Find out if a girl is flirting with you

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 8 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Tell If A Girl Is Flirting With You
Video: How To Tell If A Girl Is Flirting With You


Ever wondered if a girl was flirting with you or if she was just being nice to you? Do you misunderstand that smile of hers, or does she really like you? While girls often make an effort to hide the fact that they like you, there are some signs that can reveal her true feelings. This article will teach you some common flirtation signals from girls between the ages of 10 and 18 (women over 18 usually flirt in other ways). Keep in mind that not all girls are the same, and these tips are bad a few are ways she can use to flirt with you. Think of these signs as clues as to whether or not she likes you, rather than a definitive yes or no.

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Part 1 of 3: She's definitely flirting with you

  1. Pay attention to how often she looks at you. Do you catch her looking at you from across the room? When you are in a group, does she keep looking at you to gauge your reaction? If she quickly looks away as soon as she realizes you get it, and then looks at you again, she's probably interested in you.
    • Smiling, making eye contact, or raising her eyebrows are all flirty things she can do at the time.
  2. Think about how often she teases you. If she's really mean it's not flirting, but if she's a little teasing and smiles or laughs while making fun of you, she might be flirting with you.
    • Tease her back if you want to flirt with her, but make sure it stays above the belt - don't say anything that could be really painful.
  3. Pay attention to how often she touches you. Does she touch your arm while telling you something, or when she really likes something? Does she take your hand in hers? Does she rub your back while smiling at you?
    • Does she sometimes suddenly get behind you and tickle you in places she knows you can't stand? This is a playful way to make you laugh, touch you, and flirt with you.
  4. Think about whether she sends you funny messages, or if she only sends you messages about practical matters. If she sends you a message about something funny that happened to her in class, a crazy photo, or some random question (like, `` If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be? ''), That means, that she thinks of you. She is trying to initiate a conversation with you because she is interested in you. EXPERT TIP

    Find out if she often starts the conversation. If a girl starts a conversation with you, that's one important signal that she likes you. Girls often wait for a boy to come to them, so if she comes to you, it will probably be fine.

  5. Think about when and how often she's trying to reach you. Is she always looking for contact with you via the internet? Does she send you text messages or monkeys saying "good morning" or "good night"? Those are clear signs that she is thinking of you.
  6. Pay attention to the emoticons she uses. Are her monkeys full of smileys, blushing faces or winks? If she sends you heart-eye emoticons, you can be pretty sure she likes you.
    • Don't overdo it yourself with the emoticons. Use them thoughtfully and don't abbreviate too many words, as that will come across as childish.

Part 2 of 3: She might be flirting with you

  1. Notice if she smiles when you tell a story. If she's constantly smiling or smiling at you (even if your story isn't all that funny), she'll like you - as a friend, or more.
    • If a girl really likes you, you are almost perfect in her eyes. She is the first to laugh at your jokes, no matter how silly or stupid they are.
    • This could be her subtle way of complimenting you - she wants you to know that she thinks you're funny and that it's fun to be around you.
  2. Pay attention to pet names. This is a way to remind you of a joke or a moment you went through together (she might call you "grape juice" because you threw a whole bottle all over your pants once), and to strengthen your bond. It can also be another way of teasing you a bit.
    • If everyone always calls you "Bear", and she does, it doesn't mean anything. But if she comes up with a pet name that only she uses, she's flirting with you.
  3. Don't worry if she ends the conversation, or doesn't respond right away when you text her. This can be a flirting tactic to make you want more from her. She may not want to appear desperate by always responding to you right away. If she texted you to go elsewhere, it could be her way of showing that there are other people out there who want her attention as well.
  4. Keep an eye out for her updates on the Internet about playing games. Games can be a fun way to get closer together. The following things can mean a flirty interest in you:
    • Is she boasting that she's going to beat your score in a game on the internet? She's likely teasing you and trying to trick you into a flirty competition.
    • Is she telling you she lost in a game on the Internet? She might want you to feel sorry for her and ask you (in a funny way) if she's okay.
    • Does she invite you to join a game on the Internet? That could be one way for her to spend more time with you on neutral territory.
  5. Think if she's making up silly excuses to talk to you. You may have to chuckle when you recognize it, but it can actually make you feel flattered. If she's really tough, she'll just walk up to you and start a chat with you just like that. Here are some examples of excuses that girls (and boys) often use:
    • Hey, I forgot my diary, do you remember what the homework was? She may have really forgotten her diary, but even then she has chosen you to request the homework.
    • Can you help me with this problem? I really have no idea how to do this. This is especially noticeable when she is actually very good at school. Then why would she need help with her homework?
    • Can you carry my backpack for a moment? He is really tough today! Girls are usually very good at planning. Why would she bring too much stuff to school if she can't carry it herself?
  6. Watch out for fidgeting. When she's with you, is she going to put on her clothes, turn her ring, touch her mouth, or twist a strand of hair? If she does that while making eye contact with you, or if she quickly looks down afterward, it means she's nervous - in a good way.
    • Sometimes when a girl flirts, she touches her lips, or wets them with her tongue, or fiddles with her necklace or the collar of her shirt in a somewhat suggestive way to turn you on.
  7. Look at the position of her feet. If she is sitting next to you, or standing next to you and talking to you, take a look at her feet. If they point directly to you, it means you have her attention and she is interested in you. Don't worry if her feet point the other way.
    • If she leans towards you while you talk, it also means she's interested. This is an especially good sign if you're in a group - she picks you out.
    • If she tilts her head slightly, it also means you have her attention or she's interested in you.
    • While it means she's flirting with you when her feet are facing you, it doesn't necessarily mean she doesn't like you when her feet are facing away from you.
  8. Watch how she talks. If her voice gets higher or lower when she's with you, it could mean she likes you. People often change the tone of their voice when they are with someone they are attracted to.

Part 3 of 3: She's not flirting with you

  1. Notice if she's always looking for a way out. Does she flinch when you talk to her? Does she look around all the time? Maybe she's looking for a way to get away.
  2. See if she's always trying to put up a barrier between you. Sit or stand next to her if she has a bag and see what she does with it. If she's holding her bag tightly, if she's using it to shield herself, or if she's putting it between you, it's a sign that she's not interested in you and she doesn't want to flirt with you.
  3. Pay attention to her reaction when you tell a story or joke. If she's unresponsive and rarely laughs at your jokes, that's not a good sign. Maybe she's just having an off day, but if she always rolls her eyes when you say something, if she doesn't care about the conversation, or if she's downright mean, this isn't the girl for you.
    • What kind of tone does she talk to you in? Does she always sound rushed or bored?
  4. Think if she treats you the same as everyone else. Is she just a nice person? Most of the time, you can find a girl flirting with you because she treats you differently from others. So a girl who is always friendly might get shy around someone she likes. Another girl might pay more attention to the one she likes. But if she treats you the same way as any other friend, she's unlikely to actually flirt with you.
  5. Take a step back if she starts talking about guys she has a crush on. If she tells you a story about just any other guy, or about someone who has a crush on her, that doesn't necessarily mean anything. She might even be just trying to make you a little jealous. But if she asks you for advice on how to go about it with someone she has a crush on, or if she says she wants to date someone, she doesn't see you as a potential candidate.