Flirting (for teens)

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 24 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
Top 20 TEEN FLIRTING HACKS You Need to Try!
Video: Top 20 TEEN FLIRTING HACKS You Need to Try!


If you want your crush to become interested in you, flirting is very important! Of course you want to flirt with your crush in the right way. Flirting is somewhat of an art form, and based in large part on self-confidence and a willingness to start a conversation.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Flirting during a conversation

  1. Choose an opening sentence. If you want to flirt with someone, you should talk to them! Think about an opening line to make this approach easier.
    • However, the opening line should not be too old-fashioned or cliché, otherwise your flame may react giggly! If so, have a laugh! You could offer your flame gum or a Tic-Tac.
    • The best opening lines refer to natural common interests. For example, you can make a comment or ask a question about a homework assignment, or a movie that everyone is talking about. Say something like, "Hey, what did you think about that maths rehearsal? I found it quite difficult myself. "Or," Have you seen [a movie]? I'm trying to decide whether to go there. "The goal is to break the ice and start a conversation.
  2. Compliment the person. Flirting should be positive and make the other person feel better about themselves. You could say, "Hey, that's a nice T-shirt! Where did you buy that? "Or," How do you always manage to do tests so well? What is your secret! "
    • People will be happy to interact with you if you give them positive, but sincere, compliments. So pick something you really like about the person and let them know! Don't do this too much or in an exaggerated way, or it may sound overplayed.
    • A compliment can also work as an opening line. In essence, a compliment is also a helping hand to the other person, and it becomes more likely that the other person will open up more to you.
  3. Be talkative. Don't let the other person bear the burden of keeping the conversation going. Conversations can be very flirty if they go well.
    • Don't let the conversation sink into long silences, as they can be awkward and uncomfortable for you. Ask questions if you really don't remember. "How do you think [soccer team] is going to do tonight?" Or, "Did you hear that new song from [artist]?"
    • While talking, try to focus on common interests. Maybe you both like the same band or have the same circle of friends. Stay positive and don't gossip about other people! Ask a question about something the other person is interested in or involved in.
  4. Tease your crush. Do this in a friendly manner. Vile teasing that hurts someone's feelings won't bring them closer to you.
    • However, harmless teasing is ways to show your interest. You could say something like, "Did you try to get on the soccer team? You're so good I'm surprised you need a tryout! "
    • Be funny. Humor is attractive to most people, provided it is done in a way that is not mean and does not make fun of people being different. Be very careful about teasing or complimenting a teen about their size or appearance, because what you think the other person will like may not work. Teenagers can be very sensitive.

Part 2 of 3: Flirting with body language

  1. Be yourself. Although a cliché, this requirement is essential when flirting. Pretending isn't attractive.
    • Remember, if this flirting eventually results in a more steady relationship, the other person will realize that you are not the same person you pretended to be, trying to win over the other person.
    • If this person is not attracted to who you really are, then he / she is not worth your time and effort.
  2. Make eye contact. Body language is an important part of flirting and eye contact plays a big part in it. Eye contact communicates intimacy and interest.
    • You will appear disinterested or even snobbish if you don't make eye contact at all. Or you will appear extremely shy. Look at his or her lips and then look away.
    • Don't keep staring at the other person endlessly. That comes across as scary. Make eye contact occasionally. Look your crush in the eye, smile modestly and then look away again. Repeat this.
  3. Smile at your crush. Laughter is an important part of flirting. Smiling makes it clear that you have a positive feeling and are open to the other.
    • Don't smile too much or it may seem pretend like, as with eye contact. It's important to smile in natural moments.
    • People like to interact with people who appear happy and make them feel good about themselves and the world. Trust is contagious, and an important way to show off the project is to smile.
  4. Use open body language. According to experts, there is closed and open body language. To flirt you will have to communicate with open body language.
    • Open body language is characterized by things like visible palms, arms and legs that are not crossed, moving towards the other person (for example, by leaning forward slightly) and smiling.
    • Closed body language means turning feet away, hands pointing down, arms crossed over chest, not smiling, and turning away from body. In addition to communicating open body language to the other person, you can find out if he or she likes you or is open to flirting by studying his or her body language.
  5. Lightly touch your flame. This can feel awkward, that's right. But if you have talked to each other before and got along well so far, try making light physical contact with the other person by playfully poking or wiping an imaginary eyelash off their cheek.
    • Tap your flame on the elbow when you want to say something to him / her, or gently smooth a stray lock of hair.
    • See how the other reacts. If they walk away (and thus increase physical distance), fold their arms (create symbolic distance), find an excuse to text someone, etc., stop flirting (or stop being so intense). flirting - you may come across as too overwhelming).

Part 3 of 3: Flirt in other ways

  1. Flirt innocently. The best way to flirt is subtle. It means showing an interest in the other person without publicly expressing it. This is almost an art in itself.
    • That means overt activities like sexting are not good ideas. Not only can this be illegal and against the rules of the school. In addition, you are highly unlikely to get the type of attention you want.
    • A much better way to flirt is to simply talk to the other person who is genuinely interested in things that both of you find interesting. Prefer not to talk about sexual matters. Even if you are not young, it is not a good way to get along!
  2. Flirt with text messages or through social media. This does not mean that you will be sending obscene texts or sex messages. Don't do those things. They are not attractive and you can get in big trouble for them.
    • Flirting via text messages (or other social media) simply means that you indicate that you are interested and that you want to give positive feedback. For example, you can send a message about a homework assignment. Keep it casual. Always stay very positive on social media and post statuses that focus on activities you undertake. This makes the other want to be a part of your exciting life!
    • You can click any of their photos on Facebook, retweet one of their Tweets, or add them to your Snapchat.This is the online equivalent of going up to them and saying hi. You can use emojis to indicate your interest.
  3. Be a good listener. Let's face it, people love to talk about themselves. You will pique their interest by being a good listener and sometimes a support.
    • Ask questions when he or she talks to show that you are really listening and want to provide positive feedback.
    • Lean in slightly or touch their shoulder if they are going through a difficult time communicating warmth and care. Don't just talk about yourself!
  4. Wear red. Research has shown that people, especially boys, are naturally attracted to red, sometimes without even realizing it.
    • As a woman, you can wear lip gloss, which some people find attractive, or dangling earrings to emphasize a long neck. Spray some perfume or cologne on the back of your neck.
    • Avoid dark colors that seem dull and depressing. Wear vibrant and fun colors and soft pastels that exude romance (such as pink, light blue, etc.)
  5. Make the other person crave more. If your flirting session is really going well, you may not want it to stop (especially if you like the other person), but this risks making the flirting session boring.
    • Avoid the friend zone. Becoming friends with someone sometimes puts you at risk of looking too much like, well, a regular friend, and nothing is more exciting than being considered a BFF by your crush.
    • Also, try not to be overly available, making you try too hard (and giving time, energy, attention), or trying too hard. If you and your crush usually bump into each other at the same time every day, such as at the lockers or waiting in line for lunch, don't be there every time so the other person has a chance to miss you .


  • Don't put pressure on it, or it might scare the other off.
  • Don't overwhelm the other.
  • Make sure you have good posture and come across as strong and protective.
  • Look for common interests and possibly base the conversation on the other person!
  • Don't forget to breathe.
  • Keep in touch with him / her.
  • Be patient. Let destiny do its magical work.
  • Wear natural makeup and don't be afraid to be yourself!


  • Don't try to appear desperate and more importantly, don't be desperate. If they don't respond positively, that's their problem.