Making the boy or girl you're in love with likes you

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Madeon - Pop Culture (live mashup)
Video: Madeon - Pop Culture (live mashup)


Have you ever met a boy who is the most perfect boy you have ever seen? Do you long to let him know how much you like him, but don't know how to make him like you too? Do you want to know how to make the guy you love fall in love with you? Read on below for advice on how to win the heart of the boy of your dreams.

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Part 1 of 3: Preparing for success

  1. Show yourself from your best side. If you want someone to fall in love with you, it is important that you are someone people want to fall in love with. If you are a beautiful person, you will notice that people fall in love with you.
    • Take good care of your body. Eat healthy, exercise, keep yourself clean, and wear clean clothes that are not full of holes and stains.
    • Do something with your life. Do not watch television all the time, and do not sit at your computer all the time! Make sure your life has a direction and purpose. Make sure the things you do are really things you've always wanted to do. You become attractive to others when you do things with passion, and the boy you are in love with will certainly notice.
    • Be a good person. That may sound sluggish, but it is true. If you want others to treat you with care, respect, and love, then you better behave like that yourself. People are drawn to people who are happy, who give a lot of themselves, and who are genuinely nice to others.
  2. Make sure he is your true love. Because of course you don't want to do your best to make someone fall in love with you who turns out not to be nice at all! It is important that he is ready for a relationship and that he is right for you. If not, then you're wasting your own time and his, and one of you is guaranteed to get hurt.
  3. Get to know him. If you want someone to like you, it is important that you get to know the other person well. This means that you don't just know the most obvious things about someone, such as where they work or when their birthday is. It means that you really get to know him and like him just the way he is. If you like him the way he is, it will mean a lot to him.
    • Talk about topics that show him your beliefs and values, such as politics or religion. This is a good way to get to know someone. Also try to get to know his desires and dreams.

Part 2 of 3: Developing deeper feelings for each other

  1. Find out what his hobbies are and what his passion is. Learn about and appreciate the things he likes. Don't pretend because he will notice. Try to see and experience it through his eyes. This will help you bond together and discover things that you both enjoy.
    • Ask him to show you his favorite sport. You can also delve into his favorite bands.
  2. Support him when he is struggling. He is much more likely to like you if you show him that he can count on you emotionally and that you believe in him, even when others don't.
    • Help him solve his problems, whether that means helping him with classes he's struggling with or offering him a place with you so that he has somewhere to go when his parents are in a divorce .
  3. Help him to be who he wants to be. We want to be with someone who gets the best of ourselves out of us. We feel better about ourselves, and it reassures us that if we just try, we can be good people. Help the boy you love to be the best possible person by encouraging him to do the things he likes to do and by giving him the space to do those things.
    • Remember: Help him go through the changes in his life he wants to go through. Don't try to belittle him, or change him in a way that you think is right, or to push him with help and advice he doesn't want.
  4. Show him what a beautiful person you are. Share your passion with the guy you're in love with, and show him what you've already achieved. He should notice how happy and fulfilled you are because you are doing the things that you enjoy and that make you unique. He will be attracted to you because you are motivated to make something beautiful out of your life.
    • On the other hand, it is okay not to be perfect. It's okay if he sees you struggling with things sometimes. Allow him to help you if he offers it. Together you can support each other to become better, stronger people.
  5. Give him space. Respect that he is the way he is, and give him the space to be himself. Don't be possessive, and try not to take up all of his time. If he finds that he can feel free with you and that you support him, he will be more likely to like you.
  6. Build a relationship of trust with each other. Don't constantly question the things he says and does: trust him and show him you trust him. Show him that you are that safe haven he can rely on, and where he doesn't have to worry about getting hurt.
    • If he tells a secret, keep it a secret. If you find out something about him that makes him feel ashamed, don't bring it up.
    • Share your secrets with him, and show him sides of yourself that you don't show to anyone else. Be vulnerable when you are with him and let him comfort you. Don't get stressed if he spends time with other girls. It will mean a lot to him if he knows you trust him.

Part 3 of 3: More advice

  1. Getting a girlfriend. If you want to get the prettiest and cutest girl out there, then you better make sure you have certain skills and know a few tricks. Still, getting a girlfriend isn't always as difficult as it seems. Have faith, and you'll find she's yours in no time!
  2. Ask her out. It's pretty scary, asking the whole idea of ​​that amazing girl out. What if she says no? That would be awful. But if you have the right advice, it is not at all as difficult as you think.
  3. Get a boyfriend. Getting a boyfriend can be tricky. Girls simply expect boys to take the initiative and that is why they often wait. But getting a boyfriend can be tricky. But what prevents you from looking for your knight in shining armor when you find yourself in need of company?
  4. Find your other half. Do you feel like you keep picking out the wrong thing? If you are in love with someone, but have the experience that you keep picking the wrong person to fall in love with, then it is advisable to spend enough time finding someone who is really right for you.
  5. Learn how to flirt. This makes it much easier to get the person you are in love with. If you are good at flirting then you are simply very hard to resist!


  • Smile regularly, as this shows that you are fun to be with, and smiling will make your whole face glow, making the boy even more liking you.
  • (Tip from a boy) Don't worry about your looks. If he really likes you, he doesn't care if he sees you without makeup.
  • Always consider his feelings.
  • If you plan to talk to him, brush your teeth first so you don't run the risk of him finding your breath smelly and avoiding you!
  • Before you actually start talking to him, try to talk about the little ones.
  • Don't put on rouge unless you really need it. If you put on eyeliner, even a little, guys will see that you look different.
  • Wear clothes that accentuate your curves so that your clothes flatter your figure.
  • Make him feel good by complimenting him or by acting very relaxed. He will also be more relaxed, and it will be easier to talk to him.
  • (Tip from a girl) If you take a quick look at him, or wait for him after class, it certainly makes a good impression. But, if you wait for him, do it unnoticed. Make it look like you're waiting for a friend.
  • If you have an account on social media such as Facebook or Instagram, add it! Once he's your friend, you can chat with him or send him messages. Start by asking about things at school, a project, a field trip, etc. Then move on to in-depth topics such as his interests, jokes, all kinds of topics, and maybe even a light discussion - which band is best? Who was the best prime minister? (Stay friendly and collected!)


  • Never make fun of him in front of his friends.
  • Be nice to his friends or he won't like you anymore.
  • Don't stalk him or he'll think you're weird, and while it's a compliment in a way when someone stalks you, most guys just think it's weird!
  • Don't forget to let him know how you feel about him in a light-hearted way, but don't just throw it out. Make sure he notices but don't say it very specifically.
  • If you think he doesn't like you, be strong and pretend you don't care. Know that all boys are different. If you're jealous, he won't like you and forget you, or he'll blow your mind because he doesn't like you being jealous.
  • Don't be a control freak. While it's okay to know what's going on in your life with the people around you, it's unbearable for him if you don't give him space.
  • Don't hesitate to take the first few steps.
  • Never ask if he likes you or you'll both feel uncomfortable afterward. You could say, "Well, I'm just beautiful and sweet, right?" and if he says yes….
  • Don't stare at him in class or at work. It will put him off and probably won't talk to you for the rest of the week.
  • Don't let him think you're his best friend or he won't have a romantic interest in you.