Making any guy fall in love with you

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 25 January 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
How Men Fall in Love: 5 Steps to Make Him Love You
Video: How Men Fall in Love: 5 Steps to Make Him Love You


Let's face it - there's no way you can be guaranteed to make every guy in the world fall in love with you. However, there are a few things you can do so that almost every boy wants to get to know you better and falls head over heels in love with you. Would you like to hook that guy you have a crush on, or do you just want to have the qualities with which you can make every boy's head go crazy? If you want any guy to fall in love with you, just follow these steps.

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Part 1 of 4: Be the best version of yourself

  1. Love the way you look. If you want a guy to fall in love with you, he has to start loving the complete version of you, both inwardly and outwardly, but looks are a good place to start. If you think you look good and are proud of your appearance, he will be able to see it and he will like you too. If you're not happy with the way you look, you may need to learn to love yourself before trying to pick up a boy.
    • Wear clothes that make you feel beautiful and that are comfortable. If you don't feel comfortable or self-conscious in tight clothes, you will radiate it.
    • Take care of yourself. By exercising, eating a healthy diet, taking care of your hair and nails and taking the time to apply a nice body lotion, you will attract a man more quickly, and you will also feel better.
  2. Be a positive force. Any boy is more likely to fall for someone who loves what she does and is positive about the things in her life. If you show that you're happy with your hobbies, schoolwork, or career, he'll be happy to get to know you better.
    • When you are in school, don't complain about the classes or the teachers. Rather focus on the things that you do like and that make you happy.
    • Enjoy your extracurricular activities and hobbies. Don't complain about your tennis lessons; Rather tell me how much you are looking forward to the upcoming competition. Who wants to be with someone who complains about things she does of her own free will?
    • Stay positive. When talking about what you're going to do this weekend or what you've done today, say five positive things for every negative thing you've said. You can complain sometimes, but if you do it too often it can be a turnoff.
  3. Be happy with who you are. It can be impossible to make someone fall in love with you if you don't love yourself. If you want a guy to fall in love with you, you must first be happy with who you are and be proud of the person you become. To learn to love yourself, try the following techniques:
    • Know your strengths. Think about the five most important things that make you special - write them down if you need to. Then use them to your advantage. Take advantage of your strengths by showing them as much as possible. For example, if you know you have a great sense of humor, show it when you're with that guy.
    • Deal with your weak points. Loving yourself doesn't mean you don't have flaws. In fact, you will love yourself even more if you work on at least three qualities that you are aware of that need improvement.
  4. Develop self-confidence. If you work on loving the way you look, what you do, and who you are, your confidence will improve by leaps and bounds. If you're happy with yourself, the guy in question is more likely to be too. To show your confidence, you need to speak clearly, stand up for yourself, and feel comfortable enough to be able to laugh at yourself every now and then.
    • Remember there is a difference between confidence and arrogance. Bragging about how great you are can be a turnoff.

Part 2 of 4: Getting his attention

  1. Be nice. If you want a guy to fall in love with you, you have to look like someone who's fun to be around. When he sees you, you need to have a big smile on your face, do something funny, and giggle or laugh with a group of friends. When you're a nice person, you attract others, and then a lot of people want to hang out with you because then they know they're going to have a good time.
    • Be adventurous. Nice people don't mind stepping out of their comfort zone every now and then. Are you afraid to ride a unicycle, learn the foxtrot or go hiking in the mountains? Well, turn that fear into positive energy and you get a lot more out of life.
    • Don't be afraid to be weird or crazy. You really don't have to be a model to make guys fall in love with you. Show that you don't take yourself too seriously by wearing silly T-shirts, dressing up for a theme party, or making silly jokes.
    • Make it look like you're having fun. Be the person everyone wants to be around at a party to be entertained, someone who gestures a lot and reacts very enthusiastically when an old friend comes in. If you look like the cutest person in the whole room, you're sure to get the guys' attention.
  2. Use your body. Your body language can be essential if you want to get a guy's attention. Your body can pique its interest before you've even spoken a word, so it's important to get it right and not send it wrong signals. Here's how to get a boy's attention with some subtle gestures:
    • Don't be afraid to make eye contact. Look him in the eye, let him know you see him, then smile and look the other way. Don't stare - make eye contact just long enough to get his attention. You can also raise your eyebrows for a moment to get his attention.
    • Don't fold your arms. Let them hang by your body or make gestures with them. Then you look open and approachable.
    • Make yourself big. A good attitude shows that you have confidence and that you are happy with who you are.
    • Tilt your head. Tilting your head shows that you are interested in a conversation, and it shows him that you are engaged and a good listener.
  3. Be cute. Don't be afraid to blush. Blushing is caused by blood going to the cheeks, causing them to turn pink or red. This is attractive because it mimics the body's response during sex, and it appears to be an evolutionary adaptation to attract the opposite sex. You can try to create this effect by wearing a little pink blush and red lipstick. Don't overdo it with makeup or it will get flashy.
  4. Flirt with him. If you want a guy to fall in love with you, you have to show him you're interested in him by flirting a little. Don't be too pushy, just tease him a bit and be playful when you talk to him.
    • Be a little bit joking. When he says something witty or funny, don't just smile - bounce back an equally funny and cute answer. Then you can laugh to show how much you enjoy the conversation.
    • Tease him. If you and the boy are comfortable enough with each other, you can tease him a bit about one of his hobbies - like his obsession with his dog or guitar - or even poke fun at something he's wearing while you also clearly shows that you think he looks good.
    • If you really want to flirt, touch him lightly on the shoulder every now and then to get a little closer to him. Many guys like to be touched gently.
  5. Show him what makes you special. When a guy falls in love with you, he has to feel that you are very special in some way. Otherwise, he might as well fall in love with someone else. Let him know what makes you a unique person worth loving.
    • Be yourself. Show him who you really are, even if you think you're a bit of a geek, a bit shy or afraid to expose yourself to a guy. He can't fall in love with you if he doesn't really know you.
    • Open up. Let him know a little more about your dreams or your fears. Only do this if you already know him a little better. If you really want to become a pastry chef or a vet, tell him.
    • Talk about your hobbies. Let him know what you want to wake up for in the middle of the night - whether that's learning French, volunteering at the shelter, or just chatting with your best friends.

Part 3 of 4: Keeping him interested

  1. Also date other guys if you're not already in a relationship. One way to keep a guy interested is to show that other guys find you attractive too. That doesn't mean you should flirt with others in front of him or make him jealous, but stick with other guys if he hasn't hooked you up yet.
    • If he complains about you dating other guys, let him know that you'd like to date him only if he wants a relationship with you. But don't stop dating other guys if he's still dating other girls.
  2. Show interest in him. If you want him to stay in love with you, you can't expect him to adore you alone. You should also show that you appreciate him as a person. In the end you want to be in love too? Here's how to show that you really care:
    • Ask him questions about his personal life when you get to know each other. Talk to him about his childhood, his family, and his background.
    • Show interest in his work or study. If he's into chemistry or history, talk about those subjects instead of tearing them down.
    • Ask for his opinion. Ask him how he thinks about a variety of topics, from your latest outfit to world affairs. Show that you value his opinion.
    • Understand his moods. Learn to give him extra support when he's having an off day.
  3. Compliment him. You don't have to overwhelm him with compliments to let him know he's special to you, but give him a sincere compliment every now and then. You can do this in person, by texting or by leaving a note on his table. Then you show how much you like him.
    • Compliment him on something he is good at. For example, you can say, "That dinner was delicious! You really are a great cook!" Or: "I enjoyed it so much last night. You really are a very good musician!"
    • Only compliment when you really mean it. Don't just give him a false compliment to make him like you even more.
  4. Be fascinating. If you want him to stay interested, not only let him know how unique he is to you, but also make sure he enjoys talking to you on just about any topic. If he's only physically attracted to you or just finds you a nice girl but nothing more, he won't be in love with you forever.
    • Play games together. The mental challenge and competition of games like Scrabble or chess can make him interested in you even more.
    • Be aware of current events. A lot of guys like politics and read the newspaper, so do this so you can talk to him about it.
    • Read more in general. Reading broadens your mind and gives you more to talk about.
    • Never be bored. Only boring people get bored. Be enthusiastic about your life and the world around you and he'll want to spend more time with you.

Part 4 of 4: Staying in love

  1. Stay independent. You may think that the boy only stays in love with you when he sees you every second of the day, but the opposite is true. He's much more likely to stay in love with you if he sees that you have your own life, that you have friends of your own, and that you don't mind spending time alone.
    • Don't try to have the exact same schedule as the boy. Keep your own sports, friends and hobbies. If you drop everything to be with him, it seems like you don't care about your own goals.
    • You don't have to have the same friends either. Have your own "boyfriend time" and let him have his "boyfriend time" - your relationship will be healthier if you don't spend all of your free time together.
    • Stay busy. He'll want more from you if he knows he can't always see you whenever he wants.
  2. Keep it fresh. If you want him to stay interested, shake things up a bit from time to time. Don't do the same thing every day, because then he'll get tired of the grind. Make the relationship feel new and exciting no matter how long you are together.
    • Start a new hobby together. Whether you are learning to make the best cupcakes in the world or becoming an excellent golfer, choose a new hobby to do together. Doing something new together every month will keep the relationship fresh.
    • Discover new places together. Don't go to the same restaurant every Friday night. Always look for new places to eat and keep it interesting.
    • Step out of your comfort zone together. You need to do things that make both of you a little nervous - whether it's learning to surf, or overcoming your fear of spiders.
    • Find new ways to let your boyfriend know how much you love him. Don't just say "I love you," be creative when you say how you feel about him.
  3. Know when to end it. Whether you are just not in love anymore, or have never really fallen in love, there is no point in forcing something that is not there. That only makes you feel unhappy. It's better to quit when you know it's not going to work, rather than letting the relationship die a slow, painful death.
    • Be honest. If you think the relationship is really not going to work, sit down and talk about breaking up.
    • Don't get discouraged. Most people fall in love more than once in their lives, and you still have a lifetime ahead of you to fall in love with guys - and later on men.


  • Be happy. Don't stress if he doesn't tell you right away the first month. It's even better if he doesn't. It means that he really means it.
  • Make sure the boy knows you are interested in him by sending clear signals.


  • Don't completely change yourself to make someone fall in love with you. You will lose your sense of identity if your plan doesn't work.