Command Prompt> Run as administrator. Type "control panel" without the quotes. If this does not work, leave the command window open and proceed to step 5.
  5. Type the net command at the command line. Type "net" for more information and learn the syntax. Some basic skills with the net command ...
    • To type a password, use the command "net user (username) *". Omit the quotation marks, and don't forget the asterisk (the asterisk).
    • To add a user, type "net user (username) / ADD". Omit the quotation marks.
    • To delete a user, type "net user (username) / DELETE". Omit the quotation marks.
    • Type "net accounts /?" For more info on the "net accounts" command. You can use this to force logout and set user account expiration times.
    • If you want to be able to do much more, type in all the listed net commands with a "/?" At the end. Search online for more information on how to use the command.

Method 1 of 1: Adding a user in Windows command mode

  1. net user [username [password | *] [options]] [/ domain]
  2. username password / add [options] [/ domain]
  3. username [/ delete] [/ domain]


  • You need an account with administrator rights to create another account with administrator rights.