Find out if he likes you

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
8 Signs A Guy Secretly Likes You
Video: 8 Signs A Guy Secretly Likes You


Your eye has fallen on that one cute guy - it could be someone you just met or an old friend who suddenly starts itching. Whoever he is, you definitely want to find out if he thinks you're just buddies or if he expects something different from you. If you want to know if a guy likes you, pay attention to what he says and does when you hang out. If you want to know what's really going on inside him, you can follow these directions.

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Method 1 of 3: About your conversations

  1. Watch how he talks to you. How he talks to you can reveal a lot about his true feelings for you. Next time you're together, pay attention to his tone and how much attention he pays for you when you speak. Find out if he likes you by watching your conversations go:
    • Watch for eye contact. Do you get all of his attention, or does he look around to see if there is something better to do? Is eye contact broken occasionally but with a smile because he feels shy around you?
    • See if he gives you his full attention when you are talking. Does he check his phone or stop to talk to others? If so, he may not be that concerned with you. But if he talks to you as if you were alone on Earth, he might be in love with you.
    • See if he tries to impress you. Does he say things in which he seems tough, witty or adventurous? Then he probably wants to stand out with you.
    • See if he speaks lower when he's with you. He might want you to lean over so you're closer to him.
  2. Keep an eye on what he's talking about. If the guy sees you as a regular girlfriend, he'll talk about different things than if he tries to impress you and wants to be more than just friends. Pay attention not only to HOW he talks to you, but also what topics he chooses.
    • See if he tells personal things. If he confides in you about hassle with his friends or family, he values ​​your opinion and cares about you. But if he confides in you about a girl he loves, you're in trouble.
    • See if he's talking about childhood. That's pretty personal for most guys, and when he tells you about it, he's definitely gaining your trust.
    • See if he compliments you. If he says you look nice, or subtly shows that you are interesting or witty, it could be that he is falling in love with you.
    • See if he tries to watch his manners when he's with you.If you see him burping, swearing, or generally being a little ill-mannered among his friends, but he's not swearing around you and he's being nice and polite, he's definitely trying to impress you.
  3. Watch him talk about other girls. When he talks to you about other girls, it's one of two things: either he likes you and wants to make you jealous, or he just wants to be friends with you and needs your good advice. Here's how to find out what it means when he tells you about other girls:
    • If he's always complaining about the girls he hooks up with, or says "none of them is what I'm really looking for," that could be a hint that you are.
    • If he asks you for romantic advice from anyone he's dating, he probably just sees you as a girlfriend. If he says that your advice is always that good, he probably doesn't want to do anything further with you.
    • If he's always talking about his latest conquests but doesn't ask for your advice, he may be bragging about impressing you. But be careful: you don't want to end up as just another phone number on his list.
    • If ever he compares another girl to you and it's to your advantage, for example, "she's cool but not nearly as nice as you" he means that he actually prefers to go out with you.

Method 2 of 3: About his behavior

  1. Watch his body language. His body language can play a big part in determining if he wants more with you, or if he only sees you as a buddy. If he puts his arm around you, you should know it's because he likes you, and not because he's just playing around. Below are some characteristics to determine if he wants more than being friends with you:
    • Notice how he sits next to you. Is he always trying to get closer until your knees touch, or is he a long way away?
    • Try to find out if he is secretly looking at you. If you catch his gaze and he blushes or immediately looks the other way, he knows he's been caught!
    • See if he's always looking for a reason to touch you. Does he come to you when you're playing a friendly game of volleyball or soccer, and would he like you to join in when there's going to be some romping in the pool?
    • See if he turns your way when you speak. Is he turned towards you with his arms at his sides or gesturing? Then he definitely wants to give you all his attention.
    • Watch him touch other girls. Does he always put his arm around a girl, or only on you?
    • See if he gives you a friendly pat, even if it's a joke. This is a very intimate gesture, and it could mean that he really cares about you.
  2. Watch what he does for you. Maybe he's just a really good friend, but maybe all those actions mean something more. Be aware of the things he is doing for you and try to think about what it means. That's how you do that:
    • See if he's very thoughtful. Does he bring you coffee when you concentrate on your studies, or does he buy tickets to a movie you said you'd like to see? If so, he is probably hanging on your every word and just wanting to make you happy.
    • See if he's kind to everyone. Is he just a nice guy and does he like to give people a ride or treat them to lunch, or does he do that just for you? Remember, if he likes you, he treats you different than all the others.
    • If he helps you with your chores, like doing laundry, he will definitely want to be your boyfriend.
    • If he offers to help you with your car, it's not only nice - he wants you to be impressed by his manhood!
  3. Pay attention to how he behaves around other girls. You need to know how he talks to other girls to see if he treats them the way you do or if he thinks you are something special to him. You don't have to stare or stalk him to get a sense of how he interacts with others and find out what your chances are.
    • You can also look for the opposite. Is he flirting with all the girls except you? Then maybe he doesn't flirt with you because you're the only one he really likes. Maybe he has too much respect for you to tease you or flirt with you like he does everyone else.
    • Does he get embarrassed or shy when he hangs out with a new girlfriend when you see it? If so, he may not want you to see that happen because he would actually rather be with you.
    • See if the other girls he hangs with know who you are. If he's hanging out with another girl and she looks at you like, "I know who you are," she might be jealous of you because you're important to him.
  4. Notice if he is always trying to be around you. If he likes you, he wants to be around you as much as possible. He can do this very inconspicuously, or a little less inconspicuously. Here are a few signs that he wants to be around you because he sees you as more than just another girlfriend:
    • If he pretends that you are the only one in the room, when in reality you are with a large group. If you're at a party, at a concert, or at a pub, and you find out that you ended up talking to him alone for most of the evening, he definitely wants more with you.
    • Notice if he sometimes "happens" to your favorite cafe or club. If he always is in your area, he might be a stalker, but if he's just around every now and then, he might be hoping to run into you there.
  5. Study your encounters. Keeping an eye on how and how often you interact with each other, and where and when you do, can reveal a lot about whether he just sees you as a friend or if he actually prefers to see all of your encounters as dates. Here are a few things to keep in mind:
    • Pay attention to where you meet. Do you mainly see him in romantic places like gardens, the better cafes, or places where you see other couples on their dates? Maybe he wants the same with you.
    • Pay attention to who is around when you see each other. If it's always the two of you, he might just have a crush on you. But if he always asks his ten best friends along, he probably sees you as one of many.
    • Pay attention when you see each other. If you only see him once a month, he probably isn't really trying to spend more time with you. But if it doesn't seem like a day has passed or you saw him lately, he probably really likes you.
    • Pay attention to what you do when you see each other. Drinking coffee or lunch together is more for just friends, but going out for dinner or going to the movies in the evening are more-than-friends activities.
  6. See if he flirts with you. This may seem like a no-brainer, but sometimes it is more difficult than you think. Every guy has his own way of flirting and he can flirt in many different ways to show that he likes you. Here are a few examples of flirting:
    • If he's always trying to make you laugh when you're together in class and drawing in your notebook, then he's definitely flirting with you
    • If he uses a lot of emoticons in his text messages to you, he is flirting with you.
    • If he's always playing around with you or giving you friendly nudges, he's flirting with you
    • If he likes to push you underwater in the pool, he is definitely flirting.
    • If he's always trying to make you laugh or giggle, he's definitely flirting. If he blushes when you both smile, he's definitely on the flirty row.

Method 3 of 3: Ask someone's opinion

  1. Ask your friends what they think. If you have some good friends who are always around you, you might want to ask them if they think he likes you. You may be so blinded by love that you can't see it properly, but one of your friends may be able to judge it better.
    • Ask a friend you trust and who already knows about it. If she's seen you together a lot, she probably has an idea.
    • Ask a friend to observe and report on you the next time you get together. Just make sure she doesn't do that too conspicuously.
    • Pick a friend whose opinion and judgment you appreciate. Choose someone with good social insight to get a valuable answer.
    • Tell your friends to be honest. If they really don't think he's falling for you, or even are sure he likes someone else, you should be able to take advantage of that.
  2. If you dare you can ask his friends. This is a dangerous action. There aren't many guys who don't honor the Friendship Code and run straight to your crush to convey your question to him. But if you don't know anyone else or if you really trust one of his friends, you can casually ask how he feels about you.
    • While this step is a bit daring, his friends may be able to judge it better than your friends, after all, they have the information firsthand.
    • Asking his friend if he likes you can also be a smart way to let him know what you're feeling. If you ask the wrong person because you don't dare to do it yourself, it may be that it will be passed directly to him.
  3. Ask himself. If you're pretty sure he likes you and you're tired of waiting and looking for the signs, it might be time you just tell him what you're feeling and ask if he has too. Who knows, he might just be shy and relieved that you took the initiative. Here's how to ask him if he likes you:
    • Find a moment when you can be alone with him. Make sure you don't ask him if his friends are listening.
    • Be honest and forthright. Just say you have a crush on him and you want to know if he shares your feelings. And before he answers you can let him know that it is okay if he does not.
    • You should only do this if you are fairly certain that he likes you. If you've seen many signs that he likes you, take courage and ask him. If you've never gotten that kind of signal before, you probably better wait and see what happens.


  • Smile at him and be nice.
  • Try to make him laugh. Boys like that.
  • Always being jovial and standing up for him. Then he knows you care.
  • Tease him a little, but give him a friendly laugh.
  • Don't give up too easily. Men like a challenge.
  • Play with him. Boys love that. Giving tease!
  • Go not get on his nerves or seriously glands; he might hate you.
  • Don't talk about private things if he can't stand it.
  • Don't try to force things. That usually doesn't work. Sometimes jealousy works.